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Mild Hearing Loss is Serious Business
Harvey Dillon Sharon Cameron, Teresa Ching, Helen Glyde, Gitte Keidser, David Hartley, Jorge Mejia NAL, The Hearing CRC IHCON, 2010
Slides on the NAL web site:
What is mild hearing loss?
Four-frequency average (500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz) hearing loss in better ear between 20 and 40 dB HL Self-reported disability or handicap within a certain range SRT in noise loss of between 3 and 6 dB
How prevalent is mild hearing loss?
How prevalent is mild hearing loss?
Davis (1995): 16% of adult population Wilson (1990): 18% of adult population Hartley et al (in press): 34% of people aged > 50 years
Blue Mountains 4FAHL better ear
Hartley et al (in press)
Aging population - Australia
Population aging, worldwide
Hearing loss distribution (3FAHL better ear)
BMHS population OHS population
Mild losses for study ~ Minimum loss eligible for government benefits
Mild loss (4FA=29 dB) Mild-mod loss (4FA=39 dB) ~ Median loss newly fitted in Australia
Mild losses for study 4FA HL Mild 9 dB Mild-mod 39 dB Moderate 49 dB
Mod-Sev dB Severe dB
How common is hearing aid use amongst those with mild hearing loss?
Penetration by hearing loss
Penetration as a function of hearing loss Davis (1995) Wilson et al (1998) Hartley et al (in Press) Kochkin consistent
Aid ownership by hearing loss Blue Mountains Population >55 years
Overall Use/Ownership =75% if include all use categories Overall Use/Ownership =68% if include all use of more than 1 hr/week Hartley et al (in Press)
What are the characteristics of mild hearing loss?
Characteristics of mild loss
Threshold elevation √ Loss of OHC/OAE Loss of frequency resolution – TEN, PTC, FRI Loss of temporal (envelope) resolution Loss of fine temporal information Loss of spatial processing Loss of SRT in noise Increased disability and handicap
Loss of active process in cochlear: OHC and OAE
Loss of frequency resolution
FRI f A f A Ching & Dillon (unpublished data)
Frequency resolution
Loss of temporal resolution
Temporal resolution Ching & Dillon (unpublished data)
Loss of fine temporal information
20 synapses per IHC Synapse loss or IHC loss reduced averaging temporal jitter Inspiration: Bodian, Lieberman, Moore, Pichora-Fuller, Spoendlin,
A digression into “normal” hearing
Spatial Processing Disorder
Noise Noise Speech Sharon Cameron Noise Previous research at NAL has shown that a number of children with suspected APD have difficulty separating sounds that arrive simultaneously at the ears from different locations. Tendency to affect children with history of COM. Deficit likely related to ability to use binaural (ITD; IID) cues Noise 26 26
Listening in Spatialised Noise - Sentences (LiSN-S) Conditions
Same voices Different voices Talker Advantage Same direction Low Cue Spatial Advantage Total Advantage Different directions High Cue Cameron & Dillon (2009) 27
LiSN-S Diagnostic Screen
Spatial Advantage (≡ Spatial Release from Masking)
Nth America Australia Better This graph shows performance on the spatial advantage measure. Spatial advantage is calculated as the difference between the low-cue SRT and SV90 condition. Adult like performance on the spatial advantage measure is achieved earlier than on talker advantage. Children are able to use ITD and IID as well as adults by about 11 years of age. Again, there is no decline in spatial processing ability in older adults. 29
Spatial Advantage Better Control vs. LD: p = 0.983
Control vs. SusCAPD: p < * SusCAPD vs. LD: p = *
Results profile: spatial processing disorder
Spatial processing remediation Pre vs. Post (n=9)
LC SRT p = 0.158 Talker Advantage - p = 0.981 HC SRT p = Spatial Advantage - p = Total Advantage - p = 0.001 Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals F(8, 64)=5.3847, p=.00003 32
Application to people with hearing loss
Spatial hearing loss in hearing-impaired people: LiSN-S Prescribed Gain Amplifier
Deficit in SRTn with hearing loss
P = Cameron, Glyde & Dillon, unpublished data)
Cause of deficit in SRTn
P = Cameron, Glyde & Dillon, unpublished data)
Talker advantage deficit versus age
Cameron, Glyde & Dillon, unpublished data)
Binaural processing x x ~ Executive control CAPD ILD ITD CN
SO / IC / A1 ILD ITD x L R ~ Sensorineural hearing loss
Loss of SNR in understanding speech
“Basic” loss of 0.6 dB per 10 dB of loss + Loss of Spatial release from masking of 2.3 dB per 10 dB of loss Loss of Talker cue release from masking of 0.5 dB per 10 years of age
Loss of SRT in noise Commonly 1.5 dB increase in SNR per 10 dB of hearing loss SNR = -4 dB 1 dB / 10 dB 1.8 dB / 10 dB Carter, Zhou & Dillon, unpublished data)
Should mild hearing loss interfere with speech perception?
Speech and noise levels
SNR Source: Pearsons, Bennett and Fidell (1977)
Calculation of SII Noise = 60 dBA Speech = 64 dBA SIInh= SIIhi=0.46
Effective audibility 40 60 80 100 20
Transfer function SII Percent correct
Mild losses for study Mild loss (4FA=29 dB) Mild-mod loss (4FA=39 dB)
Predicted speech intelligibility
Greatest problems in noisy places !!
Predicted variation of SRTn with hearing loss
Modified SII model predicts only 0.4 dB loss per 10 dB of hearing loss Speech level
Modification of SII Assume normal hearers get 6 dB advantage from spatial separation of speech and noise Assume hearing impaired listeners lose spatial advantage at a rate of 1.3 dB per 10 dB of loss (above SII predictions) total loss of SNR is 1.7 dB per 10 dB of loss
Calculation of intelligibility
Speech spectrum Sensation Level Effective audibility Noise spectrum SII (Information received) Percent correct Max Importance function Threshold
Do hearing aids help people with mild hearing loss?
current ^ Do hearing aids help people with mild hearing loss?
Benefit of hearing aids
Predict increase in speech intelligibility with the modified Speech Intelligibility Index
Calculation of aided benefit
Noise = 50 dBA Speech = 58 dBA
Speech intelligibility (mild loss)
Hearing aid “helps” in quiet places Tiny additional benefit from directivity Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -3.7 dB
Speech intelligibility (mild-moderate loss)
Hearing aid “helps” in quiet places Tiny additional benefit from directivity Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -5.1 dB
Speech intelligibility (moderate loss)
Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -6.5 dB
Speech intelligibility (moderate-severe loss)
Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -7.7 dB
Speech intelligibility (severe loss)
Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR loss re n.h. = -9 dB
Summary of benefit versus HL
Background noise level 40 dB A 60 dB A 80 dB A
Why don’t directional microphones help more in noise?
(and adaptive noise reduction)
1. Impact of open fittings on directivity
Omni-directional Directional DI = 3 dB 1.5 dB DI = 10 dB 5 dB
Frequency range of directional mic (mild loss)
Effect of dynamic noise reduction on directional mic 50 60 70 80
Effect of aiding at 60 dBA (mild loss)
Noise = 60 dBA Speech = 64 dBA
Effect of aiding at 80 dBA (mild loss)
Noise = 80 dBA Speech = 76 dBA
2. Impact of reverberation on directivity (and vice versa)
Total Reverberant Direct
Impact of reverberation on directivity (and vice versa)
Total Direct Reverberant
Benefit of directional microphones
Benefit affected by: Directivity pattern of microphone Distance and direction of talker and noise sources Acoustics of the room Frequency range over which the hearing aid is directional Frequency range over which the wearable has usable hearing Nothing else (OK, Measurement error!!)
Conclusion of acoustic analysis
People with mild loss need help in noisy places Hearing aids increase the speech information available mostly in quiet places! Mics directional only where there is gain high frequencies and lower levels Where audibility is limited by threshold, not noise
So, objective benefit questionable, and increasing with degree of loss, but …….
What do hearing aid users say ?
Experimental evaluation of self-reported benefit
400 clients sampled from national database 41,521 new clients fitted Feb to Sept, 2004 Audiometric and other details obtained from clients’ files Questionnaire sent to clients 5 to 12 months after fitting International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids Plus 6 purpose-designed questions Non-responders followed up by phone or additional mail to get a high response rate (effectively 86%)
Hearing loss distribution
Sample distribution Overall Use/Ownership =75% if include all use categories Overall Use/Ownership =68% if include all use of more than 1 hr/week Population distribution
Usage of hearing aids
Factor analysis of questionnaire
Factor Loadings Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Q1: want aids 0.69 0.30 0.21 Q2: difficulty unaided 0.70 0.41 0.25 Q3: use 0.74 -0.18 0.08 Q4: benefit 0.82 -0.32 0.00 Q5: residual difficulty 0.03 -0.76 -0.33 Q6: Worth it 0.83 -0.00 Q7: Residual handicap -0.29 -0.56 -0.06 Q8: Bother to others -0.68 -0.26 Q9: Quality of life 0.02 Q10: Replace them 0.34 -0.15 -0.23 Q11: Face vision -0.42 Q12: paper vision -0.22 -0.47 Proportion of variance 0.32 20 0.12 International Outcomes Inventory for Hearing Aids Composite benefit Composite difficulty Vision
Effect of hearing loss on benefit
If hearing loss does not determine benefit, then what does?
Wishes And Needs Tool How strongly did you want to get hearing aids?
Wanted it very much Wanted it quite a lot Wanted it moderately Wanted it slightly Did not want it Overall how much difficulty do you have hearing when you are not wearing your hearing aids? Very much difficulty Quite a lot of difficulty Moderate difficulty Slight difficulty No difficulty
Difficulty hearing unaided and wish to get hearing aids
Want hearing aids Very much Not at all Unaided difficulty related to wish to get hearing aids
Need increases with hearing loss
Benefit versus need strength
Why don’t more people with mild hearing loss even try hearing aids?
Factors affecting benefit experienced (and hence the reports of others)
Degree of pure-tone loss Self-reported disability and handicap Acceptable Noise Level Stigma / cosmetic concern Manipulation and management Age Tinnitus Personality ….
Personality People more likely to acquire hearing aids are:
Open Non-obsessive Non-neurotic Internal locus of control People more likely to report benefit are: Extroverted Agreeable
Health Belief Model People act rationally, in their best interests, based on their beliefs Weighing up of beliefs for and against a health decision Do I have a problem? Is it serious enough for me to want to remove it? Is there a solution that works? Disadvantages Advantages What are the disadvantages of the solution? “My hearing loss is not bad enough to need them” (Kochkin, 1993)
Motivation comes from ….
Try them Self-image Expect benefit Expect to manage them $ Cost OK Acknowledge loss Experience difficulty Experience handicap
Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity
Health belief model Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity Self-image External image Hearing aid effectiveness Ability to manage Cost Incon-venience Hearing loss
Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity
Health belief model Hearing loss Cost Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity Self-image Ability to manage Hearing aid effectiveness External image Inconven-ience
Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity
Health belief model Hearing loss Cost Difficulties experienced: frequency, severity Self-image Ability to manage Hearing aid effectiveness External image Inconven-ience
How can the balance of benefits to disadvantages be improved?
Improving advantages and removing disadvantages
WDRC Slim-tube, miniaturization Feedback cancellation Low-level expansion Re-chargeable batteries Auto telecoil Frequency lowering Bandwidth extension Trainable responses Adaptive noise reduction Transient noise reduction Directional microphones Problem 1 Solution 1 Problem 2 Solution 2 Problem 3 Solution 3 Cost Working better in noise
Speech intelligibility in noise
Binaural-Processing Super-directional Microphone (Mejia et al., 2007)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ∑ Binaural beamformer Main directional signal W3 W4 ∑ Rout K W1 W2 ∑ Lout K Subsidiary signal Rear- directional array Masking threshold Cross-fading process Outputs with spatial reconstruction HRTFL HRTFR Z-d d = 3 ms delay (Precedence effect) DOA- reconstruction
Super-directional microphones
Speech reception threshold in noise Reverberant room: crit dist = 0
Speech reception threshold in noise Reverberant room: crit dist = 0.4m, radius = 1 m Mejia and Johnson, unpublished data
Linked binaural hearing aid technology
Female talker Male talker Listener Children playing Hearing Aid 94 94
Blind-source separation binaural noise reduction
h.i. gain most from directivity n.h. benefit from re-insertion of spatial cues Implication: People with mild or moderate hearing loss were not making much use of spatial cues.
Effect of super-directivity (mild loss)
Super-directional mic not directional at all over a broader and broader range as noise levels rise Conditions: DI = 6 dB when REIG > 3 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -3.7 dB
So super-directivity alone is no use ……..
What if we could achieve directivity at low frequencies?
Effect of low-frequency directivity (mild loss)
Now directional over entire frequency range in noisy places Conditions: DI = 3 dB when REIG ≥ 0 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -3.7 dB
Occlusion with closed molds
Vent or leak transmission in
Active Occlusion Reduction
Hear Aid C Σ + - A B
Active occlusion reduction
Mejia, Dillon, & Fisher (2008)
Active occlusion reduction
In combination? Active occlusion reduction (closed mold) Super-directivity + = ?
Low-frequency super-directivity (mild loss)
Super-directivity over entire frequency range super-normal hearing Conditions: DI = 6 dB when REIG ≥ 0 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -3.7 dB
Low-frequency super-directivity (mild-moderate loss)
Super-normal hearing for the median hearing aid wearer Conditions: DI = 6 dB when REIG ≥ 0 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -5.1 dB
Low-frequency super-directivity (moderate loss, 4FA = 49.8 dB HL)
Super-normal hearing in very noisy places for even a moderate-severe loss Conditions: DI = 6 dB when REIG ≥ 0 dB n.h. spatial adv = 6 dB ∆SNR re n.h. = -6.5 dB
Adaptive noise reduction
Gain dependent on SNR correct in principle, but room for improvement: Gain reduction can reduce directional mic effectiveness No point in reducing noise below threshold Gain increase where SNR is best is just as important
Cost Jump to summary
Self-fitting hearing aid
Automatic Real-ear to coupler difference Adjust Hearing Aid NAL-NL2 Prescription Formula Audiometer Plus trainability Australia, USA: 1 audiologist per 10,000 people Developing countries: 1 audiologist per 500,000 people, to 1 per 6,000,000
Automatic versus manual audiometry
1 kHz
Test-retest standard deviations
Manual audiometry (5 dB Hughson-Westlake) NAL-NL2 RECD Adjust Auto Aud Automatic audiometry (2 dB final step size)
Real-Ear to Dial Difference: Inter-subject standard deviations
Real-Ear to Dial Difference: Inter-subject standard deviations
Insert Saunders & Morgan Valente et al Hawkins et al Supra-aural Hawkins etal
Trainable Hearing Aids
Gain CT CR
In summary…
In summary How prevalent is mild hearing loss? very
How common is hearing aid use amongst those with mild hearing loss? not very many, including spatial hearing loss What are the characteristics of mild hearing loss? Is mild hearing loss a problem to people? yes, in noise Do hearing aids help people with mild hearing loss? only in quiet places ….. expected benefit too small re need Why don’t more people with mild hearing loss even try hearing aids? How can hearing aids provide greater benefit where it is most needed? closed-ear, binaural processing
Messages for …. Public health authorities:
Increase hearing awareness (prevention, rehabilitation) Increase hearing screening opportunities
Messages for …. Clinicians:
Discern primary reasons why unmotivated clients are unmotivated Provide information to change unrealistic beliefs Understand and diagnose the fundamental problem that clients are presenting with SRT loss
Messages for …. Researchers:
Better understanding of the components and causes of SNR loss Prescription procedures for adaptive noise suppression Time constants Relationship with thresholds Relationship with noise spectrum and level
Messages for …. Manufacturers: Achieve better performance in noise
Binaural processing Closed fittings Wireless Smarter adaptive noise suppression
Hearing aids of the future
? Convergence: hearing aid/enhancer, phone interface, hearing protector, computer interface (in and out), music player, GPS interface
For the slides from this talk ..…
Thanks for listening For the slides from this talk ..…
Amplification and directivity
50 dBA 80 dBA Unaided Assumptions: 3 dB DI for REIG > 5 dB 3 dB spatial advantage and -3 dB spatial loss Aided
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