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French Course Syllabus Week 1  Day 1 Basic about the language The differences between the language and other languages The letters The numbers Greeting.

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3 French Course Syllabus

4 Week 1  Day 1 Basic about the language The differences between the language and other languages The letters The numbers Greeting


6 Les lettres:

7 Les nombres:

8 EnglishFrançais Good morningbonjour Good afternoonbonsoir How are you?Comment allez vous? Fine-goodÇava bien Very goodTrès bien Hellosalut ByeTchao Good ByeAu revoir See you soonà bientot See you tomorrowà demain Good nightBonne nuit pleaseS'il vous plait Have a seatAsseyez vous okayD'accord Thank youmerci The Greeting

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