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MURMANSK REGIONAL DUMA General Information. Speaker: Mr.Vasiliy Shambir First Vice-speaker:Mr.Mikhail Il’inykh Vice-speakers: Mr.Alexander Krupaderov.

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Presentation on theme: "MURMANSK REGIONAL DUMA General Information. Speaker: Mr.Vasiliy Shambir First Vice-speaker:Mr.Mikhail Il’inykh Vice-speakers: Mr.Alexander Krupaderov."— Presentation transcript:

1 MURMANSK REGIONAL DUMA General Information

2 Speaker: Mr.Vasiliy Shambir First Vice-speaker:Mr.Mikhail Il’inykh Vice-speakers: Mr.Alexander Krupaderov Mr.Alexander Makarevich Ms.Nadezhda Maksimova Mr.Vyacheslav Popov Mr.Pavel Sazhinov Mr.Andrey Chernev Murmansk Regional Duma of the 5th convocation (2011 - 2016)

3  The state power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial power. The bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power shall be independent. Charter of the Murmansk Region Governor of the Murmansk Region Government of the Murmansk Region: - determines and implements measures aimed at complex social-economic development of the region - participates in pursuing of the state policy in the field of finance, research, education, healthcare, welfare, environment - defines the structure of executive authorities - forms the Murmansk Region’s Government - determines the guidelines of the Government activity Murmansk Regional Duma (Regional Parliament) – a permanent acting legislative (representative) body of state power of the Murmansk region

4 considers legislative proposals and adopts:  Charter of Murmansk Region  Regional Laws on:  Regional Budget  Structure, procedure of forming and activity of Regional Government  Local Government  Procedure for elections of the Regional Duma members, mayors and municipal councils members  Procedure for regional and local referendum  Programmes of social-economic development of the Murmansk Region submitted by the Governor  Some taxes and duties and procedure of their collection  Procedure of administration of the Regional Property  Procedure of land and natural resources use Murmansk Regional Duma (Regional Parliament):

5  elects member of the Council of Federation – representative from Regional Duma  vests with authority the Governor of the Murmansk Region upon recommendation of the President of Russian Federation  approves the appointments of the First Vice-Governors  approves the appointment of the Attorney of Murmansk Region  nominates half of the members of the Regional Election Commission  nominates and discharges Chairman, Vice-Chairman and auditors of the Regional Audit Chamber  nominates members of the Competition Commissions – to conduct competitions to fill the posts of municipal city-managers  nominates justices of the peace upon recommendation of the President of the Regional Court  elects Duma’s representatives in Qualification Commission under the Chamber of Lawyers of the Murmansk region  nominates public representatives in Qualification Panel of Judges of the Murmansk region  elects one third of Regional Public Chamber’s members  nominates Commissioner for Child’s rights in the Murmansk region

6 SUPERVISORY POWERS DUMA has the powers to control:  - budget execution;  designation and spending of credit resources and appropriations from federal budget;  administration of the regional public property REGIONAL AUDIT CHAMBER – permanent acting body of the financial control  - was formed by Murmansk Regional Duma in 1997  examines budget execution: amount, structure and purpose  controls appropriation of financial resources transferred from federal authorities  defines the efficiency and expediency of resources spending and use of public property  - carries out the financial expertise of the regional long-term purpose-oriented programmes, draft legislation and regulatory legal acts REGIONAL AUDIT CHAMBER once every three months informs MURMANSK REGIONAL DUMA about the process of budget execution

7  was established in December 1994  consists of 36 representatives (members) elected by the population for a term of five years  new members of regional parliament were elected on the 4 th of December 2011  half of them are elected in single-seat constituencies (electoral districts), the rest 18 – in the unified regional electoral district in proportion of the number of votes cast for regional lists of candidates nominated by political parties  there are four party groups in the Regional Duma: "United Russia" political party parliamentary group (22) “Just Russia“ political party parliamentary group (5) "Communist Party of Russian Federation" parliamentary group (5) "Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia" parliamentary group (3) one non-attached member Murmansk Regional Duma

8 12 committees are formed in the Murmansk Regional Duma Committees prepare the maters for final consideration at the Duma's plenary sessions - Committee on Budget, Finances and Taxes (Chair: Mr.Boris Pishchulin) - Committee on Economic Policy and Economical Activity (Chair: Mr.Mikhail Antropov) - Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection (Chair: Ms.Natal’ya Leshchinskaya) - Committee on Labour and Social Policy (Chair: Mr. Yuriy Payusov) - Committee on Health Care (Chair: Mr.Oleg Minin) - Committee on Family Affairs, Youth and Sport Activity (Chair: Ms.Larisa Kruglova) - Committee on Local Self-Government Issues (Chair: Mr.Yuriy Shadrin) - Committee on Education, Science and Culture (Chair: Ms. Nataliya Vedishcheva) - Committee on Legislation (Chair: Mr.Vladimir Mishchenko) - Committee on Energy and Housing&Communal Services (Chair: Mr.Vyacheslav Bezugly) - Committee on Natural Resources Use, Fisheries and Agricultural Sector (Chair: Mr.Gennady Stepakhno) - Committee on Issues of Security, Military-Industrial Complex, Military Personnel and Closed Administrative-Territorial Communities (Chair: Mr.Mikhail Il’inykh)

9 Our role: to provide the legislative support and effective interaction between authorities of local, regional and federal levels for the development of the region  the regional regulatory and legal framework for successful implementation of the projects and creation favorable conditions for the parties involved; regional legislation; parliamentary hearings  introducing the draft bills of federal laws using our power to introduce legislation in State Duma; interaction with profiled committees in the Federal Parliament. Our tools:

10  interaction with people in constituencies; public hearings, public offices: - Office for work with addresses and statements of the citizens (more than 3 thousand addresses annually); - “Virtual office” for citizens’ addresses at the Murmansk regional Duma’s web-site; - Regional office of the Public Office of the Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev - Regional office of the Public Office of “United Russia” Party Leader Vladimir Putin; - Regional Office of the Public Office of the “Just Russia” Party Our tools:

11  Duma’s sessions, Committees meetings and other events in the Murmansk Regional Duma are opened to the mass media  Duma’s sessions are broadcasting on-line on the Internet  Coordinative Council on Informatization and Long-term targeted programme “Development of Information Society and Creation of e- Government in the Murmansk Region” for the period 2011-2013 Openness and publicity Development of the Civil Society  Public Chamber of the Murmansk Region consists of 45 representatives of the regional and local non-governmental organizations: - One third (15 members) approved by the Governor - One third (15 members) elected by Regional Duma - These 30 members by-turn elected the rest 15 members of the Public Chamber  Commissioner for Child’s rights in the Murmansk region  Public Youth Parliament under the Murmansk regional Duma

12 Local self-government in the Murmansk Region 40 municipalities with various status: - 14 urban districts - 5 municipal areas - 13 urban settlements - 10 rural settlements Structure:  Municipal Council (representative body)  Mayor (Head of the municipality, high municipal official):  Local Administration (executive and administrative body) Local self-government is independent within the limits of its authority. The bodies of local self-government are not the part of the system of bodies of state authority Our tool: Coordinative Body of municipal councils established under the Murmansk Regional Duma

13 Murmansk Regional Duma  has good links and interaction with regional parliaments of neighbouring countries, including County Councils of the Northern Norway and Regional Councils of the Northern Finland  takes an active part in international cooperation within the framework of inter- parliamentary organizations such as Nordic Council, Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Conference of the parliamentarians of the Arctic Region, Conference of the parliamentarians of the Barents region, Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum and others  is a members of the Parliamentary Association of the North-West Russia, which unites 11 regional parliaments of the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation

14 Murmansk Regional Duma e-mail:

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