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Position Budgeting Seminar Presented by: The Office of Planning, Budget & Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Position Budgeting Seminar Presented by: The Office of Planning, Budget & Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Position Budgeting Seminar Presented by: The Office of Planning, Budget & Analysis

2 Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this lesson you will be able to: describe the fundamental budget practices for an academic environment identify the key concepts and methodology to develop a personnel budget understand and adjust the variables to model a fully funded position differentiate between centrally funded benefits and department-funded benefits utilize the financial tools (Banner/UMDW) to analyze the budget status of a position

3 Position Budgeting Definition: Budget for a specific position not a specific person – Banner as a system is built on Organizations – Each Organization has Positions as part of the team – Individuals are placed into the positions Know your funding streams before you hire!

4 General Funds – Uses Why Position Budgeting (1 of 5) 77%

5 Designated Funds – Uses Why Position Budgeting (2 of 5) 33%

6 Auxiliary Funds – Uses Why Position Budgeting (3 of 5) 46%

7 Why Position Budgeting (4 of 5) 46% $5,520 $8,796

8 Why Position Budgeting (5 of 5) Salaries/Wages & Benefits – University’s #1 expense – General Funds – $109,135,744 – Designated Funds– $ 14,539,351 – Auxiliary Funds – $ 21,196,941 – Restricted Funds – $ 43,623,931 – Plant Funds – $ 630,000 FY10 Budget - $189,425,967 Health Ins-FY05 was $5,520/yr in FY11 will be $8,796/yr Position Budgets versus Account Code Budgets – Using Banner as intended – UM Data Warehouse (UMDW) tools

9 The Academic Environment (1 of 5) Employee Classifications – Faculty Tenured, Tenure Track, Adjunct… Fiscal Year, Academic Year, Merits, Markets and Extra Comp… – Research Faculty, Assistants and Staff – Contract Administrators/Contract Professionals On-going, Letter of Appointment, Temporary… – Classified Staff Union, Exempt, High Risk, Low Risk, Temporary… Longevity, Career Ladders, Lump Sum Bonuses, Overtime… – Students Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA), Graduate Research Assistants (GRA), Non-Work Study, Work Study (Federal or State), Full Time, Less than 6 Credit Hours… – FTE, Pay Plans, Strategic Pay Increases, Stipends, Pooled Positions, Termination Pay…

10 Temporary Employees – Pooled Positions – Single Positions – Duration of Employment – Obligation to Pay Benefits Health Insurance Retirement Plans Accrue Annual Vacation and Sick Time Hours The Academic Environment (2 of 5)

11 The Academic Environment (3 of 5) Possible Funding Streams – General Funds Base Budget One Time Only (OTO) – Designated Funds – Auxiliary Funds – Restricted Funds Research Gifts – Plant Funds

12 The Academic Environment (4 of 5) Program Integrity – Instruction – Research – Public Service – Academic Support – Student Services – Institutional Support – Plant and Maintenance – Scholarships

13 FY10 Budgeted General Funds by Program The Academic Environment (5 of 5)

14 Model a Fully Funded Position Remember a Model helps to Answer “What if?” Best Guess based on Past Practice, Facts & Assumptions What is the Most Likely versus Worst Case – Known funding streams or “soft” money – For SPABA funds intentionally setting aside a reserve just in case

15 Model a Personnel Budget (1 of 4) DeanChairProfessorAdjunct Pool Associate Dean Administrative Associate

16 Benefits & Other Payroll Expenses What are Centrally Funded Benefits? – How are they calculated? – The dilemma of base funding vs. OTO funding What are Department (Designated/Auxiliary/Restricted) Funded Benefits? – How are they calculated?


18 Model a Personnel Budget (2 of 4)

19 Model a Personnel Budget (3 of 4)

20 Model a Personnel Budget (4 of 4)

21 Break!

22 Using UMDW/Banner Individual Positions Numbers – Organizations have assigned series Pooled Position Numbers – First half of the number indicates type of pool – Second half of the number indicates in which department

23 Newer pooled position structure that was implemented in FY09 Pooled Position Numbering

24 Use the parameters 61, 62, and 63 in account type field to exclude benefits expense UMDW

25 UMDW Employee Budget/Actual

26 Banner (1 of 9)

27 Banner (2 of 9)

28 Banner (3 of 9)

29 Comments are added for each budget adjustment within this screen, including date, amount of adjustment, index code to/from, and short explanation Banner (4 of 9)

30 Banner (5 of 9)

31 Banner (6 of 9)

32 Banner (7 of 9)

33 Banner (8 of 9)

34 Banner (9 of 9)

35 UMDW Employee Budget/Actual

36 RBC – General Funds (1 of 2)

37 RBC – General Funds (2 of 2)

38 RBC – Des/Aux Funds (1 of 2)

39 RBC – Des/Aux Funds (2 of 2)

40 Position Budgets – Des/Aux (1 of 2)

41 Position Budgets – Des/Aux (2 of 2)

42 Position Budgets – General Funds

43 Review describe the fundamental budget practices for an academic environment identify the key concepts and methodology to develop a personnel budget understand and adjust the variables to model a fully funded position differentiate between centrally funded benefits and department-funded benefits utilize the financial tools (Banner/UMDW) to analyze the budget status of a position

44 Discussion

45 Future Events Position Budget Training - Thursday, January 28 th Designated and Auxiliary Fund Operating Plans Training – Thursday, February 4 th Build Designated/Auxiliary Budgets - Thursday, February 11 th or - Thursday, March 11 th General Funds Budget Training - Wednesday, April 21 st or - Thursday, April 22 nd

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