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Clarence Lee (leader) Chen JiaJun Chia Zhi Yi Hazim Fathul Rahman Joshua Yap.

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Presentation on theme: "Clarence Lee (leader) Chen JiaJun Chia Zhi Yi Hazim Fathul Rahman Joshua Yap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clarence Lee (leader) Chen JiaJun Chia Zhi Yi Hazim Fathul Rahman Joshua Yap

2 Content 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Findings and Analysis i. Social Survey ii. Interview 4. Conclusion

3 Introduction Overview Background Problem Statement Objectives

4 Overview Introduction Methodology Survey Analysis Interview Analysis Conclusion

5 Background Increasing percentage of elderly Escalating percentage of elderly not living with their children Rising numbers of elderly living in nursing/ old folks homes

6 Problem Statement Government focus is insufficient to meet the needs of future elderly Children are less inclined to take care of elderly Increasing trend of unmarried or childless elderly

7 Objectives Promote successful ageing for elderly without dependent support Ensure adequacy and planning strategies in Financial, Healthcare and Social areas Integrate the retirement needs in concept of Retirement Village

8 Methodology Methods to gather information through use of: a. Social Survey b. Interview

9 Social Survey 20 respondents were surveyed Aim of survey was to determine: a. the adequacy of financial planning b. level of Healthcare concern in retirement c. lifestyle choice d. the social needs / activities in retirement

10 Demographics

11 Interview Interviewees were from Singapore Action Group of Elders (SAGE): Mr. Phua Kok Tee (CEO) Mr. Wan Noor

12 Interview Interview objectives were to: a. To know more about government policies and initiatives working towards successful and active ageing. b. To understand active ageing better and how the infrastructure available encourages this.

13 Interview Interview objectives were to: c. To discuss the retirement needs of the elderly (especially for elderly without dependent support)

14 Survey Analysis Results will be analysed according to: a. Financial b. Healthcare c. Lifestyle Choices d. Social Needs

15 Survey Analysis Financial planning is important Majority of respondents choose personal savings over CPF for financial support (Financial Aspect)

16 Survey Analysis All agreed health was vital (Healthcare Aspect)

17 Survey Analysis High confidence in Singapores healthcare facilities (Healthcare Aspect)

18 Survey Analysis People expect to meet or exceed current lifestyle expectations (Lifestyle Choices)

19 Survey Analysis But may have to downgrade due to CPF dependency (Lifestyle Choices)

20 Survey Analysis Respondents agree for a need to upgrade social facilities (Social Aspect)

21 Interview Analysis Two main areas of concern: a. Healthcare b. Feasibility of a Retirement Village

22 Interview Analysis Healthcare is significant for elderly Government has to work with citizens to lower healthcare costs (Healthcare)

23 Interview Analysis Mr. Phua raised the issue of feasibility Western concept vs Asian culture? Need for Ageing in Place (Feasibility)

24 Conclusion Application Challenges Future Recommendations Reflection

25 Conclusion Project proves a need for a fresh solution Changing needs of elderly in the future with different challenges (Application)

26 Conclusion Rising inflation rates and poor financial planning (insufficient funds) Retirement Villages feasibility (Challenges)

27 Conclusion Introduce the concept of a Retirement village to Singapore New generation of elderly are likely to be more accepting of it (Future Plans)

28 Conclusion Different commitments Time constraints Different preferences for modes of communication (Reflections)

29 Conclusion Different commitments Time constraints Different preferences for modes of communication (Reflections)

30 Thank You

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