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 List 6 or 7 areas that you might expect staff welfare to cover other than basic safety and illness  Stress  Personal problems ( both in & out of work)

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2  List 6 or 7 areas that you might expect staff welfare to cover other than basic safety and illness  Stress  Personal problems ( both in & out of work)  Alcohol & Drug abuse  Work/Life balance issues  Fitness for work  Bullying/Harassment

3  Performance issues, individual and team  Job satisfaction  Confidence and low esteem  Mental Health issues

4  Achieving the right work/life balance is vital for workers’ health, A recent study conducted on over 6,000 civil servants, revealed effects of working overtime on heart-related illnesses.  With 60% employees working additional 3 hours a day,more likely to suffer heart attacks and angina CMI Research report May 2010

5  Reduces absenteeism  Improves productivity  Fewer experienced staff leave through retirement on ill health grounds  Attracts and retains the best staff  Improves staff morale  Improves employee relations

6  Change, innovation, flexibility  Stakeholder relations  Cost reduction  Improving productivity  How can compliance with health and safety help you to achieve these strategic objectives?

7  Ten year Strategy Securing Health Together (HSC 2000)  Emphasis on OH function to promote the welfare requirements:  Fit with business strategy  Add value  Management support at all levels  What provision does your organisation have?  Any room for improvement?

8  CIPD has useful factsheet called “Stress at Work” lists symptoms of stress:  Work performance  Withdrawal  Behaviours/Aggression  Physical signs  Declining performance  Inconsistent performance  Loss of control over work  Loss of motivation  Indecision  Lapses in memory  Increased time at work  Lack of holiday planning

9  Arriving late  Leaving early  Extended lunches  Absenteeism  Resigned attitude  Reduced social contact  Elusiveness/ evasiveness  Out of character behaviour  Difficulty relaxing  Increased alcohol consumption  Increased smoking  Lack of interest in appearance  Unneccessary risk- taking

10  Nervous stumbling speech  Sweating  Tiredness/lethargy  Tension headaches  Hand tremor  Weight gain or loss  Constantly feeling cold  Is this you or someone you know?

11  Audit approach: are your policies, procedures & systems providing a work environment based on staff welfare?  Problem- centred approach: use of risk assessment, accident & sickness data, employee feedback  Well – Being approach organisation focuses proactively on creating a healthy workforce  Employee – Centred  Focus on counselling, stress management to deal with problems. When health benefits offered absence levels are lowered

12  Keeping in touch  Return to work interviews  Disciplinary procedures for unacceptable absence levels  Recuperative programmes  Regular contact can help prevent isolation.  Identify short term problems at early stage  Unjustified absences not tolerated.  Short term adjustments, reduced hours, change of duties, location, etc.

13  Think of well- being initiatives you might introduce or you have experienced.  How can you communicate with staff?  Who else might you involve?  Assess your own sickness absence policy. How can it be improved?

14  Know about the risks in your work  Control the risks.  Make sure the risks stay controlled.  “Essentials of Health & safety at work” The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 2006

15  HSE makes it clear that managers need to be aware of current legislation and sets out their responsibilities:  Under HSW Act 1974, ensure health and safety of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do.  Applies to all work activities & premises, everyone has responsibilities under it, including self- employed

16  Health and Safety at Work (HASAWA) 1974  Control of Substances Hazardous to Health  (COSHH) Regulations 2002  Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999  Workplace(Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992  Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

17  Health and Safety ( Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992  Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992  Provision and Use of Work Regulations 1998

18  How can you at a personal level make a practical contribution to health and safety at work?  List three things you can do which shows your commitment to health and safety?  What are the implications of failing to meet staff welfare/health & safety requirements?

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