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HALO foredrag Endoskopi Sygeplejerskernes Årsmøde 2013.

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1 HALO foredrag Endoskopi Sygeplejerskernes Årsmøde 2013












13 Hvordan går det med Barrets Patienter i Kongeriget Danmark

14 Study of 11.028 patients with BE Patients 11.028 Patients, entire Denmark Age 62,7 years (mean), 67% male Follow-up 67.105 patient-years (60.000 in all studies to date) 18 years (1992-2009) Median follow-up 5,2 y Hvid-Jensen et al, NEJM 2011; 365: 1375-83

15 Study of 11.028 patients with BE Results 11.028 BE patients 72 HGD 131 adenoc. 106 HGD 66 adenoc. 1st year >1 year Hvid-Jensen et al, NEJM 2011; 365: 1375-83

16 EAC in known BE patients 197 out of a total of 2602 EAC 7.6 % Hvid-Jensen et al, NEJM 2011; 365: 1375-83

17 Study of 11.028 patients with BE Results 11.028 BE patients 72 HGD 131 adenoc. 106 HGD 66 adenoc. 1st year >1 year Risk for adenocarcinoma Risk for HGD 1,2/1000 pyrs (95%CI:0,9-1,5) /0,12 % per year 1,9/1000 pyrs (95%CI:1,6-2,3) Risk for adenocarcinoma or HGD 2,6/1000 pyrs (95%CI:2,2-3,1) Hvid-Jensen et al, NEJM 2011; 365: 1375-83

18 Study of 11.028 patients with BE Are there High-risk subgroups ? Low Grade Dysplasi (LGD) 1st endoscopy (5%) : ”ever” LGD (8%): No LGD at 1st endoscopy (95%) 1,0/1000 pyrs (0,7-1,3) 5,1/1000 pyrs (3,0-8,6) 5,5/1000 pyrs (3,7-8,3) Hvid-Jensen et al, NEJM 2011; 365: 1375-83


20 Barrx TM Flex Generator 20 Barrx TM RFA Catheters


22 Proximal Distal The following is a representation of the procedural steps used in prospective clinical trials for this device. This guide is not meant to replace physician judgment. Procedural steps may vary by patient according to patient tolerability, anatomy, motility, characteristics of the Barrett’s esophagus, and underlying health condition. QUICK VIEW OF PROCEDURAL ASPECTS 1.Introduce endoscope, measure TIM/TGF, insert guidewire  Flush with Mucomyst and suction out 2.Remove endoscope, leave GW in place  Calibrate Sizing balloon 3.Introduce sizing balloon over GW 4.Start sizing 12 cm proximal to TGF, every 1 cm 5.Remove sizing balloon, leave GW in place 6.Introduce HALO 360+ ablation catheter over GW 7.Introduce endoscope along-side ablation catheter 8.Position proximal electrode edge 1-2 cm proximal to TIM 9.Ablate each 3 cm segment until overlapping TGF 10.Remove endoscope, catheter, and GW together (with direct visualization) 11.Introduce endoscope and clean ablation zone 12.Inflate and clean ablation electrode (outside of body) 13.Re-Insert GW and remove endoscope, leave GW in place 14.Re-Introduce ablation catheter over GW 15.Repeat steps 7-10 16.Remove both items, re-introduce scope and evacuate gastric contents, inspect ablation zone 22 TGF Quick Overview Circumferential Ablation


24 HALO 360



27 Courtesy of Charlie Lightdale, M.D., Columbia Presbyterian, New York




31 Focal RFA Shaheen NJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2009

32 Complications Pain Dysphagia Bleeding Fever Vomiting Technical: Generel few problems – Captured HALO 90

33 Pain conclusions Bevare of the alcoholic patient Pain is common, also after HALO 90 Be carefull with Barrettsegment longer 5-6 cm Analgesic treatment? Kodeinmixture Weak morfin - Tramadol

34 Dysphagia

35 Bleeding and fever 3 patients with bleeding 10. – 14. day postop. All 3 with antikoagulantia (2 Warfarin 1 asa) 6 patients used antikoagulantia Comment: Use LMH 2-3 weeks after treatment before taking up Warfarin 4 patients with fever



38 GAVE Der er HALO godt men dyrt

39 Konklusion HALO er et godt værktøj til at abblation af fladeformet celleforandringer i specielt oesophagus. Giver nye behandlingsmuligheder af Barret’s Oesophagus. Specielt for de patienter med svære celleforandringer Det er forholdsvist nemt at bruge, men kræver dog en vis læringskurve Bagsiden at det er dyrt, og ikke uden komplikationer



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