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INTELLIGENCE race and ethnicity. In this presentation… How do we define intelligence? Adaptation Studies in Intelligence, Race and Genetics The Flynn.

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Presentation on theme: "INTELLIGENCE race and ethnicity. In this presentation… How do we define intelligence? Adaptation Studies in Intelligence, Race and Genetics The Flynn."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTELLIGENCE race and ethnicity

2 In this presentation… How do we define intelligence? Adaptation Studies in Intelligence, Race and Genetics The Flynn effect

3 What is intelligence? Thinking Adaptation Learning from everyday experiences g factor, IQ, etc.

4 Adaptation o Sternberg, Grigorenko, and Kidd o Common Ancestor o Adaptation Adaptation o Race as a Social Construction

5 Intelligence, Race and Genetics Many attempts have been made to establish a connection between Intelligence, Race, and Genetics.


7 Intelligence, Race and Genetics Although there are many differences between races there has been no connection between race and intelligence identified.

8 Intelligence, Race and Genetics Whatever positive findings have emerged have either failed to replicate or produce a weak signal that have not yet been attempted to be replicated with independent samples.

9 The Flynn Effect Rise of average IQ James R. Flynn Convergence of Black and White Environment and IQ

10 1960s o Schools closed for black children o Poor IQ performance o IQ factors--nutrition, families, education, environmental complexity, familiarity with the test

11 Recent studies 2003, Kenya parents' literacy, family structure, children's nutrition and health 2006, Brazil cognitive stimulation, nutritional hypotheses

12 Conclusion IQ and g factor are incomplete in defining intelligence Even IQ tests dont show much difference in races Race is a social construction, not a biological construct

13 Thank you!

14 Migration and adaptation An example of moth… Go back~

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