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Leading the Learning Final Project What does a literacy-rich classroom look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Leading the Learning Final Project What does a literacy-rich classroom look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading the Learning Final Project What does a literacy-rich classroom look like?

2 Members of the Special Education Leadership Team (SELT): Barbara Brigham, Lisa-Marie Carter, Beth Cooper, Beth Flynn, Rosanna Grund, Dave Karam, Karen Koch, Annmarie Rossomono, Jeffrey Wilson

3 What does a literacy-rich classroom look like?

4 Framing the Work March 2010  K-6 Literacy Committee Established Special education programs Teachers and administrators Every program and grade represented Systematic review of best practices

5 More framing… June 2010 –Core and Interventions  SED Program Journey’s Leveled Literacy Intervention Fundations Read 180 System 44  SKATE, STAR, Stellata & TEAM Programs ABC Music and Me Level Literacy Intervention Fundations Building Adapted Books for Early Literacy Hands on Reading Reading Rocks

6 Continuing the framing… September 2010  90 – 120 minute literacy blocks  ELA portfolio for all students Assessments Reading interest inventory Student work  On-going professional development

7 And even more framing… October 2010  Blackboard Site OCM BOCES BlackboardOCM BOCES Blackboard Promote collaboration due to geographical distances Lesson plans Video clips Authentic student work Assessment information Best practices

8 LTL Strategies Used Walk Throughs Instructional Rounds Student Work Reflective Conversations Department Meetings

9 Literacy Walk-Through Through continued walk-thoughs and conversations, more strategies were observed.

10 Instructional Rounds 3 teachers and 2 administrators from literacy committee Defined a problem of practice Visited each classroom in all programs Analyzed findings Made recommendations

11 Student Work Portfolios created to collect authentic work Diagnostic information Used to document current levels and areas for growth Portfolios will move with the child through grades and/or programs

12 Reflective Conversations - Teacher Video Video

13 Reflective Conversation – Student Video Video

14 Department Meetings Used SBE Planning Process (Standards Based Education) K-6 SED (Special Education) & English Department (Student Services)  Focused literacy conversations with outcomes in mind

15 What did we learn?

16 Themes and Patterns As a result of the data, we have identified strengths and areas of focus within our literacy programs.

17 Strengths 90 minutes of direct ELA instruction per day Predictability and structure of program increased student engagement Conversations that directly relate to how to improve literacy instruction Using Benchmarks to understand current levels of functioning and where to remediate Literacy portfolios for every elementary student Development of on-going support through K-6 department meetings by using strong teacher leaders to provide support Support the need for a common literacy block Development of framework for future curriculum considerations

18 Areas of focus Continue to develop literacy portfolios which will allow us to analyze student growth and organize data Use the portfolios to support peers and drive decision making Find a standardized assessment tool to be used across programs which will drive instruction Identify strengths, weaknesses, and implications for instruction to be able to target these areas with appropriate professional development  Writing Process Support the need for a common literacy block Continue to increase classroom libraries for students to access a variety of literature

19 What does a literacy-rich classroom look like?





24 Next Steps K-6 Committee continues Professional development continues Creative ways to collaborate Blackboard site evolves Data dialogues continue 7-12 Committee starts Investigate best practices Use LTL and Web 2.0 tools to gather data from teachers and students Data dialogues continue

25 This is what a literacy-rich classroom looks like.

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