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Published byKenyon Finch Modified over 10 years ago
1 Cognitive Process Consciousness operates in 2 ways: 1.Cognitive process 1.Five door cognitive process 2.Mind door cognitive process 2.Process Freed 1.Rebirth consciousness 2.Bhava ï ga 3.Death consciousness
2 What is Bhava ï ga? Bhava = existence A ï ga = factor Bhava ï ga = “factor of existence”
3 Bhavanga Bhava ï ga
6 Five door cognitive process (eye door) P VAFE Rc IDJJJJJJ Rg J B………
7 FIVE-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS Visible Object – 14 moments of consciousness act as cognitive process EFARgV PRcIDJJJJJJJ B Eye-door cognitive process Wholesome and unwholesome kamma are performed at the Javana stage The visible object and Eye-sensitivity perish together with Rg consciousness Process- freed Key: P=past bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, F=5-Door adverting consciousness, E=eye consciousness, Rc=Receiving consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, D=determining consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga.
8 MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga.
9 FIRST MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga. PAST…
10 SECOND MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga. “LOTUS”
11 THIRD MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga.
12 Next MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga. Like and Dislike !!
13 MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Mind-door cognitive process Wholesome and unwholesome kamma are performed and strengthened at the Javana stage Process- freed Key: B=bhavanga, V=vibrating bhavanga, A=arrest bhavanga, M=Mind-Door consciousness, I=investigating consciousness, J=javana, B=bhavanga.
14 Kamma Unwholesome kamma performed in sense sphere javana –Body Killing Taking what is not given Sexual misconduct –Speech Telling lies Slandering Harsh speech Frivolous talk –Mind Covetousness Ill-will Wrong view
15 Base of Meritorious deed performed in sense sphere javana wholesome kamma performed in sense sphere javana 1.Giving ( dàna ) 2.Virtue ( sãla ) 3.Meditation ( bhàvanà ) 4.Reverence ( apacàyana ) 5.Service ( veyyàvacca ) 6.Transference of merit ( pattidàna ) 7.Rejoicing in (others’) merit ( pattànumodana ) 8.Hearing the Dhamma ( Dhamma-savana ) 9.Teaching the Dhamma ( Dhamma-desanà ) 10.Straightening out one’s view ( diññhijukamma )
16 MIND-DOOR COGNITIVE PROCESS ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B Mind-door cognitive process Process- freed Second through 6 th javana generate indefinitely effective kamma, which can produce its effect at any time along samsara until one reaches Parinibbana 7 th javana generates subsequently effective kamma, which can produce its results in the immediate future life. First javana generates immediately effective kamma, which can only produce its effect in this very life.
17 Right Effort in Cultivating Good Mind States 1.To prevent the arising of evil 2.To discard evil 3.To arouse unarisen wholesome states 4.To develop and bring to perfection the wholesome states
18 How to generate habitual wholesomeness by wise attention Impermanence PersonObject
19 How to generate habitual wholesomeness by wise attention Kammassakata Situation
20 Mind-door Cognitive Process ARgV BMJJJJJJJ AVBMJJJJJJJ B…
21 Bare Mind-door Cognitive Process THINKING ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B…
22 Bare Mind-door Cognitive Process ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B…
23 Bare Mind-door Cognitive Process ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B…
24 Bare Mind-door Cognitive Process ARgV BMJJJJJJJ B…
25 â FIRST ATTAINMENT OF JH â NA MAVPrAcCnChJhBB Object: Pañibhàga B Key: Pr=preparation; Ac=access; Cn=conformity; Ch=change-of-lineage; Jh=Jhāna
26 â SUBSEQUENTLY ATTAINMENT OF JH â NA MAVPrAcCnChJh Object: Pañibhàga B Key: Pr=preparation; Ac=access; Cn=conformity; Ch=change-of-lineage; Jh=Jhāna Jh
27 5 Jhāna Factors Initial application of mind (Vitakka) - the directing and placing of the mind onto the object of the pa ñ ibhāga nimitta. Sustained application of mind (Vicāra) - the sustained keeping of the mind on the pa ñ ibhāga nimitta. Joy (Pīti) - interest, or liking for the pa ñ ibhāga nimitta. Happiness (Sukha) - Pleasant feeling or happiness associated with experiencing the pa ñ ibhāga nimitta. One-pointedness (Ekaggatā) - One-pointedness of mind or fixing the mind firmly on the pa ñ ibhāga nimitta.
28 The 4 th Ultimate-Truth Nibbàna OR Unconditioned Element (Asaïkhata-dh tu = Asaïkhata-Nibb na )
29 NIRVANA Nirvana is combination of 2 words Nir = departure Vana = craving Nibbana is departure from craving
30 3 Types of Nibb ā na 1. Uncondition Element ( Asaïkhata-dh tu = Asaïkhata-Nibb na ) which is the 4 th Ultimate-Truth 2. Nibbāna with remainder of aggreates (Sa-up disesa-Nibb na) 3. Nibbāna without remainder of aggreates (Anup disesa-Nibb na)
31 1.Uncondition Element ( Asaïkhata-dh tu = Asaïkhata-Nibb na ) It is the Third Noble Truth, the Noble Truth of cessation of suffering (Nirodha-Saccā). It is supramundane, that is, beyond the world of mind-and- matter or the five aggregates of clinging. It is the extinction of all greed, hatred, and delusion, and is the state of final deliverance from the suffering inherent in conditioned existence. It is unconditioned dhamma (asa khata dhamma). It is not conditioned by any cause. Hence it is not subject to any becoming, change of state, and dissolution. It is permanent, happiness, and not-self. It is the object of the four Paths (magga) and four Fruitions (phala).
32 When one’s insight knowledge becomes matured by contemplating, either, anicca, dukkha, or anatta of formations (sa kh ra), one attains Nibb na. At that time, the cognitive process of supramundane stream-entry path (sot patti magga v thi) runs as follows:
33 Sotāpanna FIRST ATTAINMENT OF PATH AND FRUITION In Path and Fruition Mind moments, mental formations = 34 + 3 Abstinences (Right Speech + Right Action + Right livelihood) = 37 MAVPrAcCnChPaFr B…… Object: either impermanent, suffering, or non-self nature of formations Object: NIBB â NA
34 1)preparation (parikamma), which prepares the mental continuum for the attainment of Path consciousness 1)access (upacāra), which arises in proximity to the attainment of Path consciousness 1)conformity (anuloma), which harmonizes the preceding moments with the subsequent attainment of the Path. After this, one’s consciousness no longer enters into or settles down on any field of formations 1)change-of-lineage (gotrabhu) arises, which takes as its object the signless, the non-occurrence, the cessation (Nibbāna) which passes out of the lineage of worldlings (puthujjana) and enters into the lineage of the Noble Ones (Ariya).
35 FIRST ATTAINMENT OF PATH AND FRUITION MAVPrAcCnChPaFr B…… PENETRATE INTO THE 4 NOBLE TRUTHS 1.Understand the Truth of Suffering 2.Abandon the Origin of the Truth of Suffering 3.Realizing the Cessation of Suffereing 4.Developing the Noble Eightfold Path WHOLESOME CONSCIOUSNESS Function – to eradicate defilements, such as the 3 fetters: 1.Personality view 2.Clinging to rites and rituals in the belief that they can lead to Nibbāna 3.Doubt about the Triple Gem RESULTANT CONSCIOUSNESS Function – to experience the liberation after eradiction of defilements:
36 The 5 Aggregates of Clinging = The Truth of Suffering 1.Aggregate of Materiality 2.Aggregate of Feeling 3.Aggregate of Perception 4.Aggregate of Formation 5.Aggregate of Consciousness First Noble Truth should be fully known
37 Stream-entry path consciousness permanently uproots three fetters: 1.Personality View. He no longer considers the five aggregates as I, mine, or myself. 2. Attachment to Rites and Rituals. Such as the practice of imitating the behaviour of cows and dogs, various forms of torturing the body such as sleeping on thorns etc., thinking that the practice will purify the defilements and lead to escape from the rounds of rebirth. 3. Doubt. Doubt towards the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha (Triple Gem).
38 The benefits of attaining First Path and Fruition Knowledge (Sot panna) 1.Closes the doors to the Four Woeful States. 2.Shortens the suffering in the begin-less rounds of rebirth. 3.Assurance of seven rebirths before final enlightenment. 4.Possession of the Seven Noble Treasures. 1.Confidence 2.Morality 3.Shame of wrongdoing 4.Fear of wrongdoing 5.Learning 6.Generosity 7.Insight Knowledge or wisdom
39 Sotāpanna ATTAINMENT OF FRUITION MAVPrAcCnPuFr B…… Object: either impermanent, suffering, or non-self nature of formations Object: NIBB â NA …… Pu = purification
40 3 doors to emancipation If one contemplates anicca of formations ( sa kh ra ) and realizes Nibb na, it is called contemplation of the sign less (animitttànupassan ā ). If one contemplates dukkha of formations ( sa kh ra ) and realizes Nibb na, it is called contemplations of the desire less (appaõihitànupassanà). If one contemplates anatta of formations ( sa kh ra ) and realizes Nibb na, it is called contemplation of the void (su¤¤atànupassanà).
41 2. Sa-upādisesa-Nibb na It is the effect of Arahant Path knowledge which realizes the Asaïkhata-Nibb na ( Asaïkhata-dh tu) It is also called Kilesa-Parinibb ā na (the cessation of defilements)
42 3. Anup disesa-Nibb na It is the effect of Arahant Path knowledge which realizes the Asaïkhata-Nibb na ( Asaïkhata-dh tu) It is also called Khanda-Parinibb na (the cessation of aggregates)
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