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DIBELs Next…. Oh my, What’s Next?
Assessment Overview • Benchmark assessments are administered three times a year to identify students who require reading support and intervention, and to find a student’s instructional reading level. All measures are used as Benchmark assessments. • Progress Monitoring assessments are used to track individual student progress on areas of weakness and changes in reading level in between Benchmark assessment windows.
mCLASS: DIBELS Next Measures and Descriptions
DIBELs Next Benchmark Timeline
Composite Scores The DIBELS Composite Score is a combination of multiple DIBELS scores and provides the best overall estimate of the student’s early literacy skills and/or reading proficiency. mCLASS:DIBELS Next calculates the DIBELS Composite Score for you. In DIBELS 6th Edition, the Instructional Recommendations provided the best overall estimate of the student’s early literacy skills and/or reading proficiency. The DIBELS Next Composite Score and the benchmark goals and cut points for risk based on the composite score replace the Instructional Recommendations on DIBELS 6th Edition. Benchmark goals and cut points for risk for the DIBELS Composite Score are based on the same logic and procedures as the individual DIBELS measures; however, since the DIBELS Composite Score provides the best overall estimate of a student’s skills, the DIBELS Composite Score should generally be interpreted first. If a student is at or above the benchmark goal on the DIBELS Composite Score, the odds are in the student’s favor of reaching later important reading outcomes. Some students who score at or above the DIBELS Composite Score benchmark goal may still need additional support in one of the basic early literacy skills, as indicated by a below benchmark score on an individual DIBELS Next measure (FSF, PSF, NWF, DORF, or Daze), especially for students whose composite score is close to the benchmark goal. Because the scores used to calculate the DIBELS Composite Score vary by grade and time of year, it is important to note that the composite score generally cannot be used to directly measure growth over time or to compare results across grades or times of year. However, because the logic and procedures used to establish benchmark goals are consistent across grades and times of year, the percent of students at or above benchmark can be compared, even though the mean scores are not comparable.
First Sound Fluency (replacing ISF) The assessor says words, and the student says the first sound of each word. The word in the bottom rt corner you should be saying while touching the box and moving to the next screen. *clicking the box when correct
Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) The student is presented a sheet of letters and asked to name the letters. *clicking the response when incorrect The bracket must be pulled from the top of the screen to the last letter named by the student at the end of the assessment. • If the student provides the letter sound rather than the letter name, say, “Remember to tell me the letter name, not the sound it makes.” This prompt may be provided only once during the administration. If the student continues providing letter sounds, mark each letter as incorrect. • If the student self-corrects, tap the response again. • If the student skips an entire row, tap the X at the beginning of the skipped row. The row is crossed out and is not counted in scoring. • After 55 seconds elapse, the screen turns yellow as a warning that only five seconds remain.
Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) The assessor says words, and the student says the individual sounds for each word. *tapping and/or dragging on each sound or repeating a word (at the end) is important to note on response. The word in the bottom rt corner you should be saying while touching the box and moving to the next screen.
NonSense Word Fluency (NWF) The student is presented with a list of VC and CVC nonsense words (e.g., sig, rav, ov) and asked to read the words. *clicking the response when incorrect
DIBELs Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) The student is presented with a reading passage and asked to read aloud. The student is then asked to retell what he/she just read. *Retell –Drag as you count the words responded from student. *NEW Quality Response
DORF –Retell Quality of Response (NEW piece)
DORF Benchmarks
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*Navigation through web page *Tutorial *DIBELs web page The assessment provides important benchmark/growth data. We need to be consistent and diligent about administering the assessment.
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