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MAD MEASURES © 2013 by Nancy Otto. All Rights Reserved l l PREVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "MAD MEASURES © 2013 by Nancy Otto. All Rights Reserved l l PREVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAD MEASURES © 2013 by Nancy Otto. All Rights Reserved l l PREVIEW

2 Hi! Let me introduce myself! I am the “Mad Musician.” I love music – well, MOST music. There are some measures in music that REALLY make me mad. I guess that’s how I got my name. Anyway, if you would be so kind as to NOT play the measure you see on the next slide, I would be so grateful – and much happier! It may show up more than once. Please focus so I don’t have to lose my cool! IF you DO play that measure, I will send you to time out until you learn your lesson! Sincerely, MAD PREVIEW

3 4 4 l l l l This is the measure I don’t like! If you play it, you’ll take a hike!! PREVIEW

4 4 4 l l l Z

5 4 4 l l l l

6 4 4 l l l l

7 If you played it, NO, NO, NO!! Off to time out you must go!! PREVIEW

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