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5 things a pioneer needs to know. 5 things to discuss with another pharmacist if they dont know anything about the professional body 1. What is the professional.

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Presentation on theme: "5 things a pioneer needs to know. 5 things to discuss with another pharmacist if they dont know anything about the professional body 1. What is the professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 things a pioneer needs to know

2 5 things to discuss with another pharmacist if they dont know anything about the professional body 1. What is the professional bodys vision? 2. What are its values? 3. How much will membership cost? 4. What are the benefits of membership? 5. Where can I find out more?

3 1. Our vision The professional body for pharmacy and pharmacists, the heart and mind of the profession – where the profession comes together Providing members with: Confidence in their choice of profession The support and development they need, when they need it An identity – a place they can come together to share experience

4 2. Our values Members and customers are our priority We will co-operate and break down barriers Everyone will be encouraged, supported and recognized Our success will be judged through what we deliver

5 3. The cost Annual membership fees for 2011 will be £192 Thats less than £4 per week The membership fee is tax deductible Were also looking at various discounts, and incentives associated with particular methods of payment i.e. direct debit As per the prospectus it is likely that the professional body will look at lower fees for retired pharmacists

6 4. The benefits Support Confidential information, advice and support for you whenever and wherever you need it, throughout your career and beyond. Develop Whether its developing new skills, advancing your career or help with CPD – we can provide it. Network We will offer a wide range of opportunities to help you connect with other pharmacists and influence how pharmacy develops locally and nationally. Lead We are the only body which represents the whole of pharmacy and we use this unique position to give each and every one of our members a voice when it comes to issues that matter to you. Recognise Only our members can use the MRPharmS or FRPharmS designatory letters.

7 5. More information You can find out more by visiting: Our membership pages are in the About us section Or email:

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