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Imam Al-Hasan The Second Imam

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1 Imam Al-Hasan The Second Imam
By A.S. Hashim. MD

2 Early Childhood I Born in Medina, 2nd Yr of Hijrah
The Prophet loves him very much Born after Badr confrontation Fills the house with joy

3 Early Childhood II At age of 1, the battle of Ohod takes place
Al-Husain is born The Prophet loves the boys dearly The Prophet calls Al-Hasan and Al-Husain as His Children

4 Early Childhood III At 3, a sister is born, Zainab
At 4, another sister is born, Umm Kalthoom At 6, Ayah of Tat’heer is revealed Al-Hasan is one of Ahlul Bayt

5 Ayah of Tat’heer and Ahlul Bayt
Al-Kisaa as narrated by Jabir Al-Ansaari Took place in Umm Salama’s house Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain under one cover along with the Prophet The Prophet declares: These are my Ahlul Bayt

6 Early Childhood IV Christians from Najran visit Muhammad
They inquire about Islam, and The Quran challenges them (Mubaahala) They agree to invoke Damnation of God on the liars Next day, seeing that Muhammad brought Ahlul Bayt for Mubaahala, The Christians retreat, asking to be excused from Mubaahala

7 Ayah for Mubaahala Surah 3: Ayah 61.
 فَمَنْ حَآجَّكَ فِيهِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ فَقُلْ تَعَالَوْاْ نَدْعُ أَبْنَاءنَا وَأَبْنَاءكُمْ وَنِسَاءنَا وَنِسَاءكُمْ وَأَنفُسَنَا وأَنفُسَكُمْ ثُمَّ نَبْتَهِلْ فَنَجْعَل لَّعْنَةُ اللّهِ عَلَى الْكَاذِبِين "THEN SAY: LET US CALL UPON OUR CHILDREN AND YOUR CHILDREN, OUR LADIES AND YOUR LADIES, OURSELVES AND YOURSELVES, THEN WE PRAY SO THAT ALLAH'S WRATH WILL BE UPON THOSE WHO TELL UNTRUTH"

8 Ayah of Tat’heer إِنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنكُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ وَيُطَهِّرَكُمْ تَطْهِيرًا (Surah  33:  Ayah  33.  According to A'isha, Ayah of Tat'heer (Purification) was revealed on behalf of Fatima, Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, see Sahih Muslim Vol. 3, Page 130.) VERILY, ALLAH HAS DECREED TO PURIFY YOU, O' AHLUL BAYT, AND SANCTIFY YOU IN A PERFECT WAY

9 Well known Hadiths about al-Hasan and al-Husain
 الحسـن والحسـين سـيدا شـباب اهل الجنه مََنٍ أحبَّ الحسـنَ والحسـين  فقد أحبَّنِي ومَنٍ أبغَضَـهُما  فقد أبغَضَني أنا سِلمٌ لِمَن سالمـتم،   وحربٌُ لِمَن حاربتُم AL-HASAN AND AL-HUSAIN ARE EACH A PRINCE OVER THE YOUTHFUL IN HEAVEN". THE ONE WHO LOVES HASAN AND HUSAIN WILL ALSO HAVE LOVED ME, AND HE WHO DETESTS THEM,WILL HAVE DETESTED ME. "IN PEACE I AM WITH HIM WHOM YOU ARE IN PEACE WITH AND IN BATTLE I AM WITH HIM WHOM YOU ARE IN BATTLE WITH

10 Age 7-8 Yrs Old Al-Hasan at age 7-8: the Prophet dies
Saqeefa happenings and its aftermath of Khilaafah Father works in Grove to support family Father tutors Al-Hasan and Al-Husain along with Ibn Abbas Mother is sick

11 Age 8 Yrs Old Mother Fatima dies Buried at night, as per her wishes
So buried to avoid connection with some people who had angered her Al-Hasan misses his mother very much In mourning Father continues to tutor them

12 Lineage Al-Hasan Grandfathers Father Ali Grandmothers Mother Fatima
Muhammad and Abu Talib Father Ali Al-Hasan Grandmothers Khadijah and Fatima Mother Fatima

13 New Step Mother Father marries Asmaa bint Umais
Asmaa was wife of Abu Bakr Asmaa had Abu Bakr’s baby by name of Muhammad Asmaa was previously wife of Ja’far, brother of Ali. Ja’far was killed in Mu’ta battle

14 As a Child Al-Hasan at 10, Abu Bakr dies, Omar the Khalifa
Al-Hasan helps father in writing the Corpus of Knowledge Full of questions in quest of knowledge Family busy with Muhammad son of Abu Bakr and others

15 As a Youth Participates in Religious discourses and discussions
Omar’s rule Strict, Islamic Sahaaba are forbidden from leaving Medina Islamic Expansion into Persia and Byzantine territories Keeps helping father to write the Corpus of Knowledge

16 At Age Twenty Omar dies, being stabbed by Abu Lu’lua
Omar appointing 6 to choose a Khalifa Uthman becomes Khalifa Al-Hasan and Al-Husain help father in writing the Corpus of Knowledge

17 In his Twenties I Gets married Loves perfume and good grooming
At first Uthman’s Rule was mellow but good Uthman starts to appoint corrupt family clan to high offices: Dynasty Rules Corruption of the rulers lead to complaints Ali marries Umm Al-Baneen

18 Corpus of Knowledge Ali’s writings during: Abu Bakr, Omar, and
Uthman’s Khilaafah: Corpus of Knowledge consists of the following: Quran in chorological order Tafseer (Mus’haf Fatima) Hadith (Saheefa of Ali) Ah’kaam Al-Jafr White Jafr: Prophets and early times Red Jafr: Rules of war in Islam

19 In his Twenties II Al-Hasan and Al-Husain participate in North Africa Campaign Feels the anger of the society about rule of Uthman Defends Uthman from the rebels surrounding Uthman’s house Al-Hasan gets wounded in defending Uthman

20 In his Twenties III Has many brothers through Umm Al-Baneen
The house is very active with the expanded family Continues his discourses at Masjid Al-Nabawi Has many children by now

21 In his Thirties Ali is elected for Khilaafah
Some People agitate against Ali A’isha, Talha, and Zubair lead a force and head toward Basrah Ali and his family head toward Kufa

22 Al-Hasan Deployed to Kufa
Al-Hasan heads to Kufa with a handful of supporters Builds support for his father in Kufa Ali, family, and 500 people arrive from Medina They build support to fight off the insurgents in Basrah

23 Al-Hasan at Jamal Confrontation
During the battle Ali was very protective of Al-Hasan and Al-Husain Ali urged his other son (Muhammad ibn Al-Hanafiyyah) to face the rebels When asked about Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, he replied: I don’t want to expose the lineage of Rasool Allah to be cut off (up to Al-Mahdi)

24 Al-Hasan at Jamal Confrontation
Al-Hasan was in charge of war supplies This meant a complex experience in war management Al-Hasan did very well Al-Hasan cool and penetrating personality fit the job assigned to him Al-Hasan was 33 years old at the time

25 At Age of 34 Heads to Siffin to confront Mu’awiya
Is in charge of supplies administration of all the forces Participates in the 9 day battle Fighting was severe sometimes

26 At Siffin Al-Hasan Is aware of Mu’awiya’s intrigue
Al-Ashath, father-in-Law of Al-Hasan, was the main underground agent for Mu’awiya Al-Hasan was married to Joda, daughter of Al-Ashath Al-Hasan witnesses the debacle of Khariji and the call for arbitrations

27 At Age of 35-37 Witnesses the suffering of the widows and orphans resulting from Siffin aftermath Aware of Nahrawan and its consequences Aware of the havoc caused by Mu’awiya In Iraq In Yemen In other territories

28 At Age of 37 Wounded by Ibn Muljim, Ali gives Al-Hasan the last advice
Ali designates Al-Hasan as the 2nd Imam They bury Ali in Najaf People give Al-Hasan allegiance, he is to face Mu'awiya

29 Al-Hasan forces Mu’awiya bribes many leaders in Al-Hasan's forces
Many people shift alliance to Mu’awiya Some Khariji even wound Al-Hasan Mu’awiya offers a truce for surrender

30 Reaches agreement with Mu'awiya
Agreement has 7 points Al-Hasan gives a speech to the worshippers at the Grand Mosque of Kufa Mu’awiya follows by a speech Al-Hasan and family return to Medina

31 The Agreement That Mu'awiya shall deal with people according to the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet. That Mu'awiya shall not appoint anyone as his successor. That the people of Syria, Iraq, Hijaz and Yemen and other lands shall enjoy amnesty against persecution. That friends and companions of Ali and all their women and children shall be protected against all fear and shall be allowed to live in peace. That Mu'awiya shall not in anyway, either openly or secretly plot against or injure or threaten Imam Al-Hasan, Imam Al-Husain and other kinsmen of the Prophet (pbuh) and that he will assure them their rights. That he shall pay a sum of 50,000 dirhams annually out of the national revenue to Imam Al-Hasan.  (Imam Al-Hasan wanted to financially help the families which had lost a member or more in their previous bloody battles.) That the abusive language shall not be used with reference to the Supreme Leader of the Faithful, Ali, and that the present abuse of him and his followers after Salats shall be discontinued.

32 Al-Hasan’s Speech to Kufa People
"Verily, Allah Almighty has guided you through our grandfather, Muhammad (pbuh) who salvaged you from darkness and ignorance.  Verily, Mu'awiya disputed with me in the matter of the special position assigned to me, and I found no supporters.  Therefore, in order to restore peace and prevent bloodshed I abdicate my power.    You had promised to fight against anyone whom I might fight and to make peace.  Now, I have deemed it expedient in your interest and for your well-being to make peace with Mu'awiya and I have preferred the prevention of slaughter and carnage to the prospect of bloody war, and in doing so my object was your interest therefore you should accept what I have done." (Jilaa' Al-Uyoon.)

33 Mu’awiya’s Speech to Kufa
Mu'awiya, having secured all the power in his hand, declared the objective of his government, unabashedly, in the following words: "I have not waged war to establish prayer or fasting or to enforce Zakat.  My object was to have power over you (subjugate you) and become your Ruler   And as for the terms which I have made with Al-Hasan, behold I am free, to observe them or to break them at my will." (Jilaa' Al-Uyoon.)

34 In Medina, age: 37-47 Yrs Teaches Islamic discourses in Medina
Helps the widows out of his income Helps the orphans out of his income Is pained by Mu’awiya’s deception

35 Mu'awiya deceives Breaks the treaty, ignoring all points except the monthly payments Mu'awiya continues to curse Ali on every pulpit Mu’awiya makes cursing Ali as State Policy Cursing Ali is mandated all over the Islamic world

36 At Age 47 Mu'awiya sends an agent to bribe Joda, the wife of Al-Hasan
Would give her a huge sum of money if a powder is put in Al-Hasan’s food Promises she would marry Yazid (his son) in return Joda poisons Al-Hasan in this manner Mu’awiya refuses to let Joda marry Yazid

37 Al-Hasan designates Al-Husain as Imam
Sick with the poison: Jaundiced and feeling very weak vomiting blood material Al-Hasan designates Al-Husain as the 3rd Imam Wants to be buried by the Prophet if possible

38 Burial Burial was not allowed by the ruling Benu Umayya
The Janaaza was shifted under pressure to Al-Baqii’ Benu Umayya even threw arrows at the Janaaza of Al-Hasan Al-Hasan was buried in Baqii’

39 Picture of Al-Baqii before 1925

40 Al-Baqii after 1925

THE TRIUMPH OF      VIRTUE over VICE BENU HASHIM  BENU UMAYYA MUHAMMAD (pbuh) Abu Sufyan fought Muhammad and Islam.  ABU SUFYAN ALI (a.s.) Mu'awiya fought Ali, used deception.  MU'AWIYA AL-HASAN (a.s.) Mu'awiya used deception with Al-Hasan then poisoned him. AL-HUSAIN (a.s.) Yazid killed Al-Husain in the worst manner. YAZID

42 For Details Go to: then choose:
Series of Islamic Books: Life of Ahlul Bayt Vol. I

43 Thank you and May God Bless you.
BE IN ALLAH’S CARE Thank you and May God Bless you. Dr. A.S. Hashim

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