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AUDITS 29 th November 2011 Marriott Hotel, Leeds Presentation by Robert Jopling BEng, CEng, MICE Member of Scottish Registration Board.

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Presentation on theme: "AUDITS 29 th November 2011 Marriott Hotel, Leeds Presentation by Robert Jopling BEng, CEng, MICE Member of Scottish Registration Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUDITS 29 th November 2011 Marriott Hotel, Leeds Presentation by Robert Jopling BEng, CEng, MICE Member of Scottish Registration Board

2 Content Why audit? The Audit Process The Audit Rules – some tips How the new rules differ Things to remember

3 What is an audit? The process of verifying conformance to defined criteria through a review of objective evidence For an organisation to benefit from the process, auditing should not only report non-conformances and corrective actions but also highlight areas of good practice.

4 Why audit? To fulfill an undertaking to Scottish Government It is through auditing that there can be confidence that the statutory requirements are being met. An alternative to certifier audits would be to have every warrant application independently scrutinised ! The Verifiers, SER and other scheme providers are all audited

5 Why audit? To see that standards are upheld To monitor that performance is uniform To see that certifiers understand the Regulations To provide feedback to certifiers To receive comments from certifiers To identify procedures which are difficult to apply To identify where training/guidance is required

6 The audit procedures

7 The audit process SER assign a team consisting of two auditors Lead auditor agrees date for audit Lead auditor selects projects for audit SER advises which projects are to audited Audit is conducted Audit findings discussed at closing meeting It is important that the auditors/auditee agree that the findings are accurate at the closing meeting

8 The audit process Lead auditor uploads audit findings 2 nd auditor reviews audit findings Auditee is invited to respond to the findings The findings are then reviewed by SRB Auditee responses, extenuating circumstances, etc are taken into account. Auditors findings may be challenged by SRB SRB decision is considered by SER Board SER notifies auditee of final outcome

9 What does the audit cover? Did the certifier identify all of the building elements covered by the warrant application? Had the elements above been designed and detailed and appropriately checked? Were any items on Schedule 1 specified in sufficient detail? Was the level of information submitted for warrant adequate? Was the design completed before the certificate was signed ?

10 What the audit does not cover An examination of commercial arrangements and appointments (other than in the context of body audit criteria relating to Management of Risk and Protection of Certifiers) A detailed engineering check of the drawings and calculations Albeit on some occasions deficiencies in the design may become apparent during review of the project documentation

11 Information to be made available Certification plan Drawings submitted with the warrant application (architects and engineers) Calculations (engineers and suppliers) Specifications, SI reports, survey reports, etc Preferably paper copies Calculations/SI reports can be electronic but the onus is on certifier to find the relevant information

12 How the audit is scored Audit score is based on sum of weighted scores: Major non-conformanceWeighted score = 3 Improvement issueWeighted score = 1 The same issue repeated across a number of projects will only score once

13 How the audit is scored In an audit where there are 2 major non-conformances 3improvement issues Audit score = (2 x 3) + (3 x 1) = 9

14 Audit rating

15 Audits are carried out in accordance with the guidelines and scored accordingly Auditors may recommend an alternative rating outcome to SRB, but this must be fully justified

16 The audit rules

17 Remember, an audit is The process of verifying conformance to defined criteria through a review of objective evidence Auditors will need evidence Auditees need to keep records

18 Common issues The tips about to be given are my own They are not necessarily a requirement of SER The requirements are given in the Audit Rules However, following these will assist you at audit

19 Scope of certification Has the certifier correctly identified all of the structural elements covered by the design certificate? For all but the most minor of projects a scoping document should be used and retained on project file

20 Scope of certification Remember what the certificate says: I certify that … the structural design complies with the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 with respect to Standards 1.1 and 1.2 …

21 Scope of certification And that the standards refer to the building:

22 Certification plan Has the certifier gone about the certification activities in an organised manner? Use a suitable plan/checklist to record information about the project and decisions made during certification

23 Certification plan Building risk classification / Design check level Who are the designer and checker Certification options being utilised Information being used for certification Is warrant to be staged Are there any contractor designed elements to go on Schedule 1 Decisions made eg overall stability, disproportionate collapse, mineral stability, fire requirements

24 Certification options There is confusion regarding option 3 and 4 Guidance note 3A clarifies this Generally Option 3 will be used where certifier acts as a reviewer Option 4 is to be used where the element is outwith the certifiers competence

25 Project records Has the certifier maintained a proper set of records? Keep copies of all documents used for certification, in particular the engineers and architects warrant drawings.

26 Programming of work Was the design complete when the certificate was signed? It is important that documents are dated so that the above can be verified.

27 Contractor designed items Is there an adequate performance specification? Technical Bulletin 1 gives guidance on this. Schedule 1 should be not be used where the design intent for the element is still to be determined. In such a case a staged warrant should be considered

28 Overall stability Has the certifier checked that the designer has considered the measures needed to ensure stability? It is not always obvious from the calculations how stability is achieved. A statement in this respect should be included with the calculations, except on minor projects where the certifier could record his review on the certification plan

29 Disproportionate Collapse Has the certifier checked that the measures taken satisfy standard 1.2? Determine the risk classification. Record what measures have been taken, even for RC1 buildings

30 Conversions Has there been an assessment of the need for strengthening? Remember A conversion certificate is required if the change of use is defined as a conversion eg attic, garage If no alterations are to be carried out there needs to be evidence of an assessment An alteration certificate is only needed if there are alteration works to be carried out

31 Ground investigation reports Has an adequate ground investigation been carried out and has the certifier reviewed the scope and the results? Remember Record whether or not the site is in an area where there might be a risk from mine-workings or other activities Ensure that there is evidence that the report has been reviewed

32 Existing building assessment Has an adequate assessment of the existing building been carried out? Remember Ensure that the assessment is documented and that it concludes whether or not the building is suitable for alteration

33 Structure, generally Has the design and detailing of all of the structural elements been carried out? Remember Ensure that calculations are complete and that there is evidence of them having been checked prior to certification. A contents page would be helpful If appropriate, on minor projects reference can be made to the Small Buildings Structural Guidance Are drawings sufficiently detailed? Refer to the Blue Book

34 Checking Auditor guidance is that: An absence of suitably checked calculations will be treated the same as an absence of calculations There is no need for every page to be signed and dated but there must be evidence of a check having taken place The use of a cover sheet to record checking is acceptable, but must identify checker and date of check Computer calculations – check on input, review of output

35 Ties, fixings and connections Have these been adequately detailed on the warrant plans? Remember These are often inadequately detailed. In particular auditors will be looking at interface details especially where there are contractor designed elements

36 Cladding/glazing etc Has the cladding/glazing, its supports and the fixings been adequately designed and detailed? Remember If selected from manufacturers literature include copies of tables in your calculations If included on schedule 1 make sure the performance specification is adequate See Technical Bulletin 6 for advice on glazing

37 Cladding movement joints Has the certifier reviewed the provision for movement joints? Remember Frequently movement joints in masonry cladding are specified by a note giving a max spacing. This could lead to joints being positioned inappropriately

38 Internal partitions Has the certifier reviewed whether or not the partitions are robust and can carry any differential internal wind pressures or accidental loading? Remember Consider if partitions need wind posts or head restraints Check whether any of the partitions act as barriers

39 Protective barriers Has the certifier reviewed the design of any protective barriers ? Remember If included on schedule 1 the design intent must be known before a performance specification can be prepared. The connections are equally important

40 Specifications Has the certifier examined the drawings and specification to ensure that the materials will deliver the performance assumed in the calculations ? Remember If a separate specification eg NBS is used it must be referred to on the warrant drawings submitted along with the warrant application Make sure there is evidence of a review

41 Fire protection Has the certifier considered the need for fire protection ? Remember The certifier is NOT certifying compliance with the structural fire standard. BUT he needs to demonstrate that there has been consideration of how this will be achieved Record on certification plan

42 Boundary conditions Has the certifier considered the measures needed with respect to portal-framed buildings ? Remember Whether or not there is a boundary condition is to be assessed and recorded Dont forget to consider the measures needed to fire protect the portal columns!

43 Warrant information

44 Revised audit rules Are the result of 3+ years experience of auditing Formalise practice implemented during audits Very few material changes in the requirements Further clarification and guidance.

45 Revised timescales Audits must be undertaken within 8 weeks of notification Projects to be audited will be confirmed 10 working days prior to audit Auditors to upload reports within 5 days of audit Auditee to respond within 10 working days. Warning issued then if no response within a further 20 working days automatic temporary suspension.

46 Principal changes - Body audit Grade of body to reflect performance of certifiers (large bodies expected to support certifiers and promote common practices and standards) The obligation on the body to provide training and the CPD outcomes of certifiers are now reflected in body scores The requirement for bodies to protect certifiers from financial loss has been emphasised and is reflected in the body scores

47 Principal Changes – Project Audit Some revisions to categorisation of non conformances Evidence standards clarified – and harmonised with BSD Blue Book and other recently issued or revised documents (TB1 & 6, GN 3 and 9). Creation of new category P9A to check certifiers acting within limits of competence.

48 Principal changes-classification

49 What have I talked about Why audit? The Audit Process The Audit Rules – some tips How the new rules differ

50 Things to remember You are the Certifier not the Engineer the roles are different Record decisions made during certification Contemporaneous notes are the best Keep good records – signed and dated This is the evidence the auditors want to see Read the audit procedures and other guidance You will find all you need to know

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