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The UNITED STATES and CANADA. Canada is the second largest country after Russia. United States is the world’s third largest country.

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Presentation on theme: "The UNITED STATES and CANADA. Canada is the second largest country after Russia. United States is the world’s third largest country."— Presentation transcript:


2 Canada is the second largest country after Russia. United States is the world’s third largest country.

3 Share the longest, undefended border in the world. 5,523-miles long


5 Geographic Advantages A variety of latitudes means a variety of climates. Good water resources are available (Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway, Mississippi, Ohio and Colorado)

6 There are a variety of BIOMES Forests, deserts, mountain areas, wetlands Geographic Advantages

7 C.Productive soils are abundant especially in the Great Plains of the US. Geographic Advantages The top soil (what is needed to make plants grow) is deep in most areas. Glaciations pushed most of the Eastern Canadian top soil down into the US (Canadian Shield)

8 Abundant mineral resources compared to other world regions Geographic Advantages

9 Disadvantages – barriers In the past – explorers and settlers experienced problems with the terrain: Fall Line Region, Arctic Area, Rockies, wide rivers.

10 Disadvantages - distance Transportation Over Such Large Areas – It is difficult to get people and products to the market and to the mall! Both U.S. and Canada built transcontinental railroads in the latter 1800’s. We must build highways, airports; we depend on trucking and trains.)

11 Abundant Animal Life Most species are not depleted by humans yet. Geographic Advantages


13 48 continuous states that lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 2 states that are not a part of the continental U.S. Country has several territories Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Territory: a geographic area belonging to the jurisdiction of a governmental authority.

14 What TWO states are not part of the CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES?


16 The US bought Alaska from this country… A.Russia B.China C.England D.France


18 Fast Facts CapitalWashington, D.C. LanguageNo official language CurrencyU.S. Dollar Religion86% Christian (Protestant) Life expectancy77.8 years

19 President- Barack Obama Democracy with federal systems including a national government that shares powers with the states.

20 Economy Productive economically Industrialized market economy: prices of good determined by supply and demand

21 Part of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)






27 3 territories (Yukon, NW, Nunavut) 10 provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) province: an administrative division within a country (similar to a state)

28 Fast Facts Population 32,225,000 CapitalOTTAWA LanguageEnglish and French ReligionRoman Catholic / Protestant CurrencyCanadian Dollar Life Expectancy79

29 Prime Minister-Stephen Harper Democracy with federal systems including a national government that shares powers with the provinces and territories. * federal parliamentary democracy

30 Prime Minister: is the most senior member of the cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system. Parliamentary system: government where leaders of executive branch are drawn from legislature.

31 Economy Productive economically Industrialized Mixed economy: combines elements of market economy but includes an element of governmental control.

32 The French-speaking province of ____ is interested in gaining independence from Canada. QUEBEC

33 Rights Individuals are guaranteed many rights including the right to speak and move freely.

34 Part of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)




38 United States Canada Both

39 Made up of 10 provinces


41 Has 50 States

42 World’s longest undefended border

43 Capital - Washington D.C.

44 Democracies with Federal Systems

45 No official language

46 Mt. McKinley

47 Official languages are French and English

48 In North America


50 SUMMARY United States Washington D.C 50 states No official language Mt. McKinley Both Democracies with federal systems North America Longest Undefended border Rocky Mountains Great Lakes Individual Rights Economy prosperous Canada Ottawa 10 provinces and 3 territories English and French

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