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Workshop to Exchange Views and Ideas on Possible Elements to be Considered in a Future Revision of the UNFCCC guidelines for the NA-I Preparation on National.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop to Exchange Views and Ideas on Possible Elements to be Considered in a Future Revision of the UNFCCC guidelines for the NA-I Preparation on National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop to Exchange Views and Ideas on Possible Elements to be Considered in a Future Revision of the UNFCCC guidelines for the NA-I Preparation on National Comunications National GHG Inventories

2 Participants Malaysia Dominican Republic Israel Panamá Ghana Jamaica Papua and New Guinea Singapure Maldives Nigeria CGE: Japan Chile Algeria Guatemala

3 Objectives of the Guidelines Assist non-Annex I Parties in meeting their reporting requirements under the Convention; Encourage the presentation of information in a consistent, transparent and comparable, as well as flexible, manner, taking into account specific national circumstances; Facilitate the presentation of information on support required for the preparation and improvement of national communications from non-Annex I Parties; To ensure that the Conference of the Parties (COP) has sufficient information to carry out its responsibility for assessing the implementation of the Convention by Parties.

4 Recommended Elements 7. We recommend to establish inventories for the latest years available, taking into account the national capabilities and circumstances, with comparable milestones among countries. 11. Enhance the level of ambition to apply the GPG (2000 and 2003), (instead of “to encouraged” use “to recommend”. 13. Describe in more details the procedures and arrangement to sustain the GHG inventories process (p. e. documentations, QA/QC, the archiving system, inventory improvement plan).

5 21. Encourage institutional arrangement for the improvement of future national inventories Encourage the use National Emissions Factors and the use of the most recent IPCC Emissions factors Enhance the systematic sharing of local Emissions Factors (e.g. via the EFDB) 21. Parties wishing to provide more detailed information may submit Inventories Report. 22. Revise the reporting tables in order to present more detailed information 23. Encourage the use of uniform reporting format for non AN-I parties. Recommended Elements

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