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19-4 Earth’s Moon.

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1 19-4 Earth’s Moon

2 Earth’s moon No atmosphere
Temperatures range from 100 degrees celsius to -170 degrees celsius. Gravity is 1/6th that of Earth. Contains 1/8 the mass of Earth, but the density is the same throughout No internal heat


4 Formation of the moon Several theories
Collision theory where Mars sized object skimmed off young Earth, materials from outer layers were thrown into space and combined with an asteroid to form the moon. /graphic/ / jpg

5 Features of the moon Galileo an Italian astronomer invented the telescope. He saw three types of features. Craters – vary in size, circular, caused by meteoroid impacts, there is no erosion on the moon. Highlands – mountains that cast long shadows Maria – thought to be seas, but really ancient lava flows – flat dark areas

6 Highlands are bright pink areas in image on left.
// Highlands are bright pink areas in image on left. False_Color_Mosaic.jpg/260px-Moon_Crescent_-_False_Color_Mosaic.jpg

7 Missions to the moon 1961 NASA was launched
Space race, Soviets and USA Surveyor (US) was the first to land Surface of the moon is solid, but covered in a layer of fine dust. Footprints remain forever. No weathering and erosion.


9 Moon landings July 1969, US landed Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin were in a tiny lunar lander named Eagle. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Image from /AAAAAAAAGd8/d74ROwygXl4/s400/Apollo+11+-+Footprint+left+by+astronaut+on+lunar+soi l+during+Apollo+11+lunar+mission+in+which+astronauts+Neil+Armstrong+ %26+Buzz+Aldrin+took+walk+on+moon%27s+surface+%28July+1969%29.jpg

10 Moon rocks Everything we know about the moon was found out from the moon rocks brought back from the moon landings. Almost all of the moon rocks were formed by cooling of molten material. (volcano) The surface of the moon was once very hot. Also evidence of meteor bombardment.

11 Moon rock in image on left
Moon rock in image on left Lunar Seismometer moon _guide/as jpg

12 Instruments left on the moon
Instruments left on the moon show that the interior has cooled. There is no seismic (earthquakes) activity except from meteors. The entire surface of the moon has been photographed. There is evidence of frozen water at the poles. The far side of the moon (the one we don’t see) is much rougher than the side we see.

13 Buzz Aldrin- Apollo 11 astronaut,
he walked on the moon Uhh Buzz Lightyear- he didn’t

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