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 Extinct animals are species, or kinds of animals that have all died many years ago. For example dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Dodo.

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Presentation on theme: " Extinct animals are species, or kinds of animals that have all died many years ago. For example dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Dodo."— Presentation transcript:


2  Extinct animals are species, or kinds of animals that have all died many years ago. For example dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Dodo is a kind of extinct animal.

3  Dodo is an extinct bird that can’t fly. The dodo is related to the pigeon. They have short legs like Tae Hun, stubby wings, long beaks, and curly tails. Dodos lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. They have been extinct since about 1680.

4  European sailor killed the birds for their food include dodo because Dodo couldn’t fly. But European saved some dodos and served as a models for paintings and museums.

5  Dodos went extinct near Madagascar. Dodos can’t fly like penguins. Their weight is 25 kg. They went extinct in the 17 th century. Dodos went extinct because the Europeans killed or hunted them.



8  Dodo extinct at Paleozoic time

9  Dodo was living peacefully until the European sailors came.  European sailors killed and hunted them about 350 years ago.  Now people say that Dodos were living on the island of Mauritius. People said that pigeon has similar DNA with Dodo.

10  Q1. Which period did dodo extinct?  A1. In Paleozoic era  Q2. Which animal has most similar DNA with dodo?  A2. It’s Pigeon !  BIG QUESTION~!@@@@@  Q. Why did the dodo extinct and where did they extinct?  A. They extinct because European sailor hunt and killed them and they extinct near Indian ocean.


12  =ar830861&st=Dodo =ar830861&st=Dodo  ?id=ar162520&st=dodo ?id=ar162520&st=dodo  02/0227_0228_dodo.html 02/0227_0228_dodo.html

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