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Copyright © 2007 Tommy's Window. All Rights Reserved ♫ Turn on your speakers! ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES.

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2 Copyright © 2007 Tommy's Window. All Rights Reserved ♫ Turn on your speakers! ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES

3 I watched you this morning from the time you opened your eyes. As sunshine brought a smile to your face, as you felt its warm caress, I wanted to tell you through it of My great love for you. I put the warmth into the sunshine because I knew you'd enjoy it, and that it would give you pleasant feelings. It would not only warm your face, but your heart as well.

4 When you heard the bird singing this morning outside your window, that was also a sign of My love for you. I knew that the bird's song would encourage you. You see how I take care of the birds? How I supply food for them, shelter for their young, and how I put a song in their heart, how carefree and happy I make them?

5 That's exactly what I would like to do for you too, every day of your life—care for you, supply all of your needs, and make you carefree and happy.

6 …in the beautiful things that I surround you with, in the loving warmth that I give through your family and friends, and in all the little things that make your life easier, happier, and fuller.

7 Please accept My tokens of love for you in these ways. See them as from Me, and receive them into your heart, so that through them I can touch your heart with My love.

8 I long to show you My infinite care in little and big ways throughout your day. And all I ask in return is that you love Me too, that you recognize My loving hand and accept it. It will make you happier and your life will be richer.

9 As you go further into your day now, look for Me and My love for you and you'll find Me everywhere. www.tommyswindow.comFor more PowerPoint messages visit:

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