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Using the Electronic NAAE Membership Form

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2 Using the Electronic NAAE Membership Form

3 How do I use the electronic form? The electronic form for submitting NAAE membership is provided to you through email. You should receive your 2012-2013 NAAE Membership Roster in July or August 2012. Open the file immediately and save the 2012-2013 NAAE Membership Roster to your hard drive on your computer or to another reliable storage source (CD, USB flash drive, etc.) Using the Electronic Membership Form

4 You should find a form that looks like this: Using the Electronic Membership Form

5 Before entering information: Save the file as a new version as another name (ex: 2012-2013 NAAE Membership Roster-1 st Round, 2012-2013 NAAE Membership Roster- (insert current date), etc.) or whatever name works best for your situation. Once you submit your first round of membership you can always go back to that original Excel spreadsheet to add additional members without retyping everything. Just continue to save each roster that has new changes as a different name.

6 Step 1: Enter Dues Remitter/Treasurer’s Information Using the Electronic Membership Form

7 Step 2: Enter the name of your ag teacher’s association Using the Electronic Membership Form

8 Step 3: Review previous year’s data Check to see if the members on your spreadsheet from the 2011-12 NAAE (provided as a hard copy in your packet) Membership year match up with the 2012-13 NAAE Membership year. If a member will not be renewed for the 2012-13 NAAE membership year, but is currently listed on the spreadsheet, then do not make any changes to their “MEMBERSHIP TYPE”. LEAVE BLANK! Using the Electronic Membership Form Review Data

9 Remember: Do not change membership type for a person who you do not want to update their dues for the 2012-13 year. Has not paid their 2012-13 NAAE Membership Dues! LEAVE BLANK! Using the Electronic Membership Form Review Data

10 Step 4: Update members for the 2012-13 membership year Update members by: 1.Selecting the type of membership – Use the drop down menu to select membership type 2.Once membership type is selected then the amount for payment will be placed automatically in the “Amount” column.  NOTE: As you scroll horizontally across the page, the MEMBERSHIP TYPE, AMOUNT, PREFIX, LAST NAME, FIRST, & MIDDLE columns will be frozen in place and will not scroll. Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

11 Membership type drop-down menu Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

12 Automatically places payment amount in amount column Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

13 Update information about member including: Name (in case of name change) Home Address Email Address-Very important, as this is our primary method for communicating with members Home Phone Work place Work address Work phone Use the drop-down menus to select member’s Prefix and Principle Employment (see next slides) Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

14 Update Members continued Use the drop-down menu to select prefix Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

15 Principle Employment drop-down menu Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

16 Update Life Members Members highlighted in yellow are listed as Life Members in our database. Update them by choosing: Update Life (Active) Update Life (Retired) Life Inactive Life Deceased This members will count toward member totals on your invoice but will not add additional dues. They should automatically display $0.00 in the amount column. Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

17 Update Life Members Using the Electronic Membership Form Update Current Members

18 Add New Members Add new members under the last member listed on your spreadsheet, following the same entry process. Using the Electronic Membership Form Add New Members

19 Totaling Your Membership When you have completed the update and addition process, select the “Membership Invoice” tab to see your totals. (see next slide) Using the Electronic Membership Form Totaling Your Membership

20 Using the Electronic Membership Form Totaling Your Membership

21 Membership Invoice Tab This sheet automatically calculates the number of members in your membership spreadsheet. It also automatically calculates the amount owed for NAAE membership by your state’s ag teachers’ association. Using the Electronic Membership Form Membership Invoice

22 On the “Membership Invoice” tab, you will see a page that looks like this. Use this sheet to double-check your entries Using the Electronic Membership Form Membership Invoice

23 Submitting Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions If you would like to submit subscriptions to the Ag Ed Magazine for your membership, on the Membership Entry tab, scroll to the end of the spreadsheet to a column titled “Ag Ed Magazine”. (See next slide) Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

24 Submitting Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

25 Selecting an option automatically places an amount in the correct column Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

26 Hard Copy Only-$12.00 – Hard copy of magazine will be mailed to member. Online Access Only- $10.00 – Member will receive a password to access the magazine and archived magazines online only. Hard Copy and Online Access- $15.00 – Member will receive a hard copy of the magazine and a password to access the magazine and archived magazines online. Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

27 Submitting Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions After you have entered all Ag Ed Magazine subscriptions, click on the Ag Ed Magazine Invoice tab. (see next slide) Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

28 Ag Ed Magazine Invoice Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

29 Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions – Institution Bulk Rate Universities can request bulk rate for the Ag Ed Magazine. This can be used for student teachers or university faculty. The magazine must be mailed to one address at the University. Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

30 Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions – Institution Bulk Rate Institution bulk subscription rate is $7.00 and only includes hard copies, not online access. Institution bulk orders can be entered directly on the Ag Ed Magazine Invoice. (see next slide) Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

31 Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

32 Be sure to add the mailing address for the bulk subscription Using the Electronic Membership Form Ag Ed Magazine Subscriptions

33 Submitting Your Roster Email your copy of the roster to Send your membership invoice and check to NAAE **Members will not be entered into the NAAE Membership Database until payment is received. Using the Electronic Membership Form Submitting the Roster

34 Roster Follow-up Once we have received electronic copy of your roster, 2.demographics sheets for each member, and 3.payment for your state’s membership, we will enter your state’s membership information into our database and email you an electronic version of our records in PDF format. Please double-check this document to make sure we have correctly entered all your members. If you find any problems, contact the NAAE office right away. Using the Electronic Membership Form Roster Follow-Up

35 Submitting Additional Members Throughout the year, you may have members pay their dues after you have submitted the first roster. To add more members: 1.Compile their membership information. 2.Have each newly paid member fill out a demographic sheet. (Get these from your Membership CD or 3.Open the original saved file called 2012-2013 NAAE Membership Roster and update membership info for each person. Using the Electronic Membership Form Submitting Additional Members

36 Mail this new information to the NAAE office. Be sure to include: Demographic sheets Check for membership dues Invoice for new members Electronic copy of newly filled-out roster email to Using the Electronic Membership Form Submitting Additional Members

37 Additional Information Your state is required to use this process to submit membership information NAAE is a members-driven organization. It is critical that we are able to make contact with our members. This means: Using the Electronic Membership Form

38 Additional Information It is very important for the membership information you submit to be accurate and current. Email addresses must be provided. Email is now our primary method of member communication. NAAE does not sell email addresses or use them for any purpose other than official NAAE business. Using the Electronic Membership Form

39 Additional Information Please provide a demographic sheet for each member with at least the name, state, email and gray area completed. Your membership roster will not be processed until payment is received. Using the Electronic Membership Form

40 Additional Information The electronic form for your membership is provided to you on your NAAE Membership CD. The file is named “2012-13 NAAE Membership.” For help filling out the electronic membership form, see the PowerPoint titled “Using the NAAE membership form.” Click here to be taken directly to that PowerPoint. Using the Electronic Membership Form

41 Questions? Call the NAAE office at 1-800-509-0204 or email Alissa Smith, Associate Executive Director, or Linda Berry, Using the Electronic Membership Form

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