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PCD Challenges at National level: the Brazilian experience Romulo Paes de Sousa, Director of the RIO+ Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "PCD Challenges at National level: the Brazilian experience Romulo Paes de Sousa, Director of the RIO+ Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCD Challenges at National level: the Brazilian experience Romulo Paes de Sousa, Director of the RIO+ Centre

2 Brazilian policy implementation context Large country with major sub-national differences, making it necessary to adapt policy implementation to local realities. Highly decentralized government system in which local governments, particularly in poor localities, face challenges in terms of management capacity and governance. High popular expectations and substantial political pressure on government to meet these expectations within short time frames. Bloom, Paes-Sousa and cols (2014)

3 Brazilian policy implementation context Rapid implementation of policy reforms and wide variation in the quality of services provided. Rising levels of government expenditure on social policies and pressure for further increases. Policies, and their implementation, need to adapt constantly to rapid and interconnected changes. Heavy reliance on testing new approaches locally and diffusing lessons from successful experiments to other contexts as a way to scale up local programmes to the national scale. Bloom, Paes-Sousa and cols (2014)

4 Building public policy cohesion in Brazil Assets Inclusive economic model. More than 32 millions have recently ascended to upper social strata Advances on social protection and environmental policies, such as Bolsa Familia Program, controlling deforestation, and using clean energy sources Sharing responsibilities on policy implementation among federal, provincial and municipal governments Strong tradition on social participation. Robust administrative structures across the three governmental levels.

5 Building public policy cohesion in Brazil Obstacles Federative model. The municipalities are in the same level as the provincial governments, producing tensions among the three levels Complex political coalition. 26 parties have representation in the congress. 10 parties have representatives in the ministerial level. The political spectrum varies from the right wing parties to the PC Fragmented federal structures: 24 ministries plus 15 organizations with ministerial status, producing juxtaposing competencies and competition

6 How to move and to speed the engine: the example of the Eradication of the Extreme Poverty Plan Objectives - to raise the per capita household income of the target population; - to expand access to public goods and services; and - to provide access to job and income opportunities through productive inclusion initiatives. Paes-Sousa (2014)

7 How to move and to speed the engine: the example of the Eradication of the Extreme Poverty Plan Clear definition of agenda, targets and indicators. Periodical review of targets and indicators by the president and ministers Having a political and technical forums for identifying problems and solving conflicts. Structured in three levels: political (ministers), executive (deputy ministers), and technical (representative of the ministries) Periodical review of the mandate of the chairperson of the inter- ministerial group (by the President) Sharing the potential political gains among all political actors, i.e., giving visibility to the contribution of the federal, provincial and municipal levels. Transparency. Making all monitoring indicators and data available.

8 How all these feed into the SD debate Agenda. The Brazilian assertive participation on social and environmental issues rely on its own public policy experience. Method. The debate about Sustainable Development Goals converge to the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (encompassed by 25 ministries). It is coordinated by 4 ministries (International Affairs, Social Development, Environment and Finance). The Rio+ Centre supports officially the Group on its dialogue with the civil society. South-South dialogue. Brazil has been active on articulations with other emerging countries in order to obtain pragmatist deals

9 RIO+ research on Brazilian discourses on the post- 2015 agenda at the UN fora. The100 most frequently used keywords

10 1rst technical meeting of the Working Inter- Ministerial Group Amb. Marcondes (technical coordinator), DM Santana (Presidential Cabinet), DM dos Santos (Foreign Affairs), Romulo Paes (Rio+) and Diana Alarcon (Keynote speaker)

11 Lessons from the Brazilian case Leadership is essential The political economy of implementing comprehensive policies, having a consistent political offer The role of the techno-political forums : identification of problems, producing solutions (legal, administrative, funding, technical support, etc.), solving conflicts, addressing to the political level Evidence necessary for policy & political survival A communication strategy for: beneficiaries, administrative partners, political actors and tax payers International alliances are getting more effective in the South

12 Thank you!

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