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The Son of God Gal 4:4 “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made (born) under the law”

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Presentation on theme: "The Son of God Gal 4:4 “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made (born) under the law”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Son of God Gal 4:4 “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made (born) under the law”

2 The Nature of Christ Fully human- I Timothy 2:5 God is not a man (Num. 23:19) The son of man- born of a virgin (Luke 1) God was not borne The death on the cross (John 19:30) God is eternal Fully Tempted in all points- (Heb. 4:15) God can not be tempted (James 1:13)

3 Examples of Humanity and Divinity He Died (Mk 15:37) Yet raised His own body (John 2:19- 21;20:9) Did not know all things (Mk 13:32) Knew all things (Jn 21:17) Had no power (Jn 5:30) Had all power (Matt. 28:18; Col 2:10)

4 Examples Continued Was inferior to God (Jn 14:28) Was equal to God- was God (Jn 5:18) He was begotten (Jn 1:18) He called Himself- I AM (Jn 8:58) Before Abraham, I Exist

5 God’s Sons Angles were called sons of God (Job 38:7) However God made them directly Adam was called a son of God However God created Adam from the dust of the ground. Through the new birth (I Jn 3:1-2) Only Jesus is begotten

6 Terminology The Son of God He was born of God The Son of Man He was born of woman God the Son is never used in scripture

7 Eternal or Begotten Son Only begotten son is use Never eternal son Begotten vs Eternal (contradictory) John 1:1 (the plan) Gal. 4:4 (fulfillment of the plan)

8 The Sonship will End Acts 2:34-35 (note the until) I Cor 15:23-28 (take heed to vs 28)

9 The Son and Creation Hebrews 1:2 Col. 1:13-17 Remember Christ is THE WORD made flesh God made everything that was made by HIS WORD

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