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DEMOGRAPHICS 30% Young Families 50% Single 30% Sydney/32% Melbourne 49% White Collar 21% Students 57% are Main Grocery Buyers Average HH income $95k p/a.

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1 DEMOGRAPHICS 30% Young Families 50% Single 30% Sydney/32% Melbourne 49% White Collar 21% Students 57% are Main Grocery Buyers Average HH income $95k p/a 32% living with parents 18% looking for full time job Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey 10 2012 (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people ATTITUDES & ACTIVITIES Mobile phone focused to purchase things, coordinate social life, social media access. Like to stand out from crowd, like big nights out. On weekends the majority can be found shopping malls, café’s, restaurants and pub/bars. They are likely to be engaged with computer games, in the gym, or sports arena. Activities throughout the year focus on night clubs, study/course work, and camping. Music concerts at major venues or pub/bar are likely to be on the agenda. PEOPLE 18-29 1,229,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 67 % 67% are heavy outdoor consumers PEOPLE 18-29

2 MEDIA AND OUTDOOR BEHAVIOUR Outdoor attitudes/opinions 55% notice brand advertising on large billboards 55% say billboard advertising is easy to understand whilst driving 54% say large billboards capture my attention when driving 53% can’t miss big billboard signs 50% can’t help notice advertising around the airport 49% can’t help notice advertising on busses 46% notice advertising on big billboards on my way to the shopping centre Commuting to work/study 62% travel by car (alone or car pool) 28% take the bus 31% use the train 9% use a tram/light rail 28% travel an hour or more Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey 10 2012 (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people PEOPLE 18-29 1,229,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 62% TRAVEL BY CAR PEOPLE 18-29

3 PURCHASE & INTENTION BEHAVIOUR Alcohol consumption 29% drunk a spirit in the past month 13% consumed a white spirit; 13% a dark spirit 28% drank beer in the past month; 10% consumed premix Cars & Technology 23% intend to purchase a car in the next 12 months 39% own a laptop and 21% own a tablet PC Travel 41% intend an Australian holiday in the next 6 months – 37% of them intend to drive, 23% will fly with Qantas 31% intend to travel overseas in the coming year. Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey 10 2012 (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people PEOPLE 18-29 1,229,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 79% OWN A SMARTPHONE 15% USED IT FOR LOCATION BASED/GPS ACTIVITIES IN THE PAST 30 DAYS PEOPLE 18-29

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