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Neonatal Guidelines User Survey Dr Matt Cawsey, ST4 in Neonates, UHNS.

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Presentation on theme: "Neonatal Guidelines User Survey Dr Matt Cawsey, ST4 in Neonates, UHNS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neonatal Guidelines User Survey Dr Matt Cawsey, ST4 in Neonates, UHNS

2 Background SSBCNN guidelines are edited every 2 years This is to ensure most up to date information Guidelines are in 2 sections: o Actual guidelines o Supporting evidence User survey was sent around electronically and only 4 replies were received This was just a survey of our unit

3 Method Questionnaire taken from previous survey and edited by myself Given out over a 10 day period to random members of staff People encouraged to fill it in while I was there to ensure compliance Only 1 person given a survey didn’t fill it out Their name has been removed from my Christmas card list

4 Results: Group Demographics

5 Results All 20 were aware of the guidelines! All worked in UHNS neonatal unit Most people didn’t follow the instruction to mark the box with an “X”, so their results were discounted Not really

6 Results (n=20) Where had you seen a copy? o Guidelines folder = 20 o Intranet = 17 o A5 Pocket book = 13 o Own copy = 12

7 Results (n=20) How often do you refer to supporting information? o Once a day = 5 o Once a week = 7 o Once a month = 3 o Never = 3 o Other = 2

8 Results (n=20) Did you see a copy of 2009 guidelines? o Yes = 13 o No = 7 If yes, are they an improvement? o Yes = 13 o No = 0

9 Results (n=20) Do you have your own copy? o Yes = 17 o No = 3 o This obviously should be 12 as the question has already been asked! Where did you get your copy from? o Own hospital, network

10 Results (n=20) How often do you refer to the guidelines in A5 pocket book? o Daily = 0 o Once a week = 5 o Once a month = 8 o Never = 2 o 5 put no answer

11 Results (n=20) How often do you refer to the guidelines in A4 folder? o Daily = 5 o Once a week = 10 o Once a month = 3 o Never = 0 o 2 put no answer

12 Results (n=20) How often do you refer to the guidelines on intranet? o Daily = 5 o Once a week = 6 o Once a month = 4 o Never = 1 o 4 put no answer

13 Results (n=20) How easy do you find the guidelines to use? o Very easy = 9 o Easy = 11 o Difficult = 0 o Very difficult = 0

14 Results (n=20) How easy do you find the index to the guidelines to use? o Very easy = 9 o Easy = 10 o Difficult = 1 o Very difficult = 0

15 Results (n=20) How easy do you find the text in the guidelines to use? o Very easy = 5 o Easy = 15 o Difficult = 1 (spoilt ballot paper) o Very difficult = 0

16 Results (n=20) How easy do you find the diagrams in the guidelines to use? o Very easy = 5 o Easy = 14 o Difficult = 0 o Very difficult = 0 o N/A = 1

17 Results (n=20) What do you think about the quantity of information in the guidelines? o Too detailed = 0 o Right amount of detail = 19 o Not enough detail = 2 (again, voted for 2 options)

18 Results (n=20) Have you found any errata, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the guideline? o Yes = 2 (blood spot screening, inconsistency between enteral feeding and nutrition guidelines) o No = 16 o No answer = 2

19 Results (n=20) Which format would you prefer the guidelines to be available in? o A5 pocket book = 1 o A4 folder in clinical area = 6 o Copy on intranet = 6 o All formats = 11

20 Additional topics More on management of postnatal problems, less on procedural skills Maternal thyroid disorders (what do we do with baby) Hypothermia Nursing procedure / care guidelines Sepsis and infection Volume ventilation Combined nutrition / enteral feeding guideline

21 Conclusions Well used resource Improvement on previous guidelines Still mainly guidelines folder; intranet catching up Supporting information used almost as often as guidelines Easy to use Some interesting ideas for new guidelines

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