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Looking back to when I made my student magazine, as I was using brand new media formats to produce the piece, you can tell that it lacks that professional.

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4 Looking back to when I made my student magazine, as I was using brand new media formats to produce the piece, you can tell that it lacks that professional image that you expect from magazines. The colour theme I chose for the cover I can now see it didn’t work too well as the colours are very pale so they struggle to catch peoples eyes for this reason. Whereas with my final music magazines cover, you can see the difference of finding the perfect colour scheme. This is when my survey I created for my music magazine helped so I had a guidance of what people would like to see on a rock magazine so I ended up with a set colour scheme from the genre being rock and having my edition being Halloween ( ). The choices I made are very different and in my final piece you can tell that the colours were decided and the images I chose worked well around these colours I had chosen. You can see this clearly as the contents page on my student magazine is very hard to read. Looking back to when I made my student magazine, as I was using brand new media formats to produce the piece, you can tell that it lacks that professional image that you expect from magazines. The colour theme I chose for the cover I can now see it didn’t work too well as the colours are very pale so they struggle to catch peoples eyes for this reason. Whereas with my final music magazines cover, you can see the difference of finding the perfect colour scheme. This is when my survey I created for my music magazine helped so I had a guidance of what people would like to see on a rock magazine so I ended up with a set colour scheme from the genre being rock and having my edition being Halloween ( ). The choices I made are very different and in my final piece you can tell that the colours were decided and the images I chose worked well around these colours I had chosen. You can see this clearly as the contents page on my student magazine is very hard to read. Here is the results from my questionnaire I produced for my music magazine.

5 My technical skills have increased throughout the process of making my magazines as my skills with sites such as Photoshop and inDesign have grown to a better standard which I believe you can see in both of the magazines as my music magazine is at a better standard than the student one. Things such as the masthead of the different covers shows how my technical skills have grown as the student magazine was more blurred and bitty whereas my music magazine is clearer. My images and editing of images grew better as well as you can see, I was more organised preparing for the photoshoot to get the best photos I could although I had to do the shoot in the dark, lighting became an issue but I managed to get some good, well quality photos by using a better camera to receive better quality photos. My skills have also increased by being able to create page furniture and puffs on inDesign and Photoshop as I did struggle when making the cover for the student magazine. They became more clearer and the colours matched throughout on my music magazine as I got used to using these software's. My technical skills have increased throughout the process of making my magazines as my skills with sites such as Photoshop and inDesign have grown to a better standard which I believe you can see in both of the magazines as my music magazine is at a better standard than the student one. Things such as the masthead of the different covers shows how my technical skills have grown as the student magazine was more blurred and bitty whereas my music magazine is clearer. My images and editing of images grew better as well as you can see, I was more organised preparing for the photoshoot to get the best photos I could although I had to do the shoot in the dark, lighting became an issue but I managed to get some good, well quality photos by using a better camera to receive better quality photos. My skills have also increased by being able to create page furniture and puffs on inDesign and Photoshop as I did struggle when making the cover for the student magazine. They became more clearer and the colours matched throughout on my music magazine as I got used to using these software's.

6 I focused a lot more on content when making my music magazine compared to when I made the student magazine. I used a lot of inspiration on my pinterest board, although I did not have many photos on there, the ones I do, I have used a lot for inspiration for my content on the contents page and the look that inspired my models image. ( magazine/ ) magazine/ My biggest thing I put a lot of focus on contents wise was the artists I had set to feature in the magazine. As I had photographs of artists already I had an idea of who to place however I did want a broad variety of bands to help make the magazine more generalised to different groups in the rock genre creating more profits. For this reason, I created a brainstorm which I have displayed here, so it created more options for me to look through over different time periods and sub-genres. I focused a lot more on content when making my music magazine compared to when I made the student magazine. I used a lot of inspiration on my pinterest board, although I did not have many photos on there, the ones I do, I have used a lot for inspiration for my content on the contents page and the look that inspired my models image. ( magazine/ ) magazine/ My biggest thing I put a lot of focus on contents wise was the artists I had set to feature in the magazine. As I had photographs of artists already I had an idea of who to place however I did want a broad variety of bands to help make the magazine more generalised to different groups in the rock genre creating more profits. For this reason, I created a brainstorm which I have displayed here, so it created more options for me to look through over different time periods and sub-genres.

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