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My favorite subject is science

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1 My favorite subject is science
Unit 12 My favorite subject is science 温州市瓯海瞿溪华侨中学 唐国兴

2 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … math Mr Xu

3 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … Chinese Mr Mei

4 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … English Mr Tang

5 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … science Mr You

6 history & society Mr Liu
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … history & society Mr Liu

7 thoughts & morality Mrs Zhou
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … thoughts & morality Mrs Zhou

8 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … music Mrs Zhu

9 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … art Mrs Xie

10 information technology Miss Chen
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … information technology Miss Chen

11 P.E. (physical education) Mrs Liu
A: What subject is this ? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … P.E. (physical education) Mrs Liu

12 A: What subject is this. B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher
A: What subject is this? B: It’s … A: Who is your… teacher? B: My … teacher is … Mrs Mao handwork

13 1a c d b e a f Match the words with the pictures. 1.P.E. ________
2.Art ________ ____ ______ 5.math ______ 6.Chinese ____ d b e a f

14 What’s your favorite subject? Because it’s fun.
Listen and put the conversation in order. 1 4 What’s your favorite subject? Because it’s fun. 2 3 My favorite subject is P.E. Why do you like P.E.?

15 Pair work useful interesting fun exciting relaxing important
A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is… A: Why do you like it? B: Because it’s… useful interesting fun exciting relaxing important

16 teacher my subject your
3a Complete the conversation with the words in the box. You can use some of the words two times. teacher my subject your your A: What is _______ favorite _______? B: _________favorite _________is art. A: Who is ______ art ______________? B:______art _________ is Mrs Jones. subject My subject your teacher teacher My

17 Pair work Mrs Jones Art Example You Your partner
Ask your partner about his or her favorite subject and the teacher. Complete the chart. Favorite subject Teacher Mrs Jones Example Art You Your partner

18 Make a survey. Ken math interesting Report :
Name Favorite subject Reason(Why) Ken math interesting Report : Ken’s favorite subject is math. He likes it because he thinks it’s interesting.

19 Listen and match the subjects you hear with the description words.
a. fun b. interesting c. boring d. difficult e. relaxing 5. math 1. art 2. science 3. music 4. P.E. A: What do you think of …? B: I think it’s …

20 Make a survey. How well do you know your parents?
Favorite food color movie sport TV Show city Mom Dad blue A: What’s your mother’s favorite color? B: Her favorite color is blue.

21 Make your school schedule (课程表) .
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22 Section B

23 Learn and chant

24 B: I study math,English,…and….
1a Put these days into the correct order. 1b Pair work a. art b. science c. music d. math e. P.E. f. Chinese g. history h. biology A: What subjects do you study at school? B: I study math,English,…and….

25 1._______________2._________________
Listen Write down the school subjects you hear. biology history 1._______________2._________________ 3._______________4._________________ art science

26 A: When do you have science? B: I have science on Monday, …
Pair work A: When do you have science? B: I have science on Monday, … morality 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tues. Mon. math Chinese science English computer P.E. music history art handwork

27 Pair work science English morality Chinese computer P.E. music history
A: What classes do you have on Monday morning? B: I have Chinese, math ,science and history. morality 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tues. Mon. math Chinese science English computer P.E. music history art handwork

28 Listen and complete the chart.
Favorite subject Why ? When? Ming history fun Friday Selina Ken Mon.&Wed. art relaxing interesting this afternoon science Pair work A: What’s Ken’s favorite subject? B: Science. A: Why does he like science? B: Because it’s interesting.

29 Dave’s favorite day is Monday because he has art. He likes art.
Survey Name Favorite day Why Because I have art. Monday Dave A: What’s your favorite day, Dave ? B: My favorite day is Wednesday A: Why? B: Because I have art. Report: Dave’s favorite day is Monday because he has art. He likes art.

30 3a Read the following letter. Underline the things Lin Mei likes. Circle the things she doesn’t like. Dear Jane, It’s Tuesday , November 11 . I’m really busy! At 8:00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult , but interesting. Next, at 10:00 , I have history. It’s boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like music teacher, Mr Cooper. He’s fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It’s really interesting! Love , Lin Mei

31 Tuesday Time Subjects 8:00 to 9:00 9:00 to 10:00 10:00 to 11:00 math
science history P.E. lunch music volleyball Chinese History Club

32 What is your favorite school day? Write your schedule for that day.
7:45-8:30 8:40-9:25 9:50-10:35 10:45-11:35 1:30-2:15 2:25-3:10 3:20-4:05 morality 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tues. Mon. math Chinese science English computer P.E. music history art handwork

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