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Pronunciación y Estrés Lección 6. Estrés If a word ends in a vowel, or the letters “n” or “s,” the natural stress of the word is the second to last syllable.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronunciación y Estrés Lección 6. Estrés If a word ends in a vowel, or the letters “n” or “s,” the natural stress of the word is the second to last syllable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronunciación y Estrés Lección 6

2 Estrés If a word ends in a vowel, or the letters “n” or “s,” the natural stress of the word is the second to last syllable. ven-ta-na com-pren-de-mos gran-de pe-rros If a word ends with a consonant (other than “n” or “s”) the stress is naturally on the last syllable. re-loj fe-no-me-nal co-mer com-par-tir

3 Diptongos y Sílabas A diphthong is a combination of a strong vowel (A, E, O) and an unaccented weak vowel (U, I) (ai, ia, au, ua, ei, ie, eu, ue, oi, io, ou, uo) OR a combination of weak vowels (iu, ui) that create ONE syllable. au-to vein-te Two strong vowels together create TWO syllables. le-o ca-os

4 Acentos If there is an accent mark in a word, all rules are broken and the stress is naturally emphasized on the syllable with the accent mark. co-mió cor-ta-cés-ped re-lám-pa-go dí-a ha-blá-ba-mos na-ción

5 puerto puer-to (2)

6 siete sie-te (2)

7 feo fe-o (2)

8 cuidado cui-da-do (3)

9 autobiografía au-to-bio-gra-fí-a (6)

10 ciudad ciu-dad (2)

11 coincidencia co-in-ci-den-cia (5)

12 hoy hoy (1)

13 oír o-ír (2)

14 construir con-struir (2)

15 acondicionador de aire a-con-di-cion-a-dor de ai-re (9)

16 estudiantes es-tu-dian-tes (4)

17 adiós a-diós (2)

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