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An Interactive Tutorial Click here to begin.

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1 An Interactive Tutorial Click here to begin.
Rock Types An Interactive Tutorial Click here to begin.

2 Welcome! In this tutorial, you will be asked to do two things.
First, you will work your way through the Rock Types lesson. Second, you will need to take the short assessment, and complete it successfully by answering all the items correctly. If you do not answer all the items correctly, you will have to redo the tutorial until all items are answered correctly. Click Quit at any time to exit the Tutorial. Let’s get started! Begin Quit

3 What makes a rock Igneous, Sedimentary, or Metamorphic? Next Quit
Rock Types: What makes a rock Igneous, Sedimentary, or Metamorphic? Next Quit

4 Are all rocks the same? The answer is no. There are many different kinds of rocks. Geologists, however, have learned that all rocks fall into one of three major categories, or Rock Types. The 3 Rock Types are: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Next Quit

5 Igneous Rocks This type of rock is formed when molten magma cools and crystallizes. They can either be: Intrusive (or Plutonic): Formed within the earth like Granite. Extrusive (or Volcanic): Formed on the surface from lava, or ejected fragments from volcanoes. Next Quit

6 Examples of Igneous Rocks
Granite: This is a Plutonic or Intrusive kind of Igneous rock. It was formed deep in the earth. The crystals within the rock were allowed to cool slowly and grow larger. Pumice: This is a Volcanic or Extrusive kind of Igneous rock. It was formed on the surface of the earth after it was ejected from a volcano. It is easily recognized by its porous texture. It is also very light in weight. Next Quit

7 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments (sand, soil, etc.), organic matter (sea shells, plankton), or evaporates (salts, calcium) are deposited, compacted, and chemically cemented together. This type of rocks usually form closer to the surface of the earth. This type of rock is also where Fossils are found. Next Quit

8 Examples of Sedimentary Rocks
Breccia: This Sedimentary rock was formed when broken parts of other, larger rocks were deposited and cemented together. Shale: This Sedimentary rock was formed when soils were deposited and compacted together. Shale is usually found in layers that can be easily broken apart. It may even include Fossils. Next Quit

9 Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are formed when a rock of any kind is subjected to such intense pressure and temperature as to change the mineral composition or form of the original rock usually by re-crystallization. This type of rock is formed beneath the surface of the earth. This type of rock can be formed from any of the 3 types of rock. Usually characterize by banding in the rock. Next Quit

10 Examples of Metamorphic Rocks
Gneiss (pronounced “nice”): Is a Sedimentary rock that has been transformed by intense temperature and pressure deep in the earth. This rock gets its name from it smooth , fine texture. Marble: This rock is formed when Sandstone, or Dolomite is transformed by intense temperature and pressure. The small crystals of the original rock are re-crystallized into larger ones. Next Quit

11 What type of rock is that?
As we have seen, all rocks are not the same. They fall into one of three categories, or Rock Types. The 3 Types are: Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Can you identify some of the types of rocks around you? Next Quit

12 Are you ready? Now that you have gone through the lesson section of this tutorial, you have a choice to make. You can go through the tutorial again by clicking Here, or… You can take the assessment by clicking the Begin Assessment link at the bottom of this slide. Begin Assessment Quit

13 Rock Types: Assessment Next Quit

14 Sample 1: Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

15 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

16 Incorrect. Let’s look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is Metamorphic rock. Why? It has the characteristic banding It also has the fine texture characteristic of recrytalization.

17 Sample 2: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

18 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

19 Incorrect. Let’s look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is a Sedimentary rock. Why? The main way to tell is that it has the broken parts of other rocks that look like they have been cemented together.

20 Sample 2: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

21 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

22 Incorrect. Let’s look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is a Sedimentary rock. Why? The way to tell here is the presence of the fossil. Sedimentary rocks are the only ones that contain fossils.

23 Sample 3: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

24 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

25 Incorrect. Let’s look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is an Igneous rock. Why? The main thing to notice here is the presence of large crystals which indicate that this rock was formed deep in the Earth.

26 Sample 3: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

27 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

28 Incorrect. Let’s take a look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is an Igneous rock. Why? The main characteristic here is the porous texture. As the picture indicates, the sample is light in weight which also indicates that it was most likely formed on the Earth’s surface as a result of being ejected by a volcano.

29 Sample 3: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Click on the Rock Type to make your choice. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Quit

30 Correct! Good Job! Next Quit

31 Incorrect. Let’s look at the sample again: Next Quit
This is an Igneous rock. Why? The main thing to notice here is the presence of large crystals which indicate that this rock was formed deep in the Earth.

32 Congratulations! You answered all the items correctly! Great Job! Present the code to your instructor full credit for the tutorial. Code: GEOLOGY Please click the quit link to reset the tutorial for the next person. Quit

33 Not Bad… Retry Quit You only answered one Incorrectly.
Hang in there and just try again. I’m sure you will do better next time. Retry Quit

34 Not too Good… Retry Quit You only answered one correctly.
Hang in there and just try again. I’m sure you will do better next time. Retry Quit

35 Ouch! Retry Quit You did not answer any correctly.
Don’t be crushed just regroup and try again. I’m sure you will do better next time. Retry Quit

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