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Public health & Globalisation Dr. Babar T Shaikh The Aga Khan University Karachi, Pakistan.

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2 Public health & Globalisation Dr. Babar T Shaikh The Aga Khan University Karachi, Pakistan

3 Public health & Globalisation Enabling Objectives  To understand what is public health  To learn about basic components of public health  To learn about global opportunities available

4 Public health & Globalisation Performance Objectives By the end of this presentation, we will learn to:  Conceptualize what public health is  Apply basic knowledge of public health to our health needs  Acquire knowledge about globalisation

5 Public health & Globalisation Public health D efinition: the organized local and global efforts to prevent death, disease and injury, and promote the health of populations. Goals: Improve population health; Reduce health inequalities.

6 Public health & Globalisation Globalisation The intensification of global flows of capital, goods, ideas and people across borders and the institutions and rules established to regulate these flows.

7 Globalisation and health OpennessCross border flows technology Regional/global rules and institutions National Policies GCP/HSD June 2000 Health risks Health systems Level and distribution of household income Education Water Energy Transport Other sectors Health Outcomes

8 Public health & Globalisation Public health in globalising world  Domestic action alone insufficient  Health achievements critical to international development goals

9 Public health & Globalisation Global risks for health  Exclusion from global markets  Private ownership of knowledge  Migration of health professionals  Cross border transmission of disease  Environmental degradation  Conflict

10 Public health & Globalisation Global opportunities for health  Inclusion/ connection  New market incentives for R&D  New resources for effective interventions  Knowledge dissemination  New rules to control cross border risks

11 Public health & Globalisation Public health crisis in developing countries  Poverty (2.5 billion), debt, inequalities;  Population growth (80 million);  Double burden of disease: HIV/AIDS;  Weak public health infrastructure;  Public sector reform.

12 Public health & Globalisation WHO’s response  Strategic directions;  Priority for: diseases of the poor, tobacco;  Support for national health systems;  New: Partnerships and relationships; Resources; Rules ; Optimism.

13 Public health & Globalisation Globalisation, trade and health A policy, research and training programme  Develop knowledge and skills  Promote policy coherence  Contribute to: global public goods for health, global health funds, international rules for health

14 Public health & Globalisation WTO Agreements and public health  GATT  Technical barriers to trade  Intellectual property and trade : TRIPS  Services : GATS

15 Public health & Globalisation Globalisation and health: policy measures  Equitable and sustainable growth  Openness- gradual, sequenced and paced  Produce global public goods, control the bads  Increase transfer of financial and technical resources  Strong national health policies, institutions, regulations and programmes  Engage across sectors and borders

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