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Public folders in O365 High availability, data redundancy, and low cost storage thru DAGs Multi-master replication simplified and replaced.

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8 Public folders in O365 High availability, data redundancy, and low cost storage thru DAGs Multi-master replication simplified and replaced by single-master replication of folder hierarchy

9 No change to end user experience Public Folder databases replaced by mailboxes Public folder mailboxes are stored in regular mailbox databases Each public folder mailbox includes the complete public folder hierarchy Single writable copy of the hierarchy

10 Modern Public Folders Architecture Architecture Public folders are based on the mailbox architecture Hierarchy is stored in all public folder mailboxes Content can be broken up and placed across multiple mailboxes Similar administrative features Public Folder permission management in RBAC Red Folder Green Folder CAS 2013 Blue Folder Pink Folder Yellow Folder Public logon Public logon Public Logon Hierarchy

11 CAS 2013 Hierarchy 1.Client connects to a PF mailbox 2.Client creates Folder2 3.Create request is proxied via the primary PF mailbox 4.PF hierarchy is updated on all PF mailboxes Within 15 mins where users are connected Within 24 hours where no users are connected

12 Legacy Public FoldersModern Public Folders Content storagePublic Folder databasePublic Folder mailbox Public Folder content replicationCan be replicated between databasesNo replication High availabilityPF replicationDAG PF Hierarchy storageOne per PF database, multi-masterPer PF mailbox, one master only PF Hierarchy synchronizationBased on e-mailDirect mailbox sync SearchItems onlyItems and attachments (full-text) Public Folder Client permissionsAccess Control Lists (ACLs) Admin PlatformPF Management Console + EMSEAC + EMS

13 Cross-premise & cross-forest access: E2013  E2013, E2013  E2010, E2013  E2007 Automated Storage Management for O365 customers EAC UI for admin tasks Full text search Public Folder and Mailbox restore OWA access for Public Folders Migration support from E2010 and E2007

14 Clients - Outlook 2010, 2007, Office 365 Pro Plus (Outlook 2013) - OWA 2013 (mail & post type folders) Exchange Server - E2013 users can access E2013 / E2010 / E2007 Public Folders - E2007/E2010 users cannot access E2013 Public Folders, so migrate Public Folder users before Public Folder data Migration support - Cutover migration from E2010 and E2007 - Same forest and cross-premise

15 Deploying modern public folders Create a mailbox in a DAG New-Mailbox -PublicFolder Users create folders and messages Users grow Create more mailboxes! (New- Mailbox -PublicFolder) Hierarchy is copied automatically Users create more folders and messages Mailbox grows. Split it! Split-PublicFolderMailbox.ps1







22 Mailbox Replication Service PFDB1 PFDB2 PFDB3 Analyze Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 Provision public folder mailboxes New-Mailbox -PublicFolder -HoldForMigration:$true -IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy:$true Begin migration New-PublicFolderMigrationRequest - SourceDatabase –CSVData Hierarchy copying Content copying Auto suspend Public Folder migration request Finalize Migration Request Lockout users: Set-OrganizationConfig -PublicFoldersLockedForMigration:$true Allow for Public Folder replication on source Set-PublicFolderMigrationRequest -PreventCompletion:$false Resume-PublicFolderMigrationRequest Copies final hierarchy and content changes Unlocks destination Validate and open up for all Set-Mailbox -PublicFolder - IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy:$false Set-Mailbox –DefaultPublicFolderMailbox (optional) Set-OrganizationConfig - PublicFolderMigrationComplete:$true









31 Thank you for your attention! Don’t forget your evaluations!




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