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Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: +40744399412 W:

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: +40744399412 W:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro

2 ProgrameTargeted organizations CAFPublic authorities and local governments Standards for ParticipationPublic schools What CBP? Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax 0251 416574 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro

3 How? Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax 0251 416574 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro Integrated approach- not just knowledge transfer and competence build up; focusing on process & systems is part of the deal! There is no such thing as one shot event- we stay the course! Triangulation of data A messy process of back casting and forecasting (particularly via scenario workshops)

4 Going beyond the TC agenda! Misconception that organizations operate in an optimal environment There is no such prevailing modus operandi Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax 0251 416574 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro

5 Hardly any sustainability of CB interventions In house empowerment to lead to a degree of acceptance and commitment Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax 0251 416574 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro

6 Dealing with “Eastern universal mores” Fostering peer pressure Pushing on social accountability Lip service from public services The language! Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax 0251 416574 Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser Email: T: +40744399412 W: florin.pasatoiu@ipd.rohttp://ipd.roflorin.pasatoiu@ipd.ro

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