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Mary Moss Key Themes.  165 grants allocated; 158 able to sustain activity  3575 participants (as recorded September 13)  98% projects surveyed rated.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Moss Key Themes.  165 grants allocated; 158 able to sustain activity  3575 participants (as recorded September 13)  98% projects surveyed rated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Moss Key Themes

2  165 grants allocated; 158 able to sustain activity  3575 participants (as recorded September 13)  98% projects surveyed rated the grant as ‘Very important’ or ‘important’  91% considered the project had improved the quality of learning provision

3 Document review; Interim and Final Reports; Induction workshop; Panels; Steering Group; Case Study visits; Online questionnaires  Applicants survey (136)  Projects survey * 2 (92, 59)  Participants survey (104)  Outcomes survey (43)  Case Study Interviews (12)

4 efficient WEA grants teamOngoing support WEA and partners friendly polite prompt they listened they understood induction was great visit was useful

5 79% “Excellent” Woodworking Beekeeping Portable appliance testing Broadcasting Food Hygiene Netball Retail skills Suicide awareness Managing emotions and more ….

6 “Involvement in this course has made me realise that confidence is a crucial tool for survival”

7 43 projects to date “In the weeks I have volunteered in nursery school my self-esteem and confidence has greatly improved” “ applying for a job and got it, this has been a great achievement for me as I was unable to work in the UK for the past 14 years ” “I am very glad that I have found a full time job after 2 years”

8  Engaged with ESF priority groups 21%38%17%62%37% People with disabilities People over 50 People from ethnic minority background Lone parents Female “Our speciality is outreach - other organisations don’t bother”

9  Personalisation  Flexibility  Holistic approach  Comfortable environment  Outreach  Imaginative activity  Many outcomes for individuals

10  Training programme, including Preparing to teach (PTLLS) courses  Staff and volunteers attended from over 70 projects  32 projects awarded grant for bespoke activity 87% Adequately consulted “Couldn’t take time out” “Couldn’t take advantage as much as we would have liked”

11  Improved learning provision  Improved sustainability  Improved access to funding  Improved links with other providers Improved learning provision “We have also developed strong links with our local College” “We became an accredited centre” “became a member of the Local Area Network - we can engage further with other agencies supporting priority groups”

12 “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted” Albert Einstein Executive Summary, Evaluation Report and Case Studies

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