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Week 2 IT 4 ‘Describing the What’. This teacher led activity aims to introduce how adjectives describe nouns. This activity is addressing the ‘What’ from.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2 IT 4 ‘Describing the What’. This teacher led activity aims to introduce how adjectives describe nouns. This activity is addressing the ‘What’ from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2 IT 4 ‘Describing the What’

2 This teacher led activity aims to introduce how adjectives describe nouns. This activity is addressing the ‘What’ from the ‘Who’ ‘Does’ ‘What’, and focuses on how to describe the ‘What’ with more details. Sentences illustrating how to describe the ‘What’ more fully are displayed in the presentation and the children have an answer sheet containing the sentences with the choice of 3 adjectives for each sentence, which they either tick or cross depending if they think the word does or does not describe the ‘what’ in the picture. The teacher discusses the first 4 slides with the children e.g. ‘Red apple’, where ‘Red’ (describes) the ‘apple’ (what) If the child likes a red apple but only asks for an ‘apple’, they may get a green apple instead, so it is important to describe the ‘what’ carefully with more detail about colour, or size, shape or texture etc. The same with the next example concerning a hat (big/small). The children are shown that the word before the‘ What’ (noun) describes the ‘What’ in more detail. The next 2 slides are an answer sheet for each child, to go alongside the IT presentation, and should be printed and distributed to the children before starting. During each slide, a pencil appears which is the cue for the children to tick or cross the word on the sheet, and then to discuss it with the teacher and class, prompted by the ‘why?’ which appears on screen. After this they receive feedback on the screen. The child’s task is to tick or cross each word as it appears on screen, according to it’s suitability to describe the ‘what’ in the picture. Week 2 IT4 Describing the ‘What’

3 1. My dad has a blue / small /cooks car. 2. Amy has a small / chair / friendly dog. 4. Pete wants a red / pen / fast bicycle. 3. Ella plays with a sleep / red / big ball. 5. Anna found a bag / beautiful / pink flower. 6. Dad has tree / big / black shoes. X or Answer sheet for IT 4 Page 1 Week 2 IT4 Describing the what Name……………………… Date ………………………

4 7. Layla wears a yellow / long / table dress. 8. Emma has a book / bird / sad face. 9. Lucas has a bus / long / bear letter. 10.Grandma has a purple / pretty/ horse umbrella. 11.Josh has a box/ colourful / stripy hat. 12. Nick likes bottle / big / house cakes. X or Answer sheet for IT 4 Page 2 Week 2 IT4 Describing the what Name……………………… Date ………………………

5 Describing the ‘What’ Are you ready? (To be viewed as slide show)

6 Jack cooks soup Whodoeswhat

7 Jack cooks a _____ soup Who does what lovely

8 Jack likes _________ apples. green Why?

9 Jack likes _________apples. red X Why?

10 Aziz has a _________ hat. big Why?

11 Aziz has a _________ hat. small X Why?

12 Let’s do some examples of ‘What does it look like’

13 My dad has a ________ car. blue Why?

14 My dad has a ________ car. small Why?

15 My dad has a ________ car. cooks Why?

16 Amy has a _____ dog. small Why?

17 Amy has a _____ dog. chair Why?

18 Amy has a _____ dog. friendly Why?

19 Ella plays with a ________ ball. sleep Why?

20 Ella plays with a ________ ball. red Why?

21 Ella plays with a ________ ball. big Why?

22 Pete wants a ________ bicycle. red Why?

23 Pete wants a _________ bicycle. pen Why?

24 Pete wants a _________ bicycle. fast Why?

25 Anna found a _________ flower. bag Why?

26 Anna found a _________ flower. beautiful Why?

27 Anna found a _________ flower. pink Why?

28 Dad has ___________ shoes. tree Why?

29 Dad has ___________ shoes. big Why?

30 Dad has ___________ shoes. black Why?

31 Layla wears a _______ dress. yellow Why?

32 Layla wears a _______ dress. long Why?

33 Layla wears a _______ dress. table Why?

34 Emma has a _________ face. book Why?

35 Emma has a _________ face. bird Why?

36 Emma has a _________ face.sad Why?

37 Lucas has a _________ letter. bus Why?

38 Lucas has a _________ letter. long Why?

39 Lucas has a _________ letter. bear Why?

40 Grandma has a _______ umbrella. purple Why?

41 Grandma has a _______ umbrella. pretty Why?

42 Grandma has a _______ umbrella. horse Why?

43 Josh has a _________ hat. box Why?

44 Josh has a _________ hat. colourful Why?

45 Josh has a _________ hat. stripy Why?

46 Nick likes ______ cakes. bottle Why?

47 Nick likes ______ cakes. big Why?

48 Nick likes ______ cakes. house Why?


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