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E.g.9 For to do loop for i:=1 to 10 do writeln(i); While do loop i:=1;

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Presentation on theme: "E.g.9 For to do loop for i:=1 to 10 do writeln(i); While do loop i:=1;"— Presentation transcript:

1 E.g.9 For to do loop for i:=1 to 10 do writeln(i); While do loop i:=1; while i<=10 do begin writeln(i); i:=i+1; end; Repeat until loop i:=1; repeat writeln(i); i:=i+1; until i>10; increase the value of i by 1

2 E.g.10 For to do loop for i:=6 to 12 do writeln(i*2); While do loop i:=6; while i<=12 do begin writeln(i*2); i:=i+1; end; Repeat until loop i:=6; repeat writeln(i*2); i:=i+1; until i>12; increase the value of i by 1

3 Ex.3 For to do loop for a:=1 to 10 do Begin write(a*3,’ square is ’); writeln(sqr(a*3)) End.

4 Ex.3 While do loop a:=1; while a<=10 do begin write(a*3, ‘square is ’); writeln(sqr(a*3)); a:=a+1; end;

5 Ex.3 Repeat Until loop a:=1; repeat write(a*3, ‘square is’); writeln(sqr(a*3)); a:=a+1; until a>10;

6 Ex.4 For to do loop for i:=1 to 5 do begin for j:=1 to i do write(‘*’); writeln; End.

7 Ex.4 while do loop i:=1; while i<=5 do begin j:=1; while j<=i do write(‘*’); j:=j+1; end; writeln; i:=i+1;

8 Ex.4 repeat until loop i:=1; repeat j:=1; write(‘*’); j:=j+1; until j >i; writeln; i:=i+1; until i>5;

9 Ex. Game Use “while. do’’ or ‘’repeat
Ex.Game Use “’’ or ‘’repeat..until” to write a program which let the user guesses a number from 1 to 10 until he got the random number generated by computer. The output should be as follows. The value after “guess ->” is inputted by user. Guess the number from 1 to 10 Guess -> 1 Guess -> 2 Guess -> 3 Good! You got the number!

10 Ex. Game Use “while. do’’ or ‘’repeat
Ex.Game Use “’’ or ‘’repeat..until” to write a program which let the user guesses a number from 1 to 10 until he got the random number generated by computer. The output should be as follows. The value after “guess ->” is inputted by user. Guess the number from 1 to 10 Guess -> 1 Guess -> 2 Guess -> 3 Good! You got the number! repeated segment

11 Ex.Game (while do loop) Random a number key <> guess N Y write(‘Guess the number from 1 to 10’); Write(‘Guess ->’); readln(guess); writeln(‘Good!You got the number!’);

12 Ex.Game (while do loop) Program game Var key,guess:integer; begin
randomize; key:=random(10)+1; writeln(‘Guess the number from 1 to 10’); write(‘Guess ->’); readln(guess); while guess<>key do end; writeln(‘Good!’ You got the number!’); end. Random function

13 Ex.Game (repeat until loop) Random a number writeln(‘Guess the number from 1 to 10’); Write(‘Guess ->’); readln(guess); key = guess N Y writeln(‘Good!You got the number!’);

14 Ex.Game (repeat until loop)
Program game; var key,guess:integer; begin randomize; key:=random(10)+1; repeat writeln('Guess the number from 1 to 10'); write('Guess -> '); readln(guess); until key=guess; writeln('Good! You got the number!'); end.

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