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OFFICE PROCEDURE Mail operations
* Role of MTS in Post office
To collect mails from ST Depot. To segrate the all the ordinary mails. To help in facing mails facing of mails. Deface the all mails received for delivery Help in sorting of mails Clear all the letter box for assigning to despatch / delivery.
Role of MTS in Post office:
Facing of all mails receive for dispatch Deface the stamps on articles for dispatch Affix date and name stamp on check slips prepare bundle for dispatch Closing of mail bags Bags to be closed by MTS Bags to be closed by PA / Supervisor How to knot the bags (Vol. V) Hand over bags to ST Depot or MMS
Receipt of Bags in Post offices
Receipt of Mails – through MTS From Station From Bus Station From Mail office What is your role in receiving & transferring of bags in your office? Which bags are opened by you ? What care should be taken while opening of bags? How will you dispose off the contents of a mail bag?
Receipt of bag MTS has to carry Mail bags from Railway Station / Bus Station… He should checks with reference to mail list Whether bag is addressed to his office Conditions of bags are in order Details of bags tally with the list List is date stamped and put up to Mail PA for signing and preserved.
Opening of Mail Bags .
Transfer of contents of station mail bag
To Registration PA Parcel PA For pre-delivery process Contents Reg.bag Parcel list with Parcels Unaccountable articles
Pre-delivery process Facing of Articles - They are faced with address side up and arranged Defacing – All the articles are to be impressed with delivery stamp / D – Date stamp Date stamp is impressed on the back of articles Stamp impressions to be clear and distinct
Table Sorting & Distribution of contents
. Post Box / Bag To delivery PA / Stg. Postman Window delivery To concerned PA Postmen Delivery PA Post Restante Deposit PA Missent Articles Sorting PA BO Sub Account PA
Pre – Delivery Process: Transfer of Unaccountable Articles
Articles to be delivered through postbag/box For sorting by Delivery PA Window delivery articles Concerned PA Post-Restante Deposit PA Missent articles Sorting PA for further sorting after making error entry Unpaid articles To SPM Articles for BOs To Sub account PA Other articles To sorting Postman for beat sorting
Pre-delivery process…
Sorting postman will sort letters beat-wise Each Postman arranges letters as per beat Postmen leave the office for delivery after collecting accountable articles from respective PAs. MTS MUST TAKE CARE THAT NO POSTMAN SHOULD LEAVE THE OFFICE WIHOUT GETTING ALL ARTICLES STAMPED WITH DELIVERY DATE STAMP
Post box & Post bag Persons/institutions can collect letters from post office at their convenience by availing the facility of postbox/postbag. Letters addressed to Post box and Post bag are sorted by Delivery PA or Sorting Postman. Unpaid and accountable articles should not be sorted . Preference to be given to this immediately after table sorting.
Pre delivery Process Unpaid / insufficiently paid articles –
An article is said to be unpaid when no postage stamps are affixed or Foreign stamps are affixed on Inland articles or Revenue stamps or used stamps are affixed. An article is said to be insufficiently paid if it is affixed with postage stamps of an amount less than the required. MTS SHOULD ALSO HAVE A KEEN WATCH ON SUCH ARTICLES & HANDOVER SUCH ARTICLES FOUND WHILE DEFACEING TO POSTMASTER FOR TAXING PURPOSE
SOME IRREGULARITIES Old letter re-posted in letter box.
A due bag not received. Discrepancy in mail list. Mail bag received in tampered condition . Article received in damaged condition. 2.1.14
SOME IRREGULARITIES… Article received without contents
Article received missent Parcel list/parcel not received in “M” bag Mail bag received missent 2.1.15
Irregularities and entry in error book
Whenever any mistake is committed by subordinate staff or subordinate offices, error entry is made in error book (MS-2). The post master will initial the error entry. Copy of the extract will be forwarded to concerned office or section as well as controlling authority whenever necessary Rule No: 145 Volume V 2.1.16
ERROR BOOK DATE Name of official/office committing irregularity
Particulars Sl.No/Details Remarks showing action taken Belgaum Stg Office Set/II dated 25 One L Bag addressed to Bidar HO received missent L bag forwarded to Bidar HO Error extract sent to SRO, Belgaum stg, with a copy to SSPOs. Radha Krishna Signature of PA Signature of PM 2.1.17
EXERCISE Exercise 2.1.1
Despatch Process Explain -
Types of Bags & their abbreviation & its probable contents. Lable Bundle – When & how to prepare? DISCUSS - What is role of MTS in Despatch? Who will prepare bag label & Mail list? How to prepare label bundles? What will you do in case you found unpaid / insufficiently paid articles? Which type of bags are closed by your office? How does the bags are despatched? What is your role in it?
Recap on Collection of mails
Through LB peons from Letter Boxes At counters Through Postmen when they are discharging their duties in their beat Receipt of mails from Branch office for onward transmission Mis sent articles received from sorting office or other offices
LETTER BOX CLEARANCE Have you seen LB Statement? What is it?
Role & responsibilities of MTS in r/o clearance of letter boxes. Hour plates? its custody? What is its significance ? Importance of LB Clearance? Optimum utilisationn of LB peon.
LETTER BOX CLEARANCE Type of LB Location By whom cleared
Watch on clearance Office LB Post Office Sorting PA / SA With ref to hour plates through book by the LB attendant Outside LB Mail Office / Important Places LB attendant / LB peon (P&T Manual Vol. VI- I-Rule 73) How does an LB Peon or the Postal Assistant/Supervisor know which letter boxes to clear and at what time besides other details relating to the Letter Boxes ? We need to know what a Letter Box Statement is for this purpose.
LETTER BOX STATEMENT A Letter box statement is available in the Mails and sorting branch. It is prepared by concerned Postmaster of the office & for BOs by the concerned Sub. Divisional Head. Let us see how a Letter Box Statement looks like. SL. No. Location Type of LB Type of Lock used Clearing Timing Distance By Whom Cleared Date of Last Paining 1 Office Wall F1 09.30 11.30 15.45 --- Stg. PA ---- 2 Pillar F2 12.30 15.30 16.30 ----- 3 Market Area C3 15.00 1 Km LB Peon
Sorting of mails Segregation of letters for stamping/sorting
Fully prepaid articles (Postcards,letters,letter card, Air letter) Fully prepaid packets(News paper, Book packet) Unpaid/insufficiently paid articles or articles posted under breach of condition Privately manufactured postcard,ILC (Unpaid, breach of condition articles) Packets (Unpaid, insufficiently paid, breach of condition) Rule 60-A Volume V
Facing of articles The facing means the arrangement of articles with the address side upward and the addresses turned in the same direction. (Rule 54 Vol.V)
Defacing of articles Should not be…….
Defacing of articles Should not be………
Defacing of articles Should be………
Defacing of articles
Defacing of stamps Small part of date stamp should be on stamp and major part of it be on letter/article Minimum cancellation Clear and distinct impression
How to get clear and distinct impression ?
Clean the stamps and seals regularly Put them in boiling water Keep the stamp pad clean Apply sufficient ink Use rubber pad on a stone slab Make minimum cancellation Do not cancel non-postage stamps.
Sorting principles Preliminary sorting
a) To relieve RMS of the peak hour’s problem b) To eliminate rehandling of mail to large extent c) To pick up the mails which need not go to mail office Local mail deliverable at the same PO, Mails for SO/HO ( as the case may be) through account bags Article meant for the PO for which cross bags exist
Sorting diagram of PO Must selection Optional selections
Local articles For HO/SO BO articles RLO Parent mail office Any other selection prescribed Metro cities State capitals Neighboring districts Foreign country Other circles Any other selection prescribed
LABELLED BUNDLES A labelled bundle is a group of articles, which are faced and bundled together with a check slip on the top. ( Rule 24 Volume V) Sorting postal assistant prepares for unregistered articles. Office of destination should be written correctly I class and II class articles should not be mixed Name stamp, date stamp, signature of PA required on check slip Eliminates multiple handling at different intermediate offices
Rule 25 Volume V
Types of labelled bundle
Type of Label Bundle When Prepared Station Bundle Whenever 15 or more articles are available for delivery by the same delivery Post Office. This bundle is opened only by the concerned delivery post office Town Delivery Bundle Whenever 15 or more articles are deliverable by different delivery PO in the same town. District Bundle If 15 or more articles are deliverable by different delivery PO in the same district Circle Bundle If 15 or more articles are there for a particular state/Postal Circle Foreign Bundle If 5 or more articles are available for a particular foreign country 56 APO Bundle If 01 or more articles for the protectors or National boundary addressed to Field Post Office or Army Post Office Sorting Bundle Sorting bundle is to be prepared for remaining articles .
Due Mail & Unusual Mail Rule 53 Volume V
Due Mails :- Received and dispatched daily or at regular intervals Unusual Mails:- Received and dispatched whenever needed. Rule 53 Volume V
Due Mails & UnUsual Mails
Mail bag Parcel bag Transit bag Packet bag Account bag Camp bag Branch office bag Special bag Regd. Pkt. bag (prescribed) Regd. Pkt. bag (not prescribed)
Types of Bags & contents
Abbreviation Contents Account bag A Accounting documents & cash bag Branch Office Bag B Accounting documents of BO and Un accountable & accountable mails Letter Bag L Unregistered Mails Mail bag without PL list D Un-registered mail and Registered bag Station Mail bag (from RMS to PO) M Unregistered mail Registered bag and Parcel list Sorting Mail bag (from PO to RMS) S - Do -
Types of Bags & contents
Abbreviation Contents Parcel bag P Registered and VP Parcels & INS bag Packet Bag Pkt Empty canvas bags Registered bag R Regd. and VP letters, INS Envelopes and MO bundles Registered packet bag RP Second class Regd and VP packets Transit bag TB Several bags with ML Speed post bag SP Speed post articles Special bag Special Addressed to dignitaries Camp bag Addressed to postal officer camp at different station
Preparation of Mail bag
Sorting PA will collect following bags from respective branches and closes the S-bag for Sorting office. Registered bag Parcel list plus Parcels Account bag if any Prepare label to the destination Transfers the S-bag to Mail PA for onward dispatch under acquitance Rule 73 Volume V
Mail list
Mail- List Invoicing of all bags dispatched on a particular occasion to another office
Mail List Prepared at Post offices Prepared by Mail P.A.
Details of all unusual bags and due bags is to be listed in it. Prepared in duplicate if the bag is exchanged directly Prepared in triplicate if the bag is exchanged through MMS. Rule 76 Volume V
Proforma of Mail list From;_____________________To;_____________ Total No. of bags dispatched=
Office of dispatch or designation of sender Office of destination or designation of addressee Bag No. Type of bag D.O Date Stamp R.O Date Stamp D.O Signature R.O Signature
Different mode of transmission
By Mail Motor Service Departmental MMS Contractual MMS ( Private carrier,Govt bus etc)
Different mode of transmission
By Train By AIR
By Carrier-Foot /cycle line
By Sea
Error Reporting Error book in form MS-2 maintained in all post offices. Maintained separately for each branch in big offices. PA record the irregularity The post master will check & initial Copy of the error entry will be forwarded to the concerned office/ controlling authorities to draw their attention.
EXERCISE Exercise 2.1.2
Stamps & Seals Various stamps & Seals available in your Post office ?
Portfolio in RMS? Purpose of Stamps and seals : Obliteration of postage stamps Authentication of documents\lists\articles Closing of bags\covers Custody of Stamps & seals during office hours after office hours Cleaning of Stamp & seals. Book of Postmarks Who will maintain it? Why maintained? How to maintain?
STAMPS & SEALS Stamps and seals are used for :
Obliteration of postage stamps Authentication of documents\lists\articles Closing of bags\covers They are made of iron, brass and rubber Rubber stamps are got manufactured locally by administrative unit the stamps & seals made of iron and brass are manufactured by Postal Seals Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd., Aligarh and supplied through PSD, Aligarh.
STAMPS & SEALS The digits used for dates in the stamps are called ‘changeable types’ because they needs to be changed everyday. Before the end of the year, the HO should collectively place an indent on behalf of BOs, SOs and itself for new year digits On receipt, they should be supplied to concerned office and on completion of year, the old digits should be returned to HO immediately
STAMPS & SEALS Before closure of post office, all stamps and seals are locked in the office safe under joint custody All stamps and seals are required to be cleaned at least once in a month or frequently depending on their use They should be cleaned with boiled water and kerosene for having clear impression Note in respect of cleaning of stamps and seals should be made in the Error Book
STAMPS & SEALS Points to be kept in mind :
Official is personally responsible for custody of stamps and seals during its use In case of their misuse, he is held responsible Before use of stamps and seals, their impression should be taken in the Book of Postmarks and initial should be made by concerned official in token of having verified. The impression of Oblong, Round MO, Insurance Seal, Due stamps is obtained in separate book of postmarks
STAMPS & SEALS Points to be kept in mind…. Keep stamp pad clean.
-Apply sufficient ink. -Use rubber pad on a stone. -Make minimum cancellation. -Do not cancel non postage stamps.
EXERCISE Exercise 2.1.3
Role of MTS in RMS Collection of bags from section / MMS
Transfer of bags to TMOs Opening of bags Transfer parcel bag to parcel sorting ASST Transfer regd. Bags to REGD Assistant Assisting in opening of Regd./ Parcel bags. Clearing the LB attached to mail office.
Role of MTS in RMS Facing of mails cleared from L.B.
Facing of mail for sorting Defacing articles taken out from Letter Box Stamping of check slips Stamping of all documents i.e. mail list, regd. list, mail & regd. abstract , daily report etc Closing of bags Handing over mail bags to MMS/ section
Need for Network Review as a basis for significant increase in volumes, revenues, and market share
1 External Drivers Internal Drivers Declining mail volumes Competition from Domestic and Inter-national players Absence of regulation Change in mail profile Customer Demands (e.g. Track & Trace) Difficulties of existing mail network vis-à-vis changed mail profile Low level of IT induction in mail processing Low productivity Delivery inconsistencies and visibility Lack of customer focus Impact Inconsistent quality of service High operational costs Eroding customer base SOURCE: India Post 63 63 63
Impact of the Project in terms of Operational Improvement
DEL-AAA 1A Easier sorting – Ensure minimum multiple handling 1 1B Less workload – reduce no. of bags & mis sorts between different locations 2A Better equipment – Ease of working for staff at SPC s with new equipments 2 2B Higher throughput – Ensure higher processing with improved process design Streamlined workflow – by having optimised inflow of mails in the processing centres 3A 3 Prioritized processing – Ensure processing prioritisation based on the time of the day for maximum connectivity 3B Keep everyone informed – Regular interaction and display of SPC's daily performance, suggestions and feedback encouraged 4A 4 Training & Incentives – Incentivise high performers and help all staff with newly developed trainings 4B SOURCE: Mail Network Optimisation Project 2.1.64
The Routing of 1st Class mails has been redesigned w. e. f. 15/2/2012
RMS offices have been categorized in to two level viz. Level-1 and level-2 89 Mail offices have been identified as L-1 centers. 244 Mail offices are identified as L- 2 centers. The earlier major concentration centers have been identified as L-1 mail office while other small offices have been identified as L-2 mail office. All L-1 offices are catering mail of Head offices/Sub Offices mapped under them. 2.1.65
. In the new setup all 89 L-1 offices have been linked with each other thus there is uniformity in linking of mail offices without checking any record.
Sorting diagram at L-1 mail offices
The offices mapped under each L-1 mail office have to close two sets of bags TD/NTD separately for unregistered articles as well as for registered articles. The bags containing TD mails will contain mail to be delivered by the Post Offices mapped to the same parent mail office. The bags containing NTD mails will contain mail other than TD to be delivered by Post Offices not mapped to the same parent Mail office. Post Offices would continue to retain station articles with them to be delivered by the same Post Office in case of both registered and unregistered articles.
. The L-2 mail office mapped under L-1 mail office will close bags for L-1 mail office to which it is mapped and not for other L-1 mail office of Circle, for example Itarsi RMS will not close bags for Jabalpur RMS, Gwalior RMS and Indore RMS. While Satna RMS, Sagar RMS and Katni RMS will close bags for Jabalpur RMS. Similarly these offices will close bags for each other also.
The concept of Redesigned of 1st class mails is to route the 1st class mails as per same analogy as have been done in respect of Speed articles consequent upon set up of NSPC Hubs and thereby less handling of public mail. The News Paper should be treated as first class, when it is routed through Surface. In case of Air Lift this will be treated as second class mails. The bags closed by L-1/L-2 offices will be treated as due bags and must be closed by respective mail office, and accordingly changes in Due Mail List be done. Even there is no contents for any particular office, the bags should be closed invariably.
The sorting cases and diagram of L-1 mail office may be reorganized as under:-
Type-I preliminary and secondary level selection should be provided for - Inbound and incoming mails received from other L-1 mail offices and meant for delivery post offices and L-2 mail offices mapped to the L-1 mail office. Local TD (including catchment area of L-1 mail office) mails received from all post offices mapped to the L-1 mail office to be delivered by the delivery post office mapped to the L-1 mail office.
Type-II (Non TD) preliminary and secondary level selection should be provided for out bond NTD mail may received from attached Post Offices and L-2 mail office of the L-1 mail office and meant for other L-1 mail office as well as L-2 mail office mapped to the L-1 mail office under reference. The bag of NTD should be opened first, so that complete processed public mail may be dispatched by available mode of evening. TD bags should be opened later on. In no case TD/NTD mails should be got mixed.
The sorting diagram at L-2 mail office may be reorganized as follow
Type-I (Inbound) TD and Local TD Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for (i) inbound/incoming mail received from parent L-1 mail office to which the L-2 mail office is mapped as well as other designated L-2 mail offices and meant for delivery post offices mapped to the L-2 mail office, and (ii) Local TD (including catchment area of the L-2 mails office) mail received from all post offices mapped to the L-2 and to be delivered by the delivery post offices mapped to the L-2 mail office.
Type-II (Non TD) :- Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for outbound/Non-TD mail received from attached post offices of the L-2 mail office and meant for other L-1 and L-2 mail offices. At some L-2 mail offices, there could be a situation where only one type of sorting case/diagram is sufficient to incorporate all selections in terms of local TD inbound TD and Non TD mail. In such cases, only one type of sorting case/diagram should be used.
The sorting logic/diagram of type-I and type-II sorting case described above should be redesigned by each mail office based on the average mail volume for various destinations.
The destination with higher mail volume should be kept for sorting under preliminary selection.
So far as second class mails is concerned, the existing pattern will remain unchanged. A proposal has already been submitted to Directorate, for linking of all L-2 mails offices of M.P. Circle and some L-2 mail offices of Neighboring Circles.
MNOP FOR SPEED POST 1.New operational network would come in to effect with 1st November 2010 2.89 Sorting hubs and 42 Intra circle hubs are functioning 3.Sorting Hubs close Speed post bags for each other 4.In such circle where no Intra circle hubs functions, post offices would be mapped to one of the sorting hub
5.Where an Intra circle hub would function, some of the PO be mapped to only one of the sorting hub and some PO be mapped to both sorting hub and Intra circle hub 6.Articles for post office not mapped in Speednet may be sorted based on the PIN range ( First three digits) 7.Sorting hub would do sorting for all delivery post office under its catchment area
Exercise Exercise 2.1.4
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