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Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Units Core Advancement Professional Development NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 60 MINUTES IN LENGTH; This opening session will be followed by a session on assessment in A Story of Units, Module Focus sessions on each of the first modules for grades K through 5, Module in Practice sessions emphasizing instructional choices in delivery of instruction, and a coherence session on Number and Operations—Base Ten.
Introductions Presenters: Candice Hartley Laura Hill Jamie Carruth Emily Hand
A Story of Units vs. Engage NY
What is A Story of Units? The name of the PK-5 Math Curriculum What is EngageNY? New York State’s Department of Education’s Website Equivalent to What is Common Core, Inc.? A team of mathematicians & educators who wrote the PK-12 curriculum with the guidance of the CCSS writers.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Session Objectives Present an overview of how to implement A Story of Units: Identify the Standards and their accompanying Progressions, as well as the Instructional Shifts as the foundation of A Story of Units. Recognize the coherence within and across all grades K-5. Describe how A Story of Units it builds on prior knowledge and supports future learning. Develop a plan for immediate implementation, on-going support and continuous feedback.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda What is A Story of Units Lesson Structure The CCSS Approach to Mathematical Models Curriculum Overview Implementation We will have examined key features about A Story of Units and how it is built on the CCLS and key foundational documents for those standards. We are going to take a few minutes to go back over the history so that we all have a common understanding of where this started. As you can see from the agenda we are going to look at how P-12 flows and each grade prepares students for the next grade. We will then move into how A Story of Units was actually written so you can explain to your colleagues the deep thought by mathematicians and teachers that went into its development. And we are going to do it again because… and it is going to be done differently in what way? Is there a new frame to consider? New informatin they need? Let’s tell them up front so participants know we are aware of their knowledge and that we are bringing them something new despite doing some review.
What is A Story of Units? A PK-5 math curriculum developed in close consultation with the writers of the CCSS. (p.3) Not only built entirely around the CCSS, but the progression documents as well. Based on the principle that mathematics is most effectively taught as a logical engaging story with the main character being “the unit”. Skills consistently build on prior knowledge and support future learning rather than being taught in isolation. (p.4)
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Start with the standards… why… The authors of the Common Core State Standards tell us that the “standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step.” (CCSSM, page 5) Student Achievement Partners, the writers of the Common Core State Standards, has described some examples of the “old ways of doing business,” articulating the kind of instruction to avoid. In order to move away from these old ways, a new approach to mathematics education was needed. This new plan was articulated in the form of the Instructional Shifts, which describe how to implement the Standards as they were intended so that all students will be career and college ready when they leave high school. NOTE TO FAILITATOR: If your audience is not familiar with these Instructional Shifts, take time to discuss each one. These shifts have been a driving force in creating A Story of Units. Each grade-level focuses on the major work. Material is organized into coherent topics, emphasizing natural connections that exist both within and across grades. A balance of rigor is maintained in the daily lesson components as well as in the assessments. Practice standards are meaningfully connected to the content standards. Pages 4-9 In the How To Document
Math Practices
Assessments Formative Assessments Problem Sets Exit Tickets Homework
Formative or Summative Mid-Module Assessment Tasks Summative End of Module Assessment Tasks
PARCC Type I, II & III Tasks
Computational problems, fluency exercises, & applications including one-step and multi-step word problems. Type II Requires students to demonstrate reasoning skills, justify their arguments, and critique the reasoning of others. Type III Students model real-world situations using mathematics as they demonstrate more advanced problem solving skills.
Pages 14-15 In the How To Document Scaffolding All students must have the opportunity to learn and meet the high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills needed to be college and career ready. Accommodations cannot be just an extra set of resources for a particular set of students. Must be folded into the curriculum in such a way that it becomes part of its DNA. Research provided by Universal Design for Learning
Scaffolding Continued
Pages 14-15 In the How To Document Scaffolding Continued The scaffolds/accommodations integrated into A Story of Units do not alter the instructional level, content or performance criteria. Provides students with choices with how they access content and demonstrate their knowledge and ability. Basically, faithful adherence to the modules IS the primary scaffolding tool!!
What are the built in accommodations?
Provide Multiple Means of Representation Connect language with pictorial representation (ELL) Allow creativity in expression & modeling solutions (Above Level) Provide Multiple Means of Action & Expression Accomplish within a time frame as opposed to a task frame (LD) Get students up and moving “Show me an obtuse angle” (Below Level) Provide Multiple Means of Engagement Peer tutoring to provide opportunities for critiquing the reasoning of others & justifying solutions (Below Level) Provide a variety of ways to respond (ie. Choral, oral, personal white board, fingers, pictorial models (ELL) Pages 16-19 In the How To Document
Lesson Structure Pages 21-26 In the How To Document Fluency
Maintenance, Preparation, & Anticipation. Application Apply math concepts in “real-world” situations Concept Development Main component Builds on prior knowledge and supports future learning Student Debrief Students articulate the focus of the lesson and the learning that has occurred. Pages 21-26 In the How To Document
Instructional Strategy Breakout Session
Grade 4 Module 1 Module Overview Lesson 1 & 2 Instructional Strategy Breakout Session
Curriculum Overview “Year at a Glance”
Session 1 - A Story of Units May 2013 Network Team Institute Curriculum Overview “Year at a Glance” TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Curriculum Map The curriculum map for A Story of Units shows the series of modules at each grade level, revealing the carefully designed coherence from PK through Grade 5. This coherence across the grades is derived from the learning progressions within the Standards. We first shared this map in August, along with the accompanying grade-level descriptions and standards alignment. This overview/map was created as a framework from which to begin development of the curriculum. As you might expect, developing a comprehensive curriculum from this framework has been and continues to be a massive undertaking. It requires a tremendous effort from all stakeholders, including our collaborators at NYSED and SAP in addition to our own team that has grown to well over 100 people serving in various capacities to bring this curriculum to life. (Many of our team are here this week as we present sessions on the seven new modules that are now complete and are being posted on EngageNY. You know some of them from previous Institutes, and you may know others as colleagues here in New York. We invite them all to stand at this time.) The overview/map and How to Implement are living and breathing documents. They were created initially as a framework within which to begin development of the curriculum, not to limit our direction. Just as the best trips are carefully planned, so are they left flexible for unexpected discoveries along the way. There are a few changes in module titles and a few instructional days have been shifted from one module to another in order to support the major work of the grade. The most noticeable change is that Grade 2 now has an additional module. The decision was made to break two-digit and three-digit addition and subtraction into separate modules in order to more clearly define the coherence within the grade. These are the types of changes that you might continue to see through the coming months as we work toward completion of the curriculum. We will provide updated versions of the Curriculum Overview and map.
Philosophy and Workflow of A Story of Units
Session 1 - A Story of Units May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Philosophy and Workflow of A Story of Units Elementary Mathematics Common Core Standards: The Progressions A Story of Units: Curriculum Map Module Overviews and Assessments Topic Openers Lesson Objectives From the field of mathematics, learning progressions have been clearly defined for us in the Common Core Learning Standards. From those, we developed a framework for the P-5 curriculum. This is illustrated in the curriculum map and articulated in the accompanying grade-level descriptions of the Curriculum Overview. From this established sequence of modules, overview and assessments are created. Each topic is then fully developed to include daily objectives that describe a teaching sequence towards mastery.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X PK-12 Coherence Slides 10-13, Facilitator will describe the tight alignment to the Standards, the progression of mathematics, and intentionality that support and unify the P-5, 6-8, and 9-12 curricula being developed by the Common Core, Inc. team. Facilitate a discussion about this progression from A Story of Units to A Story of Ratios to A Story of Functions.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Units Slides 10-13, Facilitator will describe the tight alignment to the Standards, the progression of mathematics, and intentionality that support and unify the P-5, 6-8, and 9-12 curricula being developed by the Common Core, Inc. team. Facilitate a discussion about this progression from A Story of Units to A Story of Ratios to A Story of Functions.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Ratios Slides 10-13, Facilitator will describe the tight alignment to the Standards, the progression of mathematics, and intentionality that support and unify the P-5, 6-8, and 9-12 curricula being developed by the Common Core, Inc. team. Facilitate a discussion about this progression from A Story of Units to A Story of Ratios to A Story of Functions.
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Functions Slides 10-13, Facilitator will describe the tight alignment to the Standards, the progression of mathematics, and intentionality that support and unify the P-5, 6-8, and 9-12 curricula being developed by the Common Core, Inc. team. Facilitate a discussion about this progression from A Story of Units to A Story of Ratios to A Story of Functions.
Materials List Talk to your table and take inventory.
What do you have? What do you need? What materials can you move from one grade-level to another? What materials can you modify, create or substitute? What materials do you need to purchase?
Session 1 - A Story of Units
May 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Next Steps Round Table Discussions: What questions were answered for you? What does your redelivery plan look like? Allow 2 minutes for participants to turn and talk. Bring the group to order and advance to the next slide.
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