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Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome 2013 Permanent Limited Duty and Expanded Permanent Limited Duty PEB Liaison Mr.

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Presentation on theme: "Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome 2013 Permanent Limited Duty and Expanded Permanent Limited Duty PEB Liaison Mr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome 2013 Permanent Limited Duty and Expanded Permanent Limited Duty PEB Liaison Mr. Dean Trio

2 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Terminal Learning Objectives As an RCC help Marines and families… 2 Discuss the Permanent Limited Duty and Expanded Permanent Limited Duty programs with Marines and families in a timely manner Explain the application process Help the Marine with the PLD request process Assist the Marine with preparing a PLD request – make sure the Marine puts the relevant information in his request

3 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome PLD Benefit Profile 3 Frequency About 90% of Marines in the Recovery Care Program will be medically separated or medically retired and are thus eligible to request PLD Drawbacks Staying on PLD for longer than twelve months means that the IDES findings may be revisited by the Government Importance to Marines The importance of PLD is highly personal; Marines can use PLD to burnish their job credentials, secure adaptive housing, and other similar objectives that are hard to quantify Challenges There is no application form so Marines often don’t know what to put in their PLD request letter If a Marine accepts the IDES findings conditionally but then decides not to apply for PLD, applies but then rescinds, or his request is denied transition planning time can be greatly reduced

4 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Definition of Permanent Limited Duty When a member is found Unfit for active duty by the PEB, they may request that their disability determination be deferred so they can continue to serve, with an appropriate assignment limitation, in a permanent limited duty status for personal reasons, or to complete a period of obligated service, current tour of service or twenty years of service (to be eligible for retirement) 4 PAST PERFORMANCE PAST PERFORMANCE is the largest factor used by the Marine Corps, especially per Commanding Officer’s endorsement when considering PLD requests The REASON The REASON provided by the Marine when requesting PLD is a large factor used by the Marine Corps when considering PLD requests CONVENIENCE of the GOVERNMENT CONVENIENCE of the GOVERNMENT is the final factor used by the Marine Corps when considering PLD requests Unlike many benefits, there is no entitlement to PLD. Rather, the Government will decide on a case by case basis whether to authorize a PLD request

5 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Additional Considerations A successful applicant for PLD should demonstrate: Ability to function in normal military environment He does not require an inordinate amount of medical care; Disabling condition is stabilized Ability to contribute to the effectiveness of the Marine Corps and maintain proper military appearance and weight control Marines are not promotable while on PLD 5 The Marine does not need to address these issues in his PLD Request. However, the command endorsement carries great weight so if he anticipates the command expressing concerns on any of these points he should address them preemptively

6 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Reasons for PLD any Marine’s may provide any reason in a PLD package. However, the reason provided is a major factor in evaluating a PLD package and some are more likely to be approved than others. Retirement PLD: Marines with 18 years of service are encouraged to apply so they can reach the normal retirement age (even if eligible for a disability retirement vice severance the CRDP program makes 20 years of service a financially significant milestone) Medical Reasons: Continuity of medical care for self or spouse (esp. for completion of pregnancy) is a reason likely to be approved EPLD: Marines intending to apply for EPLD should first apply for PLD 6

7 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Approving Authority & Disposition Finality Length of PLD Requested Approving Authority: Marines Approving Authority: Sailors Disposition subject to change? 1 - 60 daysPresident, PEB No 61 - 90 daysMMSR-4President, PEBNo 91 days - 12 months MMSR-4PERS-82No More than 12 months MMSR-4PERS-82Yes 7 Short term requests for less than 60 days to allow adequate time to transition are routinely granted Marines need to be aware that their rating and disposition is subject to change if they stay on PLD for more than 12 months PLD requests are routed through the Marine’s chain of command until they reach MMSR-4. For external Marines the WWR has no official role Requests by Sailors are routed through the USN rather than the USMC

8 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome PLD Request Letter A standard Naval Letter is used to request PLD The Via should list all intermediate commands The reason for the PLD request is included in paragraph 2. The more details the Marine provides the better the chance that PLD will be approved. 8

9 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Audience The PLD Request will be read by senior officers, both at MMSR-4 and as it progresses up the chain of command Encourage the Marine to make the points and use the language that is likely to resonate with this audience. 9 Exercise On each of the two examples provided in the next two slides, look for the ways in which the Marine is directly writing to a senior officer audience. Exercise On each of the two examples provided in the next two slides, look for the ways in which the Marine is directly writing to a senior officer audience.

10 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Sample PLD Request 10 I am requesting PLD because I want to apply for EPLD and I need the time to get my application materials in. I am requesting PLD in order to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit an expanded permanent limited duty package. I am certain I can continue my career in a meaningful way for both the United States Marine Corps and myself. It is my intention to request EPLD in order to become a member of the Combat Shooting Team in Quantico, VA and contribute to the education of my fellow Marines. If granted EPLD I am confident my knowledge and experience will benefit my peers as well as allow me to obtain my goal of retiring after twenty years of service. I fully understand that while I am requesting a specific MOS, I am subject to the needs of the Marine Corps and agree to meet those needs.

11 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Sample PLD Request 11 I am requesting PLD because I want to finish an internship with the Forest Service. I am requesting PLD in order to allow sufficient time to complete an internship with the Forest Service. I began the internship on 17 March 2013, shortly after my final VA exam was completed. If I complete the internship I am confident that I will be offered a full time position with the Forest Service. Over the last three months I have learned many new skills and begun adjusting to the civilian work force. My intention when I enlisted was to retire from the Marine Corps after serving for twenty years. Now that this is no longer an option I am fortunate to have the opportunity to continue supporting my family and serving my Nation through a position at the Forest Service. I am certain I can complete this internship and embark on a Federal career that will bring credit to the United States Marine Corps even as it provides me with financial security and a sense of purpose.

12 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome PLD Process 12 Start Discuss PLD with Marine prior to findings Marine is Interested ? Help Marine prepare PLD request Marine accepts findings conditionally Marine submits application through Chain of Command Approved ? Follow up on transition goals when 90 days out Complete all transition goals ASAP Marine accepts findings unconditionally PLD discussions should be part of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment for any Marine in the IDES Help includes: Providing sample letter Reviewing draft letter Referring to SME The intent is that the PLD package is “ready to go” when the findings are presented Chain of Command will be addressing past performance; if the Marine anticipates less than a full endorsement issues should be addressed in his letter extremely If PLD is denied or the Marine drops the request, transition time will be extremely short Process Time Transition time will be short if PLD is denied. Some transition goal actions can be started while the application is pending: Making an SBP decision Making a VGLI decision Call Deputy Program Manager for a status on any PLD request NLT 30 days before EAS – NO PAY PROBLEMS

13 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome EPLD 13

14 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome EPLD Benefit Profile 14 Frequency Only combat wounded Marines who have been found unfit and have already successfully applied for PLD can apply for EPLD. EPLD is an option for only a small percentage of the Marines in the Recovery Care Program Drawbacks Many Marines on EPLD will not be worldwide deployable. For some, this means that life satisfaction on EPLD is not the same as it was pre-injury. Importance to Marines The importance of EPLD is highly personal; for some Marines the ability to be “Still in the Fight” is the most important benefit we offer Challenges There is no application form so Marines often don’t know what to put in their EPLD request letter The approval authority is vested in a selection board that recommends candidates to the CMC. The process can be delayed.

15 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Definition of EPLD Expanded Permanent Limited Duty (EPLD) is a program to allow combat wounded Marines to have a full career while serving in a limited duty status. 15 Found Unfit by the PEB Combat-Wounded (Combat Code AC) entitled No Marine is entitled to EPLD. However, for a request to be considered both of the criteria below must be met. In addition the application should demonstrate that the Marine is capable of performing in an MOS Marine must first apply for PLD to allow time to prepare EPLD package Marine’s ability to take the PFT/CFT is not a factor in considering an EPLD package; however, if accepted the Marine must pass any portion he is physically capable of taking Marine is not required to be worldwide deployable to apply for or stay on EPLD

16 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Common Pitfalls Discussion: How can an RCC help avoid these pitfalls? PLD and EPLD 16 A Marine accepts his findings conditionally, but never completes a PLD Request. When an EAS is established there is almost no time to accomplish transition goals and actions A Marine wants PLD in order to complete an internship but doesn’t provide a “good story” in his request and it is denied

17 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Basic Resources Advanced Resources Resources 17 Wounded Warrior Regiment PEB Liaison Dean Trio 703-432-1856 Wounded Warrior Regiment PEB Liaison Dean Trio 703-432-1856 WWR Internal Fact Sheet – ‘Staying Marine’ %20Fact%20Sheets/Staying%20Marine%20- %20Permanent%20and%20Expanded%20Limited%20Dut y%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf WWR Internal Fact Sheet – ‘Staying Marine’ %20Fact%20Sheets/Staying%20Marine%20- %20Permanent%20and%20Expanded%20Limited%20Dut y%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf IDES Consultation Class Formerly known as “DTAP” PLD is covered IDES Consultation Class Formerly known as “DTAP” PLD is covered WWR External Fact Sheet – ‘Staying Marine’ act%20Slick%20Sheets/Staying%20Marine%20- %20Permanent%20and%20Expanded%20Limited%20 Duty.pdf WWR External Fact Sheet – ‘Staying Marine’ act%20Slick%20Sheets/Staying%20Marine%20- %20Permanent%20and%20Expanded%20Limited%20 Duty.pdf RCC IDES Handbook Companion to MegaLink sheets RCC IDES Handbook Companion to MegaLink sheets

18 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Knowledge Check 18 Which of the following combat codes enables a Marine to apply for EPLD? Armed Conflict (AC) Hazardous Service (HS) Instrument of War (IW) Simulation of War (SW) A only B only C only D only All of the above

19 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Knowledge Check 19 Which of the following Marines can submit a PLD request? PFC Jones who is being transferred to the TDRL for non-combat related disabilities Sgt Johnson who is being transferred to the PDRL for combat related disabilities (AC) Capt Wilkins who is being medically separated for an illness that is not combat related Cpl Jordan who is being medically separated for a back injury suffered during a simulation of war (SW) A only B only C only D only All of the above

20 Prevent Delays ♦ Reduce Frustration ♦ Achieve the Best Possible Outcome Questions 20

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