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Because of Winn-Dixie Vocabulary Jeopardy Game 1

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Presentation on theme: "Because of Winn-Dixie Vocabulary Jeopardy Game 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Because of Winn-Dixie Vocabulary Jeopardy Game 1
Page 1-30 Page 31-55 Page 56-87 Page Page Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from page 1-30 produce

3 $100 Answer from page 1-30 Something that is made or brought in

4 $200 Question from page 1-30 missionary

5 $200 Answer from page 1-30 A person who is sent by a religious group
to spread their religion and promote good will in another country

6 $300 Question from page 1-30 fortunate

7 $300 Answer from page 1-30 Having good luck or being lucky

8 $400 Question from page 1-30 sermon

9 $400 Answer from page 1-30 A public talk about religion or morals given by a member of the clergy (pastor, priest)

10 $500 Question from page 1-30 constellation

11 $500 Answer from page 1-30 A group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky that sometimes looks like a picture

12 $100 Question from Page 31-55 pews

13 $100 Answer from Page 31-55 Long benches put in rows in church for people to sit

14 $200 Question from Page 31-55 hind

15 $200 Answer from Page 31-55 At the back; rear

16 $300 Question from Page 31-55 peculiar

17 $300 Answer from Page 31-55 Not usual; strange

18 $400 Question from Page 31-55 irritate

19 $400 Answer from Page 31-55 To make angry or impatient, especially over a small thing

20 $500 Question from Page 31-55 trustworthy

21 $500 Answer from Page 31-55 Able to be trusted, reliable

22 $100 Question from Page 56-87 introduce

23 $100 Answer from Page 56-87 To make known or acquaintance

24 $200 Question from Page 56-87 identical

25 $200 Answer from Page 56-87 The very same, exactly alike

26 $300 Question from Page 56-87 trembling

27 $300 Answer from Page 56-87 To shake with cold, fear, weakness, or anger

28 $400 Question from Page 56-87 whining

29 $400 Answer from Page 56-87 Crying in a soft, high, complaining voice

30 $500 Question from Page 56-87 criminal

31 $500 Answer from Page 56-87 A person who does something that is a crime or something illegal

32 $100 Question from Page roundabout

33 $100 Answer from Page Not straight or direct

34 $200 Question from Page imitate

35 $200 Answer from Page To try and act or behave just as another person does; to copy someone

36 $300 Question from Page comfort

37 $300 Answer from Page To ease the sorrow or pain of someone

38 $400 Question from Page dramatic

39 $400 Answer from Page Having to do with plays or acting

40 $500 Question from Page enlist

41 $500 Answer from Page To join the armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force)

42 $100 Question from Page abide

43 $100 Answer from Page To put up with

44 $200 Question from Page sensation

45 $200 Answer from Page 105-134 Being aware or feeling something, -or-
Something that causes great excitement or interest

46 $300 Question from Page melancholy

47 $300 Answer from Page Low in spirits, sad, gloomy

48 $400 Question from Page hem

49 $400 Answer from Page The edge of a piece of clothing or cloth by folding under the edge and sewing it down

50 $500 Question from Page aching

51 $500 Answer from Page Hurting with a dull or constant pain

52 Final Jeopardy Question
Define these three words: Empathy Tolerance Compassion

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Empathy: identifying and understanding another person's situation and feelings, having had similar experiences Tolerance: willing to respect the customs, ideas, and beliefs of others; not being prejudice Compassion: sympathy for someone else’s suffering or misfortune, and wanting to help

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