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+ Using the stage model for successful physical activity interventions Chapter 5.

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1 + Using the stage model for successful physical activity interventions Chapter 5

2 + Physical Activity Programs All used the change model (TTM model). The programs are: Imagine Action (Community based program) Jump Start to Health (Workplace based study) Jump Start (Community based study) Project Active (Community based study) Project Stride (Community based study) Step into Motion (Community based study)

3 + Imagine Action Participants: Adults enrolled through their workplace or response to advertisement (mass media) Interventions: Letter describing the program. Respondents indicated their level of activity using stage of change inventory Reward for enrolling was “T-shirt.” Staged match Self help & resource manual Weekly fun walks and activity nights Program length was 6 weeks

4 + Self-help Manual Stage 2 of manual was called: What’s in It for You. Stimulus prompts (e.g., take the stairs) Benefits of exercise Common barriers Rewarding oneself (self-determination) Stage 3 of manual was called: Read for Action Goal was 30 minutes of moderate intense activity or 20 minutes of vigorous activity 3-5 days per week (Goal setting). Address barriers to and benefits of PA Goal setting Rewarding oneself Time management (e.g. how to fit your exercise into a busy day) Detailed walking program

5 + Self-help & Resource Manual Stage 4 of the manual was called, “Keep it Going.” Preventing lapse and relapse (e.g., trouble shooting situations0 Rewarding oneself Goal setting Cross training to prevent boredom (variety) Avoid injury Social support (e.g., find other people who are active) Resource Manual Variety of fee and low cost light to vigorous PA options Organized by mode (e.g., walking, volleyball, aerobics)

6 + Results 30% in stage 2 and 61% in stage 3 at the beginning progressed to stage 4. Additional 30% in stage 2 progressed to Stage 3. Very few lapse or relapse occurred in the adult participants.  Program demonstrated that low cost, low intensity program can produce important changes in physical activity

7 + Jump to Health Study Participants: Sedentary employees Study: Recruited through signage at the workplace Participants were randomly assigned to a stage matched self-help program or a non-staged match self-help program. Interventions Printed materials delivered at the beginning and 1 month later Questionnaires about PA habits Employees were given time off to complete the questionnaires Free popcorn and beverages were available for completing the questions. $1 dollar Rhode Island State lottery ticket (Reward)

8 + Study Two groups were formed: Stage matched people were given manuals matched to their current stage. Stage 1: Do I need this? (Focus on benefits) Stage 2: Try it you’ll like it? (Focus on decision balance) Stage 3: I’m on my way. (Focus on goals & barriers) Stage 4: Keep it going (Focus enhance confidence) Stage 5: I won’t stop now (Focus on rewards, variety) Non-staged matched people received American Heart Association manuals.

9 + Results Subject in the staged matched groups became more active than non matched group (37% to 27%) The greats changes where people in stages 1,2, & 3.

10 + Jump Start Participants: Anyone Interventions Printed materials that provide individual feedback each time they fill out a questionnaire Questionnaires Contained motivation Cognitive and behavioral strategies Barrier to and benefits of exercise Self-efficacy Exercise prescription

11 + Results People who received the individual stage matched program were more like to achieve the ACSM guideline of 30 minutes of PA every day. People were more likely to maintain there exercise program.

12 + Project Active Study Participant: Any group Interventions Walking Free membership at a gym Hour long behavior meeting Goal setting Support person Self- rewards Compared traditional, structured exercise program to that of lifestyle stage matched approach program.

13 + Results Each group was given a 6 month membership to a fitness center. Both groups program gradually increased the participants to exercising for at least 30 minutes for 5 day a week. The study continued over a 2-year period. Both groups showed improvement when compared to the beginning of the program Lifestyle approached worked the best for people in stages 1 and 2.

14 + Step into Motion Study Participants: Anyone with access to the internet Interventions: Internet No chat rooms, no blogs only restricted to stage matching material on the web Tested a Web-based version in Project STRIDE Study predominately involved women and Caucasians. 44.4% of the participants who received Web based materials achieved public health recommended levels of physical activity and 39.5% achieved the recommended levels in 12 months.

15 + Summary! What are the commonalities of these programs and studies? Staged matched approach promoted PA and exercise level in participants One- treatment-fits-all approach is less effective than matching interventions to the level of the client Stage matched approach delivered in non traditional means is just as effective at traditional, structured exercise programs.

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