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El pretérito de los verbos I to Y y algunos irregulares

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1 El pretérito de los verbos I to Y y algunos irregulares

2 I to Y verbs Verbs that end in -aer, -eer, and
oír, the él/ella/usted forms use the ending "yó" (rather than ió) and the ellos/ellas/ustedes forms use the ending "yeron" (rather than ieron). The remaining forms gain a written accent over the letter "i."

3 I to Y verbs Let’s take a look at the verb “creer”, which means what?
creíste creyó creímos creísteiscreyeron Other verbs like this one are: caer(se), leer, and oír.

4 I to Y verbs As always, there are exceptions to any rule and this one has an exception. Verbs that end in -uir still have the I to Y change, but gain a written accent over the letter "i" in the ‘yo’ form only. construí construiste construyó construimos construisteis construyeron

5 I to Y verbs Other verbs like ‘construir’ are:
incluir, destruir, contribuir, and huir. What do these verbs mean?

6 REMEMBER: I to Y change in the 3rd person singular,
“él / ella / Ud.” form and the 3rd person plural “ellos / ellas / Uds.” form -aer / -eer / and the verb oír have accented “i’s” on all of the other forms -uir verbs only have and accented “i” in the “yo” form

7 Irregular verbs First know that irregular verbs NEVER EVER have accents. Say it with me… “IRREGULAR VERBS NEVER EVER HAVE ACCENTS!” There are a lot of irregular verbs so we will divide them into Type 1 & Type 2 verbs. We’ll look at a couple today.

8 Type 1 verbos ‘gemelos’ idénticos
These are your ‘2 for 1’ verbs. What a bargain… ‘ser’ and ‘ir’ are conjugated identically. fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron *Single-syllable forms NEVER EVER use accents.

9 More type 1 irregular verbs
Even though ‘ver’ appears to be a regular verb, it isn’t. Here are the forms: vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron Can you guess what makes it a type 1 irregular?

10 The other type 1 irregular verb
This next verb is just like ‘ver’ (it is a little confused; it thinks it is an -er/-ir verb)… so it could be considered another 2 for 1 verb. Just change all of the v’s to d’s and ta-da! vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron di diste dio dimos disteis dieron

11 Type 2 irregular verbs These are three type 2 verbs you will need to know for now… estar tener hacer poner All of these have irregular stems, hence irregular verbs. Do you think these verbs will have accents?

12 Type 2 irregular verbs These verbs all have the same endings… regardless of it being an –ar, -er, or –ir verb. It is a cross between the two sets of endings. -e -iste -o -imos -isteis -ieron

13 Type 2 irregular verbs Let’s look at the verbs with the “uv” stem. Note: the same endings (-er/-ar) tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron

14 Type 2 irregular verbs The last 2 you need to know for now are: hice
hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron puse pusiste puso pusimos pusisteis pusieron

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