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Ao`ao `i`iwi Demo interactive ppt for module 7 Dr. M. David Merrill, ETEC 750B Examples Q&A About `i`iwi.

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Presentation on theme: "Ao`ao `i`iwi Demo interactive ppt for module 7 Dr. M. David Merrill, ETEC 750B Examples Q&A About `i`iwi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ao`ao `i`iwi Demo interactive ppt for module 7 Dr. M. David Merrill, ETEC 750B Examples Q&A About `i`iwi

2 Introduction – Content Area The content area for our group is inside a database (“Curriculum Central”) being introduced to the University of Hawaii system, a database to record and store course outlines. For the purposes of ETEC 750B we will use the test version of the database which is located at The database is in use at a few campuses in the UH system: UH Hilo, Kapi’olani Community College, Leeward Community College, and UH Maui College. The database is soon to be piloted by the UHM College of Education, Windward Community College, and Kaua`i Community College.

3 Introduction – target population The population being taught are college faculty, tenured and untenured, all with a minimum of a master’s degree in their content area, some with a PhD. No assumption can be made for computer skills, organizational skills, or logic skills that the faculty may or may not have. Previous experience has shown that even faculty who teach computer courses often have difficulty the first few times that they encounter the three questions that we will focus on in the project. Previous experience has shown that some faculty may not have organized their course content around the competencies to be attained by the students. Some faculty may not yet have thought about and connected how their course content may support degree or certificate learning outcomes.

4 Introduction – task/problem Our project will focus on how to prepare three types of course outlines used by Kapi’olani Community College, a progression of whole problems. The skills used in answering the questions build in increasing complexity. Basic navigation skills learned previously are assumed. The project will focus on specific sections of outlines to (1) make a course inactive, (2) update a course that exists in skeletal version, or (3) create a new course. The instructional materials prepared for ETEC 750B will focus on the tasks expected of the course proposer rather than the tasks for course reviewers and tasks for course approvers.

5 Example of Inactive course  Text here explaining the big differences (fewer fields to fill out) and the small differences (less to fill out in a required field)  Text over graphics here

6 Instructions specific to inactive courses  What to do if you make a mistake (placeholder) What to do if you make a mistake (placeholder)  What a proposer might see blah blah (placeholder) What a proposer might see blah blah (placeholder)

7 Quiz about inactive courses

8 Example of skeleton of existing course  Text explaining why this is different from other course outlines  Sample of skeleton

9 Instructions specific to existing skeleton course outlines  demonstration of mouseover demonstration of mouseover  demonstration of ART 101 prerequisite input demonstration of ART 101 prerequisite input  demonstration of ENG 100, ENG 160, ESL 100 prereq input demonstration of ENG 100, ENG 160, ESL 100 prereq input

10 Quiz about skeleton courses

11 Examples of new courses from scratch Title of course  Text or pdf image of a portion of an outline Title of other course  Text or pdf image of a portion of an outline

12 Instructions specific to new courses (Video/audio test only – a placeholder)

13 Quiz about new courses

14 Summary or comparison chart for three types of courses

15 Q&A from peer review  Why there is a need to store course outlines in a database?  A current administrative decision is that outlines are to be shared and/or accessible between the ten campuses of the UH system. Currently at many campuses the course outlines (if they exist) are paper documents stored in file cabinets.

16 Q&A from peer review  From my understanding, your project will be focused on teaching people how to use the skills to manipulate the database or how to answer those three questions?  The revised project will focus on the increased complexity from a more simple course deactivation, to a more complex update of a skeletal version of a course, to the most complex – creation of a new course outline.

17 Q&A from peer review  Does this database work like the Laulima system?  No, not at all. Perhaps you are confusing courses with class sections. A course outline in Curriculum Central can be thought of as a master course that all class sections are based on, for example the first semester of French might be FR 101. Students enroll in FR101 taught by professor X on Tuesdays and Thursdays as a specific class section with a CRN number in the Banner registration system. The course outline for freshman mathematics (MATH 100) in Curriculum Central would be the master course that suggests content, course objectives, and grading methods for any and all MATH 100 classes. The individual MATH 100 sections assigned to specific professors are referred to as classes.

18 About the `i`iwi bird The adult 'i'iwi is mostly fiery red, with black wings and tail and a long, curved, salmon-colored bill used primarily for drinking nectar. The contrast of the red and black plumage with surrounding green foliage makes the 'i'iwi one of the most easily seen Hawaiian birds. Younger birds have a more spotted golden plumage and ivory bills and were mistaken for a different species by early naturalists on Hawai'i. The 'i'iwi, even though it was used in the feather trade, was less affected than the Hawai'i mamo because the former was not as sacred to the Hawaiians. The 'i'iwi's feathers were highly prized by Hawaiian ali'i (nobility) for use in decorating 'ahu'ula (capes) and mahiole (helmets), and such uses gave the species its scientific name: vestiaria, which comes from the Latin for clothing, and coccinea means scarlet- colored. The bird is also often mentioned in Hawaiian folklore. The Hawaiian song "Sweet Lei Mamo" includes the line "The i'iwi bird, too, is a friend". The bird is capable of hovering in the air, much like hummingbirds. Its peculiar song consists of a couple of whistles, the sound of balls dropping in water, the rubbing of balloons together, and the squeaking of a rusty hinge.Hawai'i mamo hummingbirds

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