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A syllable is part of a word that has only one vowel sound.

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Presentation on theme: "A syllable is part of a word that has only one vowel sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 A syllable is part of a word that has only one vowel sound.

2 A prefix or suffix is a group of letters that come at the beginning or end of a word.

3 A prefix or suffix is a group of letters that come at the beginning or end of a word.

4 When a word has a prefix or a suffix, divide it and the base word.

5 melting melt - ing

6 reread re - read

7 unwrapped un - wrap- ped

8 When a word has a prefix or a suffix, divide it and the base word.

9 untie un - tie

10 counting count - ing

11 disappearing dis- appear -ing

12 VCV when a word has one consonant sound surrounded by two vowels.

13 VCV when a word has one consonant sound surrounded by two vowels.

14 When a word has one consonant surrounded by two vowels, and the first vowel sound is long, divide it before the consonant. VCV

15 broken bro - ken

16 staple sta - ple

17 When a word has one consonant surrounded by two vowels, and the first vowel sound is long, divide it before the consonant. VCV

18 over o - ver

19 solar so - lar

20 When a word has a VCV pattern, and the first vowel is short, divide it after the consonant.

21 visit vis - it

22 figure fig – ure

23 When a word has a VCV pattern, and the first vowel is short, divide it after the consonant.

24 value val - ue

25 mimic mim - ic

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