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Kay Norstrom Olliff Peggy Armstrong University of North Florida English Language Program Pleasure Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Kay Norstrom Olliff Peggy Armstrong University of North Florida English Language Program Pleasure Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kay Norstrom Olliff Peggy Armstrong University of North Florida English Language Program Pleasure Reading

2 Origins of the class ELP at UNF– an Intensive English Program Four levels of instruction Classes for 22 hours per week What more can we offer? NOVELS!

3 Organization of the classes How we began Bought graded readers (Penguin, Cambridge, Oxford) Set up “portable libraries” Established charts Set up progress system Found whole-class readings Made packets for students.

4 How to Measure Progress? Ask students to find a book with 95% of words known. Measure pages read within 10 minutes. Record level of book and number of pages read. Each week, keep a record of the progress made during the week. Periodically check reading speed. (Is this right, Kay? Do you still do this?)

5 Why Extensive Reading? Longer concentrated periods of silent reading build vocabulary and structural awareness, develop automaticity, enhance background knowledge, improve comprehension skills, and promote confidence and motivation. In short, students learn to read by reading. (Grabe) Research on reading in which students read extensively, have ownership over the materials they choose to read, and are allowed to read in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment within the classroom has mostly shown that these activities contribute to the development of independent reading and language learning. (Hsui)

6 In the classroom, we….. Build Vocabulary and Structural Awareness Keep vocabulary cards Encourage vocabulary journals Share vocabulary tips Work with academic word lists:

7 In the classroom, we….. Develop automaticity Students progress through different levels of graded readers. Students read an unabridged novel by Level 4. Enhance background knowledge Students learn about the elements of literature. Students discuss their books and the themes. Promote confidence and motivation The class reads and discusses a novel together. Students work on group projects and presentations.

8 Materials we use Instructor wiki: Teachers receive packets for classroom use. For projects, students use technological resources.

9 Using Technology in Pleasure Reading classes

10 Other resources Extensive Reading: http://extensivereading.net Extensive Reading: Speed and Comprehension: The George Jacobs Website: Extensive Reading: Teaching English: Extensive Reading: e-reading

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