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State Agency & Social Security Administration Data Exchange Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "State Agency & Social Security Administration Data Exchange Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Agency & Social Security Administration Data Exchange Opportunities

2 Challenges Facing Government Increasing workload Decreasing budgets Changing customer demands Rapidly changing technology

3 SSA Data Sharing Over 25 years sharing data electronically First with welfare & Medicaid agencies More recently with: Unemployment Insurance Workers Compensation

4 Matches Current interface with other agencies Veterans Administration Office of Personnel Management Railroad Board Bureau of Prisons Medicare

5 State Needs Verify names and SSNs Determine Social Security benefit amounts

6 State Benefits Reduced overpayments/fraud Decreased administrative costs Improved service

7 SSA Needs: TANF payments Medicaid eligibility dates Vital records Current quarterly wage data Weekly Unemployment Compensation payments for SSI offset purposes Workers Comp payments

8 SSA Benefits Reduced Overpayments First GAO Report: $131M annually Improved Customer Service More one stop processing Faster claims processing More timely and accurate payments Decreased Administrative Costs $7.50 per follow up visit

9 SSA Access to State Records Online: SASRO Used to obtain State agency data 79 agencies in 45 states participate 34 HS agencies 29 UI agencies 11 WC agencies 5 VS agencies Goal: All 50 states

10 Vital Statistics Pilot Overview Next Generation of SASRO Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) Pilots SSA awarded a contract to NAPHSIS to develop EVVE NAPHSIS subcontracted software development NAPHSIS and SSA have started work with Colorado & Missouri on pilots

11 EVVE Design Birth and Death Confirmations SSA field offices employees will enter vital information on screens Information will pass through a HUB - then to participating state State will review data and reply through HUB to SSA. Testing indicates a 5 second turnaround.

12 Hub Server Diagram.. Hub Approved Requestors State VS Agencies

13 Challenges Security: Eliminate the possibility of browsing Minimize the potential for unauthorized use How Addressed 1. Yes/No response vs. list of possible matches 2. SSL and VPN 3. Six-step security plan

14 Next Steps – EVVE Complete pilots in 8 participating states Obtain pricing and minimum quantities recommendation Negotiate price and quantities Report at next NAPHSIS Annual Meeting

15 Future Challenges Revenue Impacts Start-up Costs Difference in State laws/regulations/structure Addition of Other Federal Agencies (e.g., Passport Agency, VA, RRB, etc.)

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