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北师大教材 Module 2 Unit 4 Lesson 16 制作人:中山市石岐杨仙逸中学黄群超.

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Presentation on theme: "北师大教材 Module 2 Unit 4 Lesson 16 制作人:中山市石岐杨仙逸中学黄群超."— Presentation transcript:

1 北师大教材 Module 2 Unit 4 Lesson 16 制作人:中山市石岐杨仙逸中学黄群超

2 Teaching Aims : to practise intensive and extensive reading skills; to develop strategies to match topics with paragraphs; to identify important words in a text; to learn how to read a web page Teaching content: Virtual Tourism Teaching difficulties: vocabulary Teaching emphasis: reading Teaching assist : multi-media assist

3 Teaching steps: Step1 Lead in Step 2:Fast Reading Step3 Intensive reading Step 4 exercise 5 Step 5 consolidation :1.appreciate famous sights 2.retell

4 A guide on the Web

5 New Zealand Touring New Zealand Rentals New Zealand Lodging New Zealand Touring New Zealand Rentals New Zealand Lodging Touring New Zealand Independent Tours Escorted Tours Self Drive Tours Luxury Coach Tours Coach / Bus Tours Under 35's Tours Over 35's Tours Motorcycle Tours Trekking, Hiking, Walking Adventure Tours Campervan RV Tours Touring New ZealandIndependent ToursEscorted ToursSelf Drive Tours Luxury Coach ToursCoach / Bus ToursUnder 35's ToursOver 35's ToursMotorcycle ToursTrekking, Hiking, WalkingAdventure ToursCampervan RV Tours New Zealand Touring New Zealand Rentals New Zealand Lodging Touring New ZealandIndependent ToursEscorted ToursSelf Drive Tours Luxury Coach ToursCoach / Bus ToursUnder 35's ToursOver 35's ToursMotorcycle ToursTrekking, Hiking, WalkingAdventure ToursCampervan RV Tours Independent Tours Escorted Tours Self Drive Tours Campervan Tours Coach and Bus Tours Class, Let’s go and make a journey.

6 Step1 Lead in If you make a journey to a foreign country, what do you want to know about it? Location National flag Culture Famous sights Click here!

7 The Southern Hemisphere 南半球 South-west of the Pacific Ocean 太平洋西南 New Zealand Location Location - Auckland*New Zealand

8 Auckland Wellington

9 National flag New zealand flag

10 Culture & famous sights


12 Step 2:Fast Reading. Let’s travel further. Read the Internet page quickly: ~~underline the first sentence in each paragraph (topic sentences). ~~suggest a title to each passage.

13 With your titles, do the match work in Part 4

14 Read the text and match the topics a-f with the five paragraphsA-f The history of the city The history of the city Travel links Travel links Things to see in Auckland Things to see in Auckland Nightlife in Auckland Nightlife in Auckland Water lover ’ s paradise Water lover ’ s paradise New Zealand ’ s largest city New Zealand ’ s largest city 1 2 3 4 5 *

15 Step3 Intensive reading travel around Auckland and find out the following information

16 Population Location History 650 years ago: In 1840: In 1985: Famous sights Climate transportation Less than a million On North Island Maoris settled European settlement began Became a nuclear free zone Mt Eden;Parnell village; Auckland Museum Warm; plenty of sunshine Regular international flight; European flight

17 Step 4 exercise 5 : match the information with the words in blue in the text. Hot words New Zealand; North Island; business and industry; Maoris; Wellington; nuclear free zone; Mt Eden; Auckland Harbour Bridge; __________________________________ _______________ _________________________________ _______________________

18 Step 5 consolidation 1.appreciate famous sights

19 Famous sights in Auckland Mt Eden Mt Eden Mt Eden Mt Eden Auckland Harbor Bridge Auckland Harbor Bridge Auckland Harbor Bridge Auckland Harbor Bridge Parnell Village Parnell Village Parnell Village Parnell Village Auckland Domain Auckland Domain Auckland Domain Auckland Domain Auckland Museum Auckland Museum Auckland Museum Auckland Museum Maoris Maoris Maoris The city of sail The city of sail The city of sail The city of sail Auckland beaches Auckland beaches Auckland beaches Auckland beaches GoGo-step 6 Go

20 Auckland museum Home

21 Parnell Village Home The first European settler’s homes

22 Auckland Harbor Bridge Home

23 The city of sail Home More boats than anywhere else

24 Auckland’s beaches Home Water sports Swimming, fishing, sailing

25 The Maoris Home Face tattoo Greet each other

26 Auckland domains Home Exotic plants

27 Home Mt Eden : the highest volcano ; one of Auckland’s most famous landmark 里程碑

28 step 5 consolidation 2.retell

29 Retell the text ^-^Para1: largest, has a population of, be located on, a centre for, the most dynamic and multicultural …. ^-^Para2: history, go back, 650 years, in 1840, since 1945, in 1985 ^-^Para3: famous sights(Mt Eden, … ),the city of sails ^-^Para4: climate, warm, water sports ^-^Para5: easy to travel, regular international flights, ……

30 Assignment : work with you partner, Surf the website and,get the information and then design a travel guide to report in the next period

31 See You,class By Frankie Huang 中山市杨仙逸中学黄群超

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