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How Your Research Administration Team Supports You From Start to Finish Michelle Melin-Rogovin, Manager of Research Administration Research Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "How Your Research Administration Team Supports You From Start to Finish Michelle Melin-Rogovin, Manager of Research Administration Research Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Your Research Administration Team Supports You From Start to Finish Michelle Melin-Rogovin, Manager of Research Administration Research Administration Services

2 Your Team: Who Do You Ask for What Kind of Help?  Department Staff  The department staff who know your research idea, who will help you to assemble aspects of the proposal while you are on service.  Research Administration Services  The research administrators who will work with you and department staff to assemble and submit the proposal correctly and on time to OSR.  Office of Sponsored Research  The central office team who will review your proposal and approve it to be submitted on behalf of the university to the sponsor.

3 The Process: Where Do You Begin and How Long Does It Take?  Submit and receive approval from EM Research Committee.  Approval should be received a minimum of 6-8 weeks prior to sponsor deadline if Federal sponsor, possibly longer if subcontracts are involved with proposal.  Research Administration Services is contacted about your proposal (Michelle Melin-Rogovin or Catie Hor).  Recommend setting up a meeting to review your proposal idea, elements involved and timeline ASAP.

4 The Process: Part 2  The Plan  We set up a plan involving your staff and our team  Analyze the RFA, assign work and follow up  RAS manages the process  Anticipates complications early  Communicates with PI and staff often  Keeps on top of deadlines  Communicates with OSR and ensures timely submission  Bottom Line – You will be assigned an RA who will work with you from start to finish.

5 Deadlines  What We’re Managing Together  Subcontracts from other universities or institutions require approvals from the institution of origin and NU – adds 1-2 weeks  OSR requires 5 business days for approval of proposal material  Science has to be submitted 2 business days prior to due date.  The New InfoEd System adds a layer of uncertainty that is still being worked out.  Bottom line: Subtract 8-9 days from the due date of your proposal and that is when it needs to be finished; if you have a subcontract planned, identify it early.

6 Our Ultimate Goal

7 How Does it All Get Done? Investigator  Research Plan  Works with department staff to get information about program to formulate  Refine working budget with RA and continue to focus on research plan and supporting research documents  Checks in with Research Administrator with questions on research plan  Adds language to budget justification (or provides language) Research Administrator  Takes research plan and develops budget for PI to review and approve; can draft budget justification for PI to add language.  Develops administrative shell for application, uploads and requests initial review from OSR. Incorporates comments.  Follows the development of the research plan and adjusts budget accordingly  Provides input to PI about allowable costs and special conditions of RFA

8 How Does it All Get Done? Investigator  Works with department staff to assemble required materials  Alerts RA to any changes in budget or scope as the research plan is finalized.  Asks questions regarding RFA to RA  Keeps on deadline and encourages department staff to as well RA  Provides boilerplate information to PI about application or reviews written material  Can ask OSR information or refer PI to OSR if there are questions about the application  Continues to remind PI about deadlines, all required scientific components

9 How Does it All Get Done? Investigator  Reviews and approves final budget and budget justification.  Sends final documents to RA to be uploaded into application program. RA  Provides final budget for approval, receives comments and uploads final budget.  Finalizes justification based on final research plan.  Reviews all final documents for guideline specifications and format.  Upload all documents and send to OSR.

10 How Does it All Get Done? Investigator  Reviews comments from OSR, approves changes, and OK’s to send to sponsor.  PI follows validation process in Commons and works with OSR to follow the process to receive a final validation. RA  Receives second round of comments from OSR, makes revisions and reviews with PI.  Uploads edited documents, provides PI’s OK, application is requested to send to sponsor and OSR sends.  RA receives validation and sends to PI.

11 We’re Here To Help You Focus On Research & Clinical Care

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