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or.. What do I do now? The First Steps Or maybe more like …. Im new and Im already lost, confused and overwhelmed!

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RP Chair Centralized Training Chicago September 8, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "or.. What do I do now? The First Steps Or maybe more like …. Im new and Im already lost, confused and overwhelmed!"— Presentation transcript:


2 or.. What do I do now? The First Steps Or maybe more like …. Im new and Im already lost, confused and overwhelmed!

3 Dont panic … Youve taken the first step already … only 35 left to go!

4 Steps 2-35 1. Done!!!!!! 2. Get home safely 3. Tell boss that 20-30hrs a week will be devoted to RP, hope they dont mind 4. Investigate new job that is more understanding of ASHRAE and RP duties 5. Immediately write a check for $1,000 to show commitment 6. Announce Goal to Board, ask them for $1,000 each to show their commitment 7. Celebrate that Goal is already 50% achieved and its only September 8. Call up every single member of the chapter who has given in the last 10 yrs and thank them for their support! 9. Call up every single member of the chapter who has NOT given in the 10 yrs and demand an explanation. 10. For those members who have given, ask them to please double their contribution this year. 11. Explain that its really, really important that they donate and that they will be publically ridiculed if they dont. 12. Plan public ridiculing party for those chapter members who dont give. 13. Dont forget to say Thank you! to those who do give. 14. This Thank You! should be subdued if they only give what they gave previously and didnt double at your suggestion. 15. Reserve skywriting plane to say Thank You! to those who do double their contribution from last year. 16. Memorize Training Manual 17. Memorize and prepare PowerPoint of current Research Plan to be presented at every chapter meeting 18. Immediately write a check for $1,000 to show commitment 19. Announce Goal to Board, ask them for $1,000 each to show their commitment 20. Celebrate that Goal is already 50% achieved and its only September 21. Call up every single member of the chapter who has given in the last 10 yrs and thank them for their support! 22. Call up every single member of the chapter who has NOT given in the 10 yrs and demand an explanation. 23. For those members who have given, ask them to please double their contribution this year. 24. Explain that its really, really important that they donate and that they will be publically ridiculed if they dont. 25. Plan public ridiculing party for those chapter members who dont give. 26. Dont forget to say Thank you! to those who do give. 27. This Thank You! should be subdued if they only give what they gave previously and didnt double at your suggestion. 28. Reserve skywriting plane to say Thank You! to those who do double their contribution from last year. 29. Memorize and prepare PowerPoint of current Research Plan to be presented at every chapter meeting 30. Immediately write a check for $1,000 to show commitment 31. Announce Goal to Board, ask them for $1,000 each to show their commitment 32. Celebrate that Goal is already 50% achieved and its only September 33. Call up every single member of the chapter who has given in the last 10 yrs and thank them for their support! 34. This Thank You! should be subdued if they only give what they gave previously and didnt double at your suggestion. 35. Celebrate a successful RP Campaign!


6 Step #1 Attend the Centralized Training Learn the Nuts & Bolts Meet your RVC and Staff & get your Goal Ask all the questions you need to make sure you know the 3 biggies – What, Where and Who

7 The 3 biggies What is RP & what am I doing?? And why didnt I volunteer to be historian instead??? Where to start once you leave training Who to contact if you dont know the What and the Where


9 Step #2 When you get back - pull out the calendar and put it some place where you can see it Dont lose it! If you do lose it, print it out again Fill out your Action Plan based on the Timeline AND your personal timeline Reference that if youre unsure what you should be doing or call your RVC or Staff

10 Step #3 Sharing ….

11 Share … Goal with your Board & Chapter Officers for their buy-in and commitment! Full Circle Time Goal and RP Calendar with your Chapter! Special Events Donor Recognition Full Circle Completed RP Night This is where your Newsletter & Chapter website helps!



14 Step #4 Run the 10 Yr History Report Sort it Last years donors on top, highest first Adjust the view Adjust the font Adjust the column width Take a deep breath & complain this is going to take too long (it wont – I promise)

15 Just do it Pick up the phone & call the first person who is: A donor from last year Someone you know (past RP Chair maybe?) A medium size donor Do you want your first call to be asking for $10,000? THANK them for giving in the past Thank you so much for your support last year ! and …


17 Youve just made your first donor solicitation!! Only 50+ more to go!

18 Step #5 Keep making calls, contacts, solicitations People should KNOW what youre going to say to them by January and throw money at you JUST to make you go away Run your Real Time Reports Monthly Have people given like they said? Have they given what you expected? Follow up as needed USE the donor call sheets & lists sent to you by Staff

19 Lists from Staff Not just for OUR benefit but YOURS! Matching Gift Lists Trane Johnson Controls Upsell Donors Donors who are close to Honor Roll Level Decreased Donors

20 The Big One

21 Missing it can undo all previous steps (except #1 since we cant go back in time)

22 Step #6

23 6 Easy Steps to making Goal 1. Attend & Learn 2. Plan 3. Share 4. Ask 5. Use 6. Send it in

24 And the 7 th … bonus step that makes it all much better

25 Smile... Its going to be FUN


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