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Www.communityschools.org1. - Paul E. Barton www.communityschools.org2.

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1 www.communityschools.org1

2 - Paul E. Barton www.communityschools.org2

3 What Matters Beyond School Low birth-weight and non-genetic prenatal influences on children; Inadequate medical, dental, and vision care; Food insecurity; Environmental pollutants; Family relations and family stress; and Neighborhood characteristics (Source: Berliner, David C. (2009). Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success. Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit. Retrieved [date] from www.communityschools.org3

4 What Matters Beyond School Weight at birth Lead poisoning Hunger and nutrition Reading to young children Parent availability and support Student mobility Parent participation (Source: Parsing the Achievement Gap: Baselines for Tracking Progress by Paul Barton, Educational Testing Service. www.communityschools.org4

5 Conditions for Learning Early childhood development programs that nurture learning and development School has: qualified teachers, challenging curriculum, high standards, and high expectations Students are motivated and engaged Physical, social, and emotional needs are met for youth and families Collaboration and respect between families and schools staff Community is engaged with the school

6 An Organizing Framework Leadership as driver of change Parent and community ties Professional capacity Student-center learning Instructional guidance (Source: Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago. Bryk, et al.) www.communityschools.org6

7 What is a Community School? A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. It provides academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement, and brings together many partners to offer a range of support and opportunities for children, youth, families, and communities. The school is generally open for extended hours for everyone in the community. Community schools may operate in all or a subset of schools in an LEA. (Source: Title I Guidelines, U.S. Department of Education, Sept. 2, 2009)

8 What Happens in a Community School? Academic Instruction – High Quality Community-based learning (service, civic, experiential) Comprehensive services: health, mental health, prevention services and family support Early child development Family engagement Increased learning time (after school, enriched learning opportunities) Adult education and workforce preparation Community building www.communityschools.org8

9 Results-Focused: 0-18 Students attend regularly. Students achieve academically. Students are engaged and motivated—civically and academically. Students are healthy—physically, emotionally, mentally. Families are involved and supportive—of children and their education. Schools, families and community work together. Schools are safe—for students, parents, school staff. Communities are desirable places to live. www.communityschools.org9

10 The Community Schools Advantage Garner additional resources and reduce the demands on school staff Provide learning opportunities that develop both academic and non-academic competencies Build social capital — the networks and relationships that support learning and create opportunities for young people while strengthening their communities www.communityschools.org10

11 Research Findings Student gains in academic achievement and non- academic development widely evident; Parent/family participation seen as instrumental to children’s success; Schools have stronger staff and parent relationships, improved school climate and greater community support; and Community is stronger – improved safety and connections among people. www.communityschools.org11

12 Key Principles Foster strong partnerships Share accountability for results Align school and community assets and expertise www.communityschools.org12

13 www.communityschools.org13 INTERMEDIARY COMMUNITYLEADERSHIP SITE LEVEL LEADERSHIP Principal Site Team Community School Coordinator Stakeholders: Principals Community School Coordinator Families Teachers Citizens Community Partners Youth Functions: Results Framework Financing Resource Development Oversight/Evaluation Communication TA & Professional Development Policy/Advocacy Functions: Results focused planning Community Mobilization Program Alignment & Integration Partnership Development Oversight Stakeholders: School Local Government Civic Organizations Corporation Community Agency Neighborhood Families Youth Intermediaries: School District LEA United Way Local Gov’t Local Ed.Fund Community Schools Operating Framework

14 What Leaders Must Be Able to Do Teaching and Learning Family and community connections Organizational effectiveness www.communityschools.org14

15 For More Information Please Contact: Martin Blank President, Institute for Educational Leadership Director, Coalition for Community Schools 4455 Connecticut Ave, NW Suite 310 Washington, DC 20008 202-822-8405 x167 www.communityschools.org15

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