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Current Instruction, Common Core, Assessments Where are the Gaps? Rolf K. Blank, CCSSO, 6/21/13 Question: Where should the emphasis in teacher PD with.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Instruction, Common Core, Assessments Where are the Gaps? Rolf K. Blank, CCSSO, 6/21/13 Question: Where should the emphasis in teacher PD with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Instruction, Common Core, Assessments Where are the Gaps? Rolf K. Blank, CCSSO, 6/21/13 Question: Where should the emphasis in teacher PD with Common Core be focused? Data/Analysis: Data from 3 States in recent EAG consortium project with US ED; Method/instrument Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Observations A)Major gaps in Topics by Grade – 1 dimension of content B)Cognitive Expectations gap – What kinds of learning? What do we mean by Alignment with Standards? C)What do Progressions look like? D)Change in Assessments – How much needed?

2 Content analysis: Topic by Cognitive Demand + Emphasis

3 CCSSELA by KS Assessed Stds gr 5


5 KS Teachers Writing Appl.CCSS Gr 5 Writing Appl. KS ELAR Writing applications



8 Common Core Math Progression Gr. 5 and Gr. 6

9 Basic Alg. CCSS Math Progression Gr. 5 and Gr. 6

10 Ohio Math Assessment Gr. 7 (2011) by Common Core Math

11 NC Math Instruction Gr. 5 by State Assessment (2011)





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